As I am researching a potential relationship between being left-handed and Rh(D) negative, I have come across an article mentioning this episode of CBS 60 Minutes:
Other tests, such as DNA and handedness were conducted. Interestingly, all three of the men in the study are left-handed. All subjects exhibit some form of OCD behavior like Henner’s need for organization and order, but were not extreme.

I know someone who is Rh(D) negative and lacks complete intuition, but as I have found out, is medicated “against OCD”.
The exact nature of the potential relationship between being Rh(D) negative and left-handed is of course not yet known, but having been updating my list of Left-Handed Celebrities comparing it to my list of Rh Negative Celebrities, the large percentage of Rh(D) negatives among the left-handed ones and large percentage of left-handed ones among the Rh Negative Celebrities is mind-blowing.
Do you have an exceptional memory? Have you watched the videos? Have you started paying more attention? Are there certain parts of your life where you excel in memory due to focus and interest taken?
Please share your experiences and what you think about the potential connections between super autobiographical memory, left-handedness, OCD and possibly having an Rh(D) negative blood type.
I remember everything when I was three years old, I remember all the details and funtitures in the house we lived, even the thing inside the cabins. And also our neigbours house. I was able to read already age of three, started to talk at the age of 8 -9 months. I am O neg.