One of the things I love doing is to share things that either I have not been aware of or that just hit me as things I believe many are not aware of. Strangely, whenever I bring up something usually not of interest to most, Rh negatives tend to share my interest.
Here is the latest I have found and figured someone reading this might find useful:

interesting…when my brother’s sons bring over their children, these children are my grand nieces & grand nephews and i should be their grand uncle i think.
Ken is perfectly correct!
My younger brother married my husband’s brother’s daughter. They had three children who are now adults with children. My niece by marriage became my sister-in-law, her children were my nieces and nephews via my brother, and my grand nieces and nephews via my husband. They conjoined two generations, which continues to escalate down the lines of children. Think about it.
Very interesting indeed. I know we hav bumped heads before regarding the comments I shared tracing the lineage of negative blood type back to the hebrew roots, but your research up here seems to confirm it more and more. In a past comment I made a statement regarding the one nation from the scriptures that was forbidden to marry into any other nation and therefore bloodline. That nation was the nation of Israel, starting with Jacob, Jacob hd t go to his mother’s brother’s house to find a wife. He married 2 of his uncle’s daughters, Lea and Rachel. They would have been his first cousins. During that time it wasn’t considered incest. Was done to keep their bloodline pure. Perhaps rhesus negative was that bloodline.
Mike: Thank you for this! I’ve always lost track in the middle of trying to figure out the relationship of family/distant family, and this graphic is sure to help me in the future!
Awesome mike!!!! I get it!!! Ok maybe I’m co-confusing, or correlating past discussions…We know one another, intrinsically, like we are related somehow? I’m an RH negative woman…There could be An infinity number of men that are a ten plus…plus…but maybe I only see one out of the crowd!!!its happened, our ” past events” parallel to the point we are freaked out! Yes I can pick an RH negative man out of a huge crowd!!! Its like magnets!!! Only probs is half and half…narcissistic personality disorder..or Angelic!!! I see myself in mirror( analogy not literal) with angel in one ear devil in other ear!!!I’m on the fence and fall on one side sometimes the other! But like my most current lovers….one an angel one a demon, but we REMEMBER…each other…the intensity of attraction, similar events, there eyes!!! Yes its the eyes…they call it addiction? I say we already met….we are the same DNA…that was the initial attraction…My lover one identical to great grandfather…the other looks like my twin….whatever brought us together, it was always and will always be forever…all of them…the lines are tied…they never will forget me or I them!!!!we are connected!!!! And my men say no matter how many years or miles…I always remember you…I never felt…the way you made me feel….I’m nothing nothing special trust me….I’m nothing…but these bonds are forever. Can’t make sense unless we are related? Genetically!