The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has become a severe public health issue. The novelty of the virus prompts a search for understanding of how ecological factors affect the transmission and survival of the virus. Several studies have robustly identified a relationship between temperature and the number of cases. However, there is no specific study for a tropical climate such as Brazil. This work aims to determine the relationship of temperature to COVID-19 infection for the state capital cities of Brazil.
Cumulative data with the daily number of confirmed cases was collected from February 27 to April 1, 2020, for all 27 state capital cities of Brazil affected by COVID-19. A generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to explore the linear and nonlinear relationship between annual average temperature compensation and confirmed cases. Also, a polynomial linear regression model was proposed to represent the behavior of the growth curve of COVID-19 in the capital cities of Brazil.
The GAM dose-response curve suggested a negative linear relationship between temperatures and daily cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the range from 16.8 °C to 27.4 °C. Each 1 °C rise of temperature was associated with a −4.8951% (t = −2.29, p = 0.0226) decrease in the number of daily cumulative confirmed cases of COVID-19. A sensitivity analysis assessed the robustness of the results of the model. The predicted R-squared of the polynomial linear regression model was 0.81053.
In this study, which features the tropical temperatures of Brazil, the variation in annual average temperatures ranged from 16.8 °C to 27.4 °C. Results indicated that temperatures had a negative linear relationship with the number of confirmed cases. The curve flattened at a threshold of 25.8 °C. There is no evidence supporting that the curve declined for temperatures above 25.8 °C. The study had the goal of supporting governance for healthcare policymakers.
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There basing this on last pandemics. Not enough time has elapsed for epidemiological data or other data TBD. So we know through our research outlets that sars, covid, last plagues, have been studied. All projected time length of heat variables collected from the past. It’s all they can do to hypothesise. My concern for public safety at least in massachusetts, is that based on this determination, will numbers subside during summer, then virus mutation variables must be determined to project and access virulence when fall months come. Sept, october, november… That’s going to be an issue. Many people are not going to question the status quo. The treatment ( remdisavir) will reduce numbers on epidemiological mortality counts) presenting a false sense of security to our bretren. Guards will relax, facemask thrown away, and bam reinfection….peop!e will die…why are we the only ones who are aware… I love humans, all…I do not want to feel the pain that I feel for families losing loved ones…it hurts…why is everyone acting dumb…just Google it , I did!!!!! I want to scream wake up America your not retarded
Ok mike it’s you and me man!!!! This precisely is why my paranoia kicks in thinking Biological Warfare. Massachusetts is overpopulated. According to Dec reports in mass. First we must remember epidemiological reports from Dec are retroactive 2 weeks. So today warm in mass temps are high 70 degrees, if temperature a distinction in viral activity we should see a drop in graft on May 3 2020… What stinks is that data won’t show for two weeks. Pres Bush getting mad at governors prolonging unemployment. Baker demanded masks to be worn, or fined 2-3 hundred bucks thank god. Trump is a narcissist, he cares about economic feflection….We have some bad guys who share our blood type… I can’t make my mind up about him Trump…He is being pressured by Rumsfeild who is going to be super rich…Rumsfeld evil, I think he is an issue. I hope someone can address need to protect with facemask in all languages. In Massachusetts so many languages…I’m multilingual think God I told grocery store employees in there tongue to cover up nose and mouth…. Total gratitude… I feel bad for my family who does not understand…. So how can we make Americans understand this ain’t over till the fat lady sings
Shoot I hate this computer changing my words! I’m emotional and drinking wine… Lush!! Cdc reports. CDC. They think we are retards! I’m personally offended and really mad! It’s like everyone too lazy to research! Why are we aware and globally no one researching this!!! I’m not even that smart! C’mon rhesus negatives!!! Wake up and smell the coffee already!!!! We all know to learn the future you must study the past!!!?????? Right guys???? So do it!!!! Our government knows of a cure!? The CDC has approved Antisense drugs!!!!! It’s available!!! So why not protect the people???? Because there lying!!!! Why???? Why are they lying guys???? Ask yourself this!!! My daughter so much smarter than me! She thinks it’s being done in purpose!!!! Next why question why are pandemics originating from China and not brazil??? I’m going to research labs virology and BE collections in china! P!ease help? I am only one old lady! Pitch in! Thank you mike BTW my daughter 30 yrs old! Single!!!! Very cute!!!! Auburn hair 5 ft 5 inches, a genius!!! need to find her a man!!!! She tests 0 positive but I think she has the rhesus negative in her blood. Too!
I have a lot of friends from india. All physicians. They say india won’t test or confirm vivid 19 deaths. This may be the reason. I’m not accusing anyone of false reports, only suggesting that if virus active in not climates there apparently is inconsistances. So the only thing that makes sense is lack of testing lack of reporting. If in fact there is honesty behind numbers of vivid 19 deaths and infections in India then I’m suspicious that this virus is biological warfare and we are targeted. My response.
I just watched video on similarities in looks. So do many TH negatives get commented on there eyes? I have large eyes, the color changes from grey to aqua sometimes green. My daughter has much more beautiful eyes, so I compare, she said mom it’s all about your eyes people say there transfixed. My other daughter has huge blue eyes. Julia Pryharski she is on social media. She hated her strawberry blond hair and dyed it. But huge huge blue eyes. The patriots are selling her photo online for 499.00 dollars. Crazy. So I do not know how to upload photo. I’m still afraid to join facebook. I do not trust zuccerman. So call me paranoid this is my first digital thumbprint that I’m aware of and talking to look much took often. I want to know about claim of nephilim? I think it’s a load just like alien crap!!! But I do have nightmares. So this is total nonsense yes? Why do people feed into that crazy stuff? We are genetically connected. So are we connected out of need to survive? Trust me if I need an organ transplant I’m moving to Wilmington n.c.
Last plagues mirrored covid 19. I watched virus movies, this fact that it subsides in heat, increased virulence I.E. Contagion in cold is old news…We know this. So India is hot, it kills virus. Numbers will not be consistent with colder climates, established. Let’s move forward. It’s my belief that this mutated virus follows patterns of last pandemic. We do not get know ” the nature of the beast” according to literature on transcription of viruses, this current one will mutate and become stronger. It’s mutated 30x in one month. Ok rhesus negatives, let’s be real! Viruses are the “aliens” not us! Get over that !!!! We are humanoids, not aliens!!! Please!!! Sorry for that deflated comment but we must get back to reality and use whatever “gifts” through genetics we have been graced with. We seem to like analysis and truth. It’s important to me to stay on point ,focus, and be realistic right now… If your anything like me your hurting. People are dying!!!! So what if there th positive, we have a responsibility to use our gifts to help other humans all humans…. We are unique, yes, but our only importance is to share our knowledge and help out brothers. We are all gods children not just th negatives. God loves us equally…. Well some governmental and elite, who share our blood type think there god!!!! There not!!!!!!!!! We are equal. So why are they lying to us? Power and Money….like my ex husband there control freaks….!!!!!! I’m not a humanitarian, but I’m an EMPATH…. If America wants to believe only the government well so be it! I’m a rebel!!! Don’t care if the men in black shoot me!!! I’m going to scream truth! I’m passionate about equality! My son died because of discrimination! Do not keep knowledge for yourselves! Expose take a stand for the voiceless! Command the cure be available… This was predicted, it was promised that a plague would occur again! I’m not going to stay quiet when our president and the NWO treats themselves with antigens drugs and prevents ” the people”the right to life…. Viruses kill….Viruses grown in Petri dishes in labs kill … If natural or grown its a deadly virus… It’s mutated… There is no determinant blueprint….every life is unique…. We have to protect the voiceless!!!! Scream the truth if you know it!!!! We are rhesus negatives, we are there voice….Think of being alone to die, no family allowed to comfort you? It’s not ok
It’s my duty to protect. I work with disabled kids. Autistic, Aspergergers, all spectrums. If heat factors in, the resurgence of virus will be in fall. If I’m resistant I need to put myself out there on the frontlines. If rhesus neg blood type is resistant then I must help those who are most vunerable. The pandemic simulation says of course inconclusive that ” vivid 19 will become a childhood disease” evasive yes? What exactly is that implication? That children will be next in line? As an th neg who may be resistant I feel compelled to help protect innocent children. Maybe I’m not realistic, I write tools much! Yes drone confirmed!!!! Crazy this drone has ability to shoot…not feeling fuzzy and warm right about now.
Well I concur, so if they will not account and document mortality. ( I was told by physicians in boston and Worcester they were demanded to not report cause of death as covid19 or they would not have a job) these are credible doctors names omitted. So could this be a possible variable in india? The numbers locations like Iran it’s temperature consistent with india. Something is off I feel it… Sorry th neg vibes… It’s just off…
I think I found answer to low mortality, in india. It’s complex. In 2015 Gilead Sciences sold patent rights to Indian Government For compounds to treat FiLOVIRIDAE infections. This includes patent rights to Remdesivir. In April 2020 The CPAA wrote letter to ministry of health to revoke patent rights to remdisivir. So test trials show Remdisivir not a cure. I believe Indian Goverment May have rights to the cure of covid 19 amongst drugs being tested. India has condensed impoverished areas that Pharm. Companies may test there products. I believe I read That Ralph Feinnes RH neg. And coincidentally starred in movie The constant Gardner depicting this scenario. In this movie drug test trials on africans. I’m not sure why RH neg actors are cast into movies that foretell future events. This whole thing is looking very bad. It’s about Money. Donald Rumsfeld right in middle of it all! Political.