Category: Antibody Screening
Antibody screening is usually done during the pregnancy.
It is being assumed a woman who never had a transfusion, abortion or anything else where she could have gotten in contact with rh positive blood, cannot possibly have the antibodies built.
If this is the case, then the question is why so many rh negative women experience chemical pregnancies and miscarriages.
If indeed they were antibody free, then there shouldn’t be any higher amounts happening than in rh positive women.
However: Our research has proven us otherwise.
Could it be that some women already have the antibodies built without ever having previous medical procedures caused them to have them?
The answer is “Yes”.
Let’s say that you are rh negative and your mother is rh positive.
You were in her womb for 9 months.
In those 9 months you and her were connected and via placenta blood contact has to occur just like if it were the other way around when a baby is rh positive and the mother rh negative causing the mother to build antibodies against you or having her already built antibodies work against you.
Let’s say an rh negative fetus is getting in contact the same way with the blood of the rh positive mother:
It would be only logical that the fetus will begin building the antibodies as well.
9 months is not long enough for that to become an issue, so the rh negative baby will be born ok.
But by the time she is able to have children on her own, she would have the antibodies already built and if she happens to have an rh positive fetus in her, these antibodies already in existance would work against the baby.
This being confirmed as being a strong possibility has never been properly studied.
Hospitals go by standard operating procedure and asking for an antibody screening before the pregnancy is not covered by your insurance agency unless there is cause for suspicion that you might have them.
See also:
Rh Negative Pregnancy Questions and Answers
If you have had several miscarriages or chemical pregnancies, ask your doctor to get an antibody screening and voice your concern that you might have them if you are rh negative and your mother rh positive.
If you get denied, pay for it yourself or call your insurance company and put pressure on them.
Your pregnancy is your pregnancy and to nobody is it more important than you, the mother and the father.
If a physician doesn’t answer satisfactory to you or is being dismissive towards you, consult other physicians and switch to someone who actually works with you and is solution based.
Simply waiting for another miscarriage is not the answer.
If you have a great doctor or success story, enter the Pregnancy Section in our forum and share the information with others.
Even though the medical industry has shown little interest in improving things for rh negative mothers, we cannot let that keep us from getting the treatment we deserve.
Connect, unite, inform and share.
The future generations of rh negative mothers is counting on us to set the way and it is time for us to be fully medically covered as “our condition” requires it and we cannot allow to be overlooked simply because we are only representing a small percentage of the world’s population.