Please be aware that throughout the centuries there are and have been plenty of scientists and religious prominence openly expressing their views that the Shroud of Turin is a fake. This blog post is not about whether or not the shroud is fake, but to share the study examining the blood on it and determining its type.
Various relics ascribed to have been in physical contact with Jesus have been evaluated for the presence of blood, including the Tunic of Argenteuil, the Sudarium of Oviedo, and most famously, the Shroud of Turin. Congruence was reported for certain bloodstain patterns that overlap between relics, suggesting that they may have been associated with the same person. Interestingly, in all cases the blood type was found to be AB, which has also been described for certain Eucharistic miracles. Here, we discuss the theological and scientific significance of shared blood type and comment on the scientific validity of these findings.
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I’ve known this for decades, that AB Neg blood was found on the shroud, since it’s first ever physical examination. I know because my mum was AB Negative, and l decided not to tell her, because her behaviour at the time was far from angelic. Despite her name being Angelina! She was vain enough. I also have a made for TV documentary where this was said again, and where scientists and such, performed many experimental tests on the ressurection ‘through’ the shroud, and also on the true face of Jesus, by analysing the face. Absolutely stunning dvd, which the station sold after broadcast. I defy anyone to hand on heart deny Christ was in that shroud after watching it. It’s called, ‘The Real Face Of Jesus’ 2008. Made by the History Channel. I knew about the blood type decades before they made this video. I suggest people also read the book, ‘Bloodline of the Gods’ by Nick Redfern. Published 2015. And before you laugh, l’ve seen ghosts and UFOs and experienced paranormal life long. I’m still alive through many NDEs because of it, when surgeons said many different times, “You should be dead!” “Why aren’t you dead?” “How are you still alive?” Even police have said these things to me. My NDEs came from not only many bodily incidents but also from others aimed at me. Some say my life was cursed, l say “not cursed, just God’s enemy aiming at my faith, and losing every time. I am Rhesus D-Negative Group A. And l’m not new to researching my blood type, l’ve been doing it 61 years, since a first severe reaction needing three penicillin jabs, one every fifteen minutes, to counteract a tetanus jab after getting a nail straight through my foot. That was the start of a journey l’ve only just concluded, a journey through my bloodstream for answers. And l’ve been everywhere for answers, and been given psychic ones as well. My research is done. Unfortunately, l’m now allergic to every medication, including the Collins that kept me alive for my first 39 years of life. You could say l’m alive because fate kept me constantly on the move and yet conversely, in a form of lockdown ever since. I’ve had two marriages, six children, and lost seven babies in the womb. The pill failed. The coil failed. Suppositories failed. And after six successful years, the rythm method failed. I was rather busy as those two men moved me through fufty-five home moves. And all along, l was gathering my own Rhesus-D Negative data. I wish you all well on your own personal journey, as you discover shared, vastly opposing, and oddly surreal data on yourself. We’re a breed apart from 85% of the world population, and the answers as to why, where we came from, when, are in no one’s heads, they’re in our blood. And your psyche will lead you there eventually.
Diddo. All my life I seem to have escaped death many times. I am
o negative. My kids’ fathers, deceased, were a positive however my sons are o negative and my daughter a negative and her baby girl is a negative and the father is ab negative. None of my siblings were neg. However my mother was o negative. My children all seem to be determined to be rhinus negative. The boys never had children of their own. We all seem a bit anti-social but constantly want to learn and abhor unjustice and unrighteousness. We’re all sensitive and have a soft spot for humanity. We love animals and nature with a respect for creation while embracing technology albeit but with suspicion and caution. You’re all very sensitive to chemicals and other man-made abnormalities. I don’t know what this all means but, yeah, you do feel a little different. Not an hour goes by you don’t think about the wonders and beginnings of the universe the glory of the intelligence that said everything in motion.
Could you possibly give me some good resources into looking into my RH negative status?
An at home kit showed me AB-, but I want to get deeper into it…
I’m a 50 year old from Idaho, and I go by MrBill to my friends. I thought our creator and Jesus were real, but didn’t know fact vs fiction.
In Septemeber of 2016 I was in a car wreck in the mountains while enjoying the drive home. I broke my c2 “Hangmans Break”. It took two hours to get me out and life flighted to hospital. I had a NDE. I told him thank you for getting my body off of the mountain. It was the most beautiful thing I can try to describe. The love from our creator who I refer to as “Father” was unreal. He explained many things to me about me, and about this life we live in. I was told things that later became true. That was what told me later it wasn’t just a traumatic experience or self induced hallucination. Specifically about someone dying, changes it not being in your head. I was told I would hear more things as I was ready for them. Some call them Angels, some call them Spirit Guides, doesn’t matter to me the term. He and them are very loving. We all are supposed to be helpers. I was told about how lucky I was to be alive with my injuries. I was told to follow up on my blood type. I was told that these things made me unique and fortunate. We all have the tribal mentality and want to fit in to society. I feel today a little strange about all of the info shared with me. 95% of those that know me, have zero idea about the Near Death Experience. They know the wreck changed me, but I’m selective about when its ok to talk about it. I don’t need fame and fortune. Thats not who I am. Im now a more loving person. I’m lucky enough to have seen something that someday you all will get the blessing to see. If you are a AB negative soul, and have had a NDE please share with me/us ,,, so that I can help myself process what to do next and better absorb this thingy! Thank you. P.s. I now know we aren’t worm food when we die.
Luke 1:5 gives the names of John the baptist’s parents. “THERE was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.” This woman who was of the lineage of Aaron was also the cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus. John the baptist, the forerunner of Jesus was the son of Zacharias, a Levitical priest, and Elizabeth the cousin of Mary. He was a prophet with many spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance ,Something some rh – people have claimed to be. John saw far into the future and prophesied about the LIGHT that is coming into the world and of those that are born or carry the light within. . . So who or what is the light and what does it have to do with the rh- blood trait?
Many people whom state that Jesus blood type was rhesus negative, also makes references to his miraculous virgin birth and therefore believe or assume that his rh – trait in his blood must have an extraterrestrial origin. They do not consider that it is interdimensional as suppose to extraterrestrial and lineage across time and space plays a big part in it. In order to understand the interdimensional connection, you need to consider the deeper creation story of the universe which is described in the secrets of the book of Enoch and than couple it with the things Jesus did and spoke of. Enoch the righteous scribe that was A KING AND HIGHPRIEST in the antediluvian world. The one that was taken up by God, transformed into a being of light and fire and who wrote down everything that the angels and the Creator told him and showed him about all of creation. One of these books are known as the book of the secrets of Enoch. Enoch underwent a journey though all 7 heavens, at the very top he met his Maker whom told him about the beginning of the creation. God told Enoch how out of the lowest darkness there comes forth the visible and the invisible. He told Enoch that He commanded that the visible should come out of the depths of the INVISIBLE, And out came ADOIL very great red and bright and God said burst Asunder and let what comes from thee become visible, he burst asunder and a GREAT LIGHT came forth, This ties into the big bang theory and supernovae explosion. first light of creation. “And as the light came forth from the light, there came forth the great WORLD”. This would be the first world mentioned in the scripture that came forth first and is reserved for the righteous. The world spoken of in John’s vision of a new heaven and a new EARTH. God than places HIS throne in the middle of this light and he tells the light to go forth on high and be established above HIS THRONE and become the foundation for things on HIGH. And there is nothing higher than the LIGHT. This ties in with the hopi prophecy of the red star kachina known as the PURIFIER that will return all things to it’s purity. Something that has been ascribed to Jesus. Jesus purifies the tainted human from their sins, and return us to the LIGHT where the Creator and pure souls / spirits exist. The next world that is brought forth is solid and vert dark and named Arkhas, this is a temporarily world divided into 12 ages, much like the astrological ages.( We are nearing the end). This world was first Dark but God told it to divide itself, it brought forth the creation of all things below. God told it to go down and become the foundation for all things below and there is nothing lower than the darkness. So all of creation is in between the darkness and the light. Just as it is created out of both the visible and the invisible things, so too does it carry things of the light and things of the darkness. anti matter which is spiritual essence / energy, like angels that are good and manifest as good souls in the world in a material body, and dark matter which is of dark beings and evil incarnated into material bodies, like Jesus, the saints and the righteous that is of the light and incarnated into a material body that carries the light and satan aka azazel a fallen angel that became darkness and evil personified when he will incarnate into individuals known as the antichrist and world leaders both in the past and future. One leads the children of light back to the light and first world and to the highest realm, the other to darkness and the lowest realm. So what does this have to do with Jesus and his blood type or lineage.? Read Genesis 1:3 in a world of darkness God said let there be light and there was light. The first light revealed in our world which was created second, the comes from the FIRST HOLY AND PURE World and REALM called Adoil. It is this light that John referred to when HE SAID. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the LIGHT OF ALL MANKIND. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Now ask yourself what does Enoch righteous scribe, Shem Abraham Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Levitical priesthood , the saints and Prophets all have in common with Jesus? If you find the answer than it applies to you, what do you being rh- have in common with Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the sons of Jacob, the 2 tribes that came from the same mother and father which is JUDAH AND LEVI both the same parents therefore same blood type, yet ONE is destined for kingship and to become the LEADER and be served by the people, the other son LEVI is destined to serve HIS CREATOR and the people. Both lineages have been associated with Jesus whom served as a highpriest SERVING ONLY GOD AND THE PEOPLE but is destined to became the KING and was born to be KING that will be worshipped and loved by the people.
I don’t do religion. I do God through Jesus Christ and Holy spirit. I don’t dissect the Bible, l leave that to zealots. I don’t convert. I witness what l see, am told by God, and how God through Christ has blessed, saved, and continues still, inside, around, above, below, my life, and never leaves me. I reiterate, l merely witness, not convert. May your journey as a converter of souls meet with God’s approval, it doesn’t need mine!
My question is really are we rh negative individuals born of the light or born of the darkness? Do you see the world changing for the better or for the worst, are we really as a human species moving forward and evolving into better spiritual beings, or are we devolving and becoming a degenerate society, nation or species. And if the answer is that you see the world devolving, becoming lost and confused, people don’t know from a young age whether they are male female or even human beings, no longer put their family first over their MATERIAL belongings, no longer help or love their neighbor, or even themselves, and yet with this hive mind evolving around us, you feel no interest or desire to join in, follow without question or even go as far as isolating yourself from the huge changes in the world, than you were clearly born to be different, to not become a follower, part of the hive mind society and can tell right from wrong regardless how many follow the wrong, be it they are confused, brainwashed or just lost and on the wrong path. So the next question is why were you born to be different? and who else in the past were born to be different, isolated from major world changes, and even though in the MINORITY or the only one, NEVER followed the wrong people on the wrong path just because everyone is doing it. Than take a look at the Prophets of the bible.. Starting again with Enoch, born to be different, living amongst a degenerate society in the preflood world, isolating himself from the people, yet conversing with them about the things that is right, trying to help them to the end, without partaking in their lawlessness. Now fast forward to the post flood world, another prophet is Noah, than Shem during the building of the tower of Babel, Noah, his wife and Shem ISOLATE THEMSELVES FROM the rest of the world, including their children who becomes unrighteous, NOT PARTAKING IN THE SAME IDOL WORSHIP, sorcery etc. Not part of NIMROD’S HIVEMIND, of man becoming gods or replacing the gods. Forward this to Abraham born amongst the heathens and idolaters, yet still questioning his father’s religion and beliefs. Than he becomes the father of many nation, and specifically one NATION that GOD himself isolates from the rest, and ONE TRIBE he blesses for kingship and the people another he GENETICALLY by BLOOD claims for HIMSELF. and HIS SERVICE. . and even though many are amongst the lost tribes of ISREAEL they are to be united in the end from wherever they have been dispersed, in a time when the world is changing for the worst, to be the light shining in this dark world. So the question remains. Are rh – people born of the light with a feeling that they were born different and to serve a specific purpose in their life, or do they feel they are born of the aliens, nephilim, watchers, which had a hive mind, selfish personality, didn’t care to serve others but only themselves, are responsible for the suffering and idolatry in the world, the human and child sacrifices, the evil agendas of world leaders and will follow the FINAL WORLD LEADER CALLED THE ANTI CHRIST. Last time I checked most people that are rh- are not followers, want to be part of the hive mind and tend to question and seek their purpose and understanding in life.
I’ve known this for decades, that AB Neg blood was found on the shroud, since it’s first ever physical examination. I know because my mum was AB Negative, and l decided not to tell her, because her behaviour at the time was far from angelic. Despite her name being Angelina! She was vain enough. I also have a made for TV documentary where this was said again, and where scientists and such, performed many experimental tests on the ressurection ‘through’ the shroud, and also on the true face of Jesus, by analysing the face. Absolutely stunning dvd, which the station sold after broadcast. I defy anyone to hand on heart deny Christ was in that shroud after watching it. It’s called, ‘The Real Face Of Jesus’ 2008. Made by the History Channel. I knew about the blood type decades before they made this video. I suggest people also read the book, ‘Bloodline of the Gods’ by Nick Redfern. Published 2015. And before you laugh, l’ve seen ghosts and UFOs and experienced paranormal life long. I’m still alive through many NDEs because of it, when surgeons said many different times, “You should be dead!” “Why aren’t you dead?” “How are you still alive?” Even police have said these things to me. My NDEs came from not only many bodily incidents but also from others aimed at me. Some say my life was cursed, l say “not cursed, just God’s enemy aiming at my faith, and losing every time. I am Rhesus D-Negative Group A. And l’m not new to researching my blood type, l’ve been doing it 61 years, since a first severe reaction needing three penicillin jabs, one every fifteen minutes, to counteract a tetanus jab after getting a nail straight through my foot. That was the start of a journey l’ve only just concluded, a journey through my bloodstream for answers. And l’ve been everywhere for answers, and been given psychic ones as well. My research is done. Unfortunately, l’m now allergic to every medication, including the Collins that kept me alive for my first 39 years of life. You could say l’m alive because fate kept me constantly on the move and yet conversely, in a form of lockdown ever since. I’ve had two marriages, six children, and lost seven babies in the womb. The pill failed. The coil failed. Suppositories failed. And after six successful years, the rythm method failed. I was rather busy as those two men moved me through fufty-five home moves. And all along, l was gathering my own Rhesus-D Negative data. I wish you all well on your own personal journey, as you discover shared, vastly opposing, and oddly surreal data on yourself. We’re a breed apart from 85% of the world population, and the answers as to why, where we came from, when, are in no one’s heads, they’re in our blood. And your psyche will lead you there eventually.
Addendum: allergic to all plus the Cilins now.
Diddo. All my life I seem to have escaped death many times. I am
o negative. My kids’ fathers, deceased, were a positive however my sons are o negative and my daughter a negative and her baby girl is a negative and the father is ab negative. None of my siblings were neg. However my mother was o negative. My children all seem to be determined to be rhinus negative. The boys never had children of their own. We all seem a bit anti-social but constantly want to learn and abhor unjustice and unrighteousness. We’re all sensitive and have a soft spot for humanity. We love animals and nature with a respect for creation while embracing technology albeit but with suspicion and caution. You’re all very sensitive to chemicals and other man-made abnormalities. I don’t know what this all means but, yeah, you do feel a little different. Not an hour goes by you don’t think about the wonders and beginnings of the universe the glory of the intelligence that said everything in motion.
Could you possibly give me some good resources into looking into my RH negative status?
An at home kit showed me AB-, but I want to get deeper into it…
I can relate to many of your experiences.
I’m a 50 year old from Idaho, and I go by MrBill to my friends. I thought our creator and Jesus were real, but didn’t know fact vs fiction.
In Septemeber of 2016 I was in a car wreck in the mountains while enjoying the drive home. I broke my c2 “Hangmans Break”. It took two hours to get me out and life flighted to hospital. I had a NDE. I told him thank you for getting my body off of the mountain. It was the most beautiful thing I can try to describe. The love from our creator who I refer to as “Father” was unreal. He explained many things to me about me, and about this life we live in. I was told things that later became true. That was what told me later it wasn’t just a traumatic experience or self induced hallucination. Specifically about someone dying, changes it not being in your head. I was told I would hear more things as I was ready for them. Some call them Angels, some call them Spirit Guides, doesn’t matter to me the term. He and them are very loving. We all are supposed to be helpers. I was told about how lucky I was to be alive with my injuries. I was told to follow up on my blood type. I was told that these things made me unique and fortunate. We all have the tribal mentality and want to fit in to society. I feel today a little strange about all of the info shared with me. 95% of those that know me, have zero idea about the Near Death Experience. They know the wreck changed me, but I’m selective about when its ok to talk about it. I don’t need fame and fortune. Thats not who I am. Im now a more loving person. I’m lucky enough to have seen something that someday you all will get the blessing to see. If you are a AB negative soul, and have had a NDE please share with me/us ,,, so that I can help myself process what to do next and better absorb this thingy! Thank you. P.s. I now know we aren’t worm food when we die.
Luke 1:5 gives the names of John the baptist’s parents. “THERE was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.” This woman who was of the lineage of Aaron was also the cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus. John the baptist, the forerunner of Jesus was the son of Zacharias, a Levitical priest, and Elizabeth the cousin of Mary. He was a prophet with many spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance ,Something some rh – people have claimed to be. John saw far into the future and prophesied about the LIGHT that is coming into the world and of those that are born or carry the light within. . . So who or what is the light and what does it have to do with the rh- blood trait?
Many people whom state that Jesus blood type was rhesus negative, also makes references to his miraculous virgin birth and therefore believe or assume that his rh – trait in his blood must have an extraterrestrial origin. They do not consider that it is interdimensional as suppose to extraterrestrial and lineage across time and space plays a big part in it. In order to understand the interdimensional connection, you need to consider the deeper creation story of the universe which is described in the secrets of the book of Enoch and than couple it with the things Jesus did and spoke of. Enoch the righteous scribe that was A KING AND HIGHPRIEST in the antediluvian world. The one that was taken up by God, transformed into a being of light and fire and who wrote down everything that the angels and the Creator told him and showed him about all of creation. One of these books are known as the book of the secrets of Enoch. Enoch underwent a journey though all 7 heavens, at the very top he met his Maker whom told him about the beginning of the creation. God told Enoch how out of the lowest darkness there comes forth the visible and the invisible. He told Enoch that He commanded that the visible should come out of the depths of the INVISIBLE, And out came ADOIL very great red and bright and God said burst Asunder and let what comes from thee become visible, he burst asunder and a GREAT LIGHT came forth, This ties into the big bang theory and supernovae explosion. first light of creation. “And as the light came forth from the light, there came forth the great WORLD”. This would be the first world mentioned in the scripture that came forth first and is reserved for the righteous. The world spoken of in John’s vision of a new heaven and a new EARTH. God than places HIS throne in the middle of this light and he tells the light to go forth on high and be established above HIS THRONE and become the foundation for things on HIGH. And there is nothing higher than the LIGHT. This ties in with the hopi prophecy of the red star kachina known as the PURIFIER that will return all things to it’s purity. Something that has been ascribed to Jesus. Jesus purifies the tainted human from their sins, and return us to the LIGHT where the Creator and pure souls / spirits exist. The next world that is brought forth is solid and vert dark and named Arkhas, this is a temporarily world divided into 12 ages, much like the astrological ages.( We are nearing the end). This world was first Dark but God told it to divide itself, it brought forth the creation of all things below. God told it to go down and become the foundation for all things below and there is nothing lower than the darkness. So all of creation is in between the darkness and the light. Just as it is created out of both the visible and the invisible things, so too does it carry things of the light and things of the darkness. anti matter which is spiritual essence / energy, like angels that are good and manifest as good souls in the world in a material body, and dark matter which is of dark beings and evil incarnated into material bodies, like Jesus, the saints and the righteous that is of the light and incarnated into a material body that carries the light and satan aka azazel a fallen angel that became darkness and evil personified when he will incarnate into individuals known as the antichrist and world leaders both in the past and future. One leads the children of light back to the light and first world and to the highest realm, the other to darkness and the lowest realm. So what does this have to do with Jesus and his blood type or lineage.? Read Genesis 1:3 in a world of darkness God said let there be light and there was light. The first light revealed in our world which was created second, the comes from the FIRST HOLY AND PURE World and REALM called Adoil. It is this light that John referred to when HE SAID. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the LIGHT OF ALL MANKIND. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Now ask yourself what does Enoch righteous scribe, Shem Abraham Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Levitical priesthood , the saints and Prophets all have in common with Jesus? If you find the answer than it applies to you, what do you being rh- have in common with Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the sons of Jacob, the 2 tribes that came from the same mother and father which is JUDAH AND LEVI both the same parents therefore same blood type, yet ONE is destined for kingship and to become the LEADER and be served by the people, the other son LEVI is destined to serve HIS CREATOR and the people. Both lineages have been associated with Jesus whom served as a highpriest SERVING ONLY GOD AND THE PEOPLE but is destined to became the KING and was born to be KING that will be worshipped and loved by the people.
I don’t do religion. I do God through Jesus Christ and Holy spirit. I don’t dissect the Bible, l leave that to zealots. I don’t convert. I witness what l see, am told by God, and how God through Christ has blessed, saved, and continues still, inside, around, above, below, my life, and never leaves me. I reiterate, l merely witness, not convert. May your journey as a converter of souls meet with God’s approval, it doesn’t need mine!
My question is really are we rh negative individuals born of the light or born of the darkness? Do you see the world changing for the better or for the worst, are we really as a human species moving forward and evolving into better spiritual beings, or are we devolving and becoming a degenerate society, nation or species. And if the answer is that you see the world devolving, becoming lost and confused, people don’t know from a young age whether they are male female or even human beings, no longer put their family first over their MATERIAL belongings, no longer help or love their neighbor, or even themselves, and yet with this hive mind evolving around us, you feel no interest or desire to join in, follow without question or even go as far as isolating yourself from the huge changes in the world, than you were clearly born to be different, to not become a follower, part of the hive mind society and can tell right from wrong regardless how many follow the wrong, be it they are confused, brainwashed or just lost and on the wrong path. So the next question is why were you born to be different? and who else in the past were born to be different, isolated from major world changes, and even though in the MINORITY or the only one, NEVER followed the wrong people on the wrong path just because everyone is doing it. Than take a look at the Prophets of the bible.. Starting again with Enoch, born to be different, living amongst a degenerate society in the preflood world, isolating himself from the people, yet conversing with them about the things that is right, trying to help them to the end, without partaking in their lawlessness. Now fast forward to the post flood world, another prophet is Noah, than Shem during the building of the tower of Babel, Noah, his wife and Shem ISOLATE THEMSELVES FROM the rest of the world, including their children who becomes unrighteous, NOT PARTAKING IN THE SAME IDOL WORSHIP, sorcery etc. Not part of NIMROD’S HIVEMIND, of man becoming gods or replacing the gods. Forward this to Abraham born amongst the heathens and idolaters, yet still questioning his father’s religion and beliefs. Than he becomes the father of many nation, and specifically one NATION that GOD himself isolates from the rest, and ONE TRIBE he blesses for kingship and the people another he GENETICALLY by BLOOD claims for HIMSELF. and HIS SERVICE. . and even though many are amongst the lost tribes of ISREAEL they are to be united in the end from wherever they have been dispersed, in a time when the world is changing for the worst, to be the light shining in this dark world. So the question remains. Are rh – people born of the light with a feeling that they were born different and to serve a specific purpose in their life, or do they feel they are born of the aliens, nephilim, watchers, which had a hive mind, selfish personality, didn’t care to serve others but only themselves, are responsible for the suffering and idolatry in the world, the human and child sacrifices, the evil agendas of world leaders and will follow the FINAL WORLD LEADER CALLED THE ANTI CHRIST. Last time I checked most people that are rh- are not followers, want to be part of the hive mind and tend to question and seek their purpose and understanding in life.