How much of you comes from within?
How much of you is a reaction to others?
We are interested in common denominators.
We are interested in what we have in common.
We want to know what it is we cannot turn off, even when we try.
And we also want to know what is common within the general population that doesn’t seem to be as common or even is absent from us.
And then we can begin the actual research:
If I ever run out of questions, know I am on the wrong track.
If I stop asking and quit leaving questions half- or unanswered, know I have fallen into the trap of pretending to know what I don’t.
Can you see where this is going?

I look for nothing in others and don’t expect anything either.
I can, however, not help but leave a door open. A door to the unknown. Likely, because I am simply not satisfied what I get in terms of finding answers through others. Many who could give them, are likely more eager to adapt to what they think they should adapt to rather than exploring their inner self.
That inner self needs caring and often, it is through resonance from others, that we are encouraged to care or ignore.
Have you suddenly began to cherish certain traits about you which you’ve once attempted to silence?
I know the answer, even though unaware of the level.
This is due to shifts in admirations.
Or simply admirations disappearing due to recognizing less of a need to admire others and instead focus on exploring what we ourselves have to offer.
Unfortunately we often don’t see the value we have to those who get us when we grow up.
Sometimes there is nobody who gets us.
Feeling appreciated for being you is not to be taken for granted.
There is a longing in us rh negatives to be around each others. It is tough to put into words as words are only attempts to communicate. But if you read this and are rh negative, you might get it already.
Usually I have issues with someone who needs to learn to get something others get without being taught. It means they get it as far as taught, but will always depend on further teachings in order to advance. Rather than having thoughts and questions forming in addition based on acquired knowledge.
Many of those trained to research that I have encountered, lacked natural curiosity. It is however the natural instinct geared to advance and get questions answered in combination with the tools to get answers that is unbeatable.
I tend to always get along best with those driven and due to that successful. Not people who are ok with having a degree. The questions need to be there. If there are none, then what you are trained to do is “according to…” and not based on your own research. The few who discovered what hasn’t been taught are the ones making the difference. Not the ones repeating what has been repeated and so on. The unanswered questions create an energy I tend to feel in rh negatives who cannot help but reply to some of the things I throw out there. When they come to me, I pass them on. I figure that otherwise the chance of getting questions answered isn’t there unless I live 1,000 lifetimes.
I have also noticed a desire to share. With each others. With people who get us. It is us usually having to adapt to the “rules”. Being ourselves is what we seek. Being able to let our energy just flow. Most of the high-comment posts on this blog had to do with recognizing unexpected commonalities.
Those topics can be about physical (hazel eyes, headshape, reddish hair), personality (feeling out of place, sensitive) or overall experiences of life (intuition, possible EMS). Whenever a reaction isn’t the expected silence but rather an awe of agreement, we cannot help continue talking.
I speak my mind offline. Ever since entering the world of rh negatives and starting the first ever FB group about it, I don’t care how I come off as I have the right support from the right people. And when I realize the reaction of resonance to what I say, I suddenly “just know” the other person is rh negative. “Claircognizance”? Sure, why not create yet another term. But wait… this may be the best as it isn’t pretending to be a term. “Just knowing” is how we should leave it.
I hope I have taken you on a little bit of a journey as many of you have. I hope to have opened some eyes in hope to allow energy of rh negatives to keep flowing through a world which needs it.
I also realize I do not need to explain myself as the right people get me.