I am not a doctor
I don’t get paid to make people sick
Our ancestors drank from the rivers and the springs
Tons of minerals
Mineral water is a must
Our ancestors hunted and ate based on location
Some were inland going for deer and boar
Others by the sea eating seals and sharks
Don’t let others tell you what to eat
What works for them, may not work for you…
And vice versa!
Do you crave sweets?
Nature has its reasons for that
The reason is not for you to go purchase candy
It is for you to eat fruit
Children crave sweets more as they need more nutrients for their growth
So do pregnant women
Listen to your cravings and only satisfy them with fresh and natural products
Overcooking your meat kills nutrients
If you like your steak rare, don’t let anyone talk you out of it
If you are worried about parasites and their eggs, freezing your meat for 24 hours should kill them
You don’t need 3 meals a day
Breakfast is NOT “the most important meal of the day”
If you buy fresh and natural food, you may only eat once a day and save money!
Eating once a day is enough if you get into the habit of only eating real food.
Avoid restaurants unless you know for sure that they use nothing containing any sugar and that they don’t use seed oils to cook
Don’t use seed oils
Butter, tallow, 🥥 oil, 🥑 oil and 🫒 oil are great
Don’t use any
But be careful:
Don’t take multivitamins
Synthetic vitamins are toxic
Get into the habit of ONLY eating real food instead
Never give up and understand that the only thing that we can do is to try our best
Never listen to cultists
Though my personal diet has been mostly meat, I understand that everyone is different
Stay away from ANYONE trying to tell you what to eat and who thinks you should force yourself to stay away from your own cravings
Stay away from social media doctors pretending to feel remorse for having been pill pushers, just to now sell you multivitamins, diets and books
True help is free
But first, free your mind from the illusion that you need to follow anybody
Bread was created for slaves
It is not food
It’s filler
Pasta/spaghetti/noodles are worthless and will only give you excess weight
I avoid rice and potatoes as well
Why do people believe that there is anything in vegetables that we actually need?
Born in 1945 l grew up in fresh foods, few times and packages or frozen, were invented for ordinary mortals back then. Everything was weighed and from.birth, to ten years old, all l knew were ration books, and limited amounts for each family member, weighed out by the butcher, the baker, the grocer, the greengrocer, the fishmonger, as well. The government set amounts from birth, to adult size. And we learned to cook at home by trial and error, watching mum, or big sister, never dad’s, and never lessons, until the mid 1950s. And only basic foods, and mostly how to do everything l already did at home, like setting and lighting coal fired. Learning how to heat the bavkboiler in the grate, to heat the water for our baths and washed, and how to use the gas cooker, and the copper boiler. Washing machines didn’t exist in my childhood for ordinary folk. We boiled our clothes and bedding. We boiled, grilled, or fried and baked out food. Playing with it wasn’t an option on rations, experimenting either, basic recipes, basic pints, but for sure, no one was over, or underweight. We even had daily orange juice and codliver oil in spoonfuls, daily, provided by the government. The exciting newbies on the shelves for us, were tins of baked beans (on toast)and bananas, we’d never seen them before. all.packaging was brown paper, and white tissue, and brown carrier bags with either string handles, or thicker brown paper. You queued and waited, and gave your ration books to the shopkeeper, who looked at your list from mum, and weighed everything by the governmental book! Nobody was cheated, nobody wanted more, we shared and shared alike! People were much nicer, but then all my parents generation, and my grandparents generation, had fought, won, survived, two world wars. So we were taught very young, to be grateful for our lot, and we truly were. So, tightening my belt is easy, even in old age, if you never had it young, you never miss it old. I’m a basic foodie even in old age, meat, two veg’, and a nice cuppa tea. Don’t knock it, it’s kept me alive through many NDEs and both lean and good times. I’d hate big banquets.
I have lost 60 lbs this year cutting out processed foods and most carbs. I have noticed everything natural tastes so much better once you stop eating the bad stuff. As your label on the bottle of Avocado Oil shows, we must always read labels. It has been a revelation to me what is actually in all the “foods” we eat. I am trying to focus on grass fed beef, wild caught salmon, eggs, fresh fruit and veg and some cheese and dairy. Raw milk is nearly impossible to get where I am so most of my dairy is plain greek yogurt and raw cheese (ironically that is available). I enjoy some walnuts, pecans, almonds and cashews on occasion. I do sweeten things with raw honey or pure maple syrup to satisfy my sweet tooth and enjoy dark chocolate chips from the brand Enjoy Life. That’s the cleanest chocolate I can find right now. I can eat healthy and cut out the processed food but asking me to give up chocolate is a bridge too far. Haha. We all have our vices. Also I only drink water or herbal tea occasionally. No alcohol, soda, hot or cold coffees. I have cut out juice.
I am B negative.