I don’t like making people feel bad, but believe it is okay to risk making someone feel bad to keep them from feeling worse down the line.
NEW STUDY PROVES ALIEN ANCESTRY IN RH- HUMANS was of course written on April 1st, but this wasn’t the only giveaway.
The source to the “study” was a link to a forum page where you cannot have access unless you are a member and approved by an admin.
Even if approved, you wouldn’t find proof that rhesus negatives come from aliens, of course, but a discussion about something completely unrelated.
Many are continuing to share this post.
This social demonstration has shown how easily people who believe that rhesus negatives come from aliens are fooled.
It’s bad enough to believe in something, but sharing it mindlessly means bringing some like-minded down with you.
I should have listened to my gut on this one. Saw your name with it and jumped aboard. Didn’t see the DATE.
Thank you, Don, and it means a lot to me that people trust me. I do feel bad to have done this, but do believe it was important to hold a mirror up to all of us and let us see just how manipulation can take place. This is how many credible sites become shill sites, where they are being offered money to begin adding lies to the overall true content. Learning from each other is key. Thank you for your comment!
Have long have you had the keys to the big gate Mike?
Check your science. I don’t this is fair to conclude. Not even close. You should stay open minded. Check out the ancient Sumerian texts. Make sure to compare translations. This is 2023 and I was so happy to find this blog you have no idea, but there is science to back this now. A lot of it. It’s definitely looking more likely than not. Scientists have now found proof of the existence of hobbits and giants and the Smithsonian has confirmed. Do your homework before coming to a final conclusion. We have been horribly and irrevocably lied to. You should check out the hearing before Congress regarding ETs. We want peace. They exist and Dr. Steven Greer has spent the last thirty years rounding up high ranking government officials (735) that are all speaking before Congress about their ET knowledge and eye witness testimony. You can check it out yourself.Open hearings. Dr Steven Greer on YouTube. You should check it out.Thabks for the awesome site.