Every time the heart beats, it creates a magnetic field that we can measure, using a magnetometer.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), known in the past as “Microwave syndrome”, is a clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of a wide spectrum of non-specific multiple organ symptoms, typically including central nervous system symptoms, that occur following the patient’s acute or chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields in the environment or in occupational settings. Numerous studies have shown biological effects at the cellular level of electromagnetic fields (EMF) at magnetic (ELF) and radio-frequency (RF) frequencies in extremely low intensities. Many of the mechanisms described for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) apply with modification to EHS. Repeated exposures result in sensitization and consequent enhancement of response. Many hypersensitive patients appear to have impaired detoxification systems that become overloaded by excessive oxidative stress. EMF can induce changes in calcium signaling cascades, significant activation of free radical processes and overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in living cells as well as altered neurological and cognitive functions and disruption of the blood-brain barrier. Magnetite crystals absorbed from combustion air pollution could have an important role in brain effects of EMF. Autonomic nervous system effects of EMF could also be expressed as symptoms in the cardiovascular system. Other common effects of EMF include effects on skin, microvasculature, immune and hematologic systems. It is concluded that the mechanisms underlying the symptoms of EHS are biologically plausible and that many organic physiologic responses occur following EMF exposure. Patients can have neurologic, neuro-hormonal and neuro-psychiatric symptoms following exposure to EMF as a consequence of neural damage and over-sensitized neural responses. More relevant diagnostic tests for EHS should be developed. Exposure limits should be lowered to safeguard against biologic effects of EMF. Spread of local and global wireless networks should be decreased, and safer wired networks should be used instead of wireless, to protect susceptible members of the public. Public places should be made accessible for electrohypersensitive individuals.
Remember this?
Yes finally got WiFi!!! I’m B- . There have been topics on this subject. I am unfortunately super sensitive to EMF and RF frequencies. I literally just set up WiFi modem, I hear buzzing and will have to unplug router soon. I become very dizzy, headaches, I throw up, migraines..and I can have my mood effected…I feel aggressive. I’ve had to quit good jobs if too many monitors in room. I minimize my time on cell phone and tablet…which I’ve only had since March. The first week I watched movies on iPad..I really was quite ill. This was during furlough. I had migraines , threw up for two days…then just forced myself as I was instructed by employer to stay in home. I’m not able to stand led lights…They buzz…of course people thought I was crazy so I googled it…and yes they buzz…I have Lupus..Its an autoimmune disease. I have read that people with SLE can be hypersensitive..as can RH negatives.. So now with the high powered Routers 5G…its frustrating because I’m here clenching my teeth because all I hear is this annoying loud buzz…and putting it to the test…my stomach off and getting headache…Not sure what to do…I feel as though I’m forced to have internet…but yes…not cool I have to unplug it…wow this is
Fios… My intuition says this is not a good thing to have near me…yeah I literally plugged it in and I feel dizzy, my head hurts and I’m getting body aches …Well not happy I got this WiFi its being shipped back! Need older version…really bad I think that this new routers will cause behavior issues …I’m really upset was wanting to watch a program I liked , its this stuff that makes me feel like a freak…I just want to be part of society , but unless you do not have WiFi, you would never realize that we are being forced to use it…you can’t function today without it..and frankly that is someone controlling me and I’ve been controlled long enough…So I just got to test it..if anyone has a EMF or RF detector would love to know the levels coming off new routers….So Yup…I’m very sensitive to it..
i don’t like being around wireless routers or using wifi on my computers. i use a direct ethernet line always. i also prefer incandescent bulbs. some things from the past are better. fwiw, i’m also color sensitive and prefer true rich strong colors usually as opposed to shades or pastels. my color preferences tend to be related to my masculinity, apparently, based on some color related psych tests i took around 15+ yrs ago. i prefer green, blue, black, brown, white, tan and orange. green goes w/ my eyes…orange compliments green and cheers me up (but i’m not that interested in wearing orange).
Direct Ethernet? I will have to find out what that is…I did respond I’m my devices hacked…some responses go through others don’t. But thanks for info….I will look into it.
I also studied colors on mood! I have to read about Ethernet I’ve been in tears I feel so helpless have been recently hacked again. True story once upon a time when I lived a different life I enjoyed days at the spa. This one spa was decorated in Earth tones with water fountains and Athenian decor. Then one day I walked in and place was red black white checkers plastic red chairs, all the plants gone, plastic cold contemporary sharp edges and I remember the red and black tiles pissing me off….I walked out never went back and heard there business went under…women talk and the general attitude was how stupid one could be for poor color choices and no one wanted to go there again!…So yes colors effect my mood too. But this hacking stuff and WiFi buying making me crazy! I think its my husband but I’m anymore. My settings are being controlled remotely..I always turn off location Bluetooth ECT..and Find my phone Has been turned back on two times.) I’m really getting angry with the lack of security. I can’t seem to get in touch with friends I talk to all the time. A Facebook account was set up..I hate Facebook and all that social media! Literally my husband use to set up emails or spoof text people looks like my number and everyone believed the lie not the truth. I can’t call my voicemail…its so easy to explain and people are in sorry just unable to except how unsafe there devices are. I explained to a friend in days of Ted Bundy or BTK when a person intended to harm you and enter your home they were cut the landlines so you could not call for help. In this digital world bad people needed to figure out how to snip the virtual or literal land lines…to violate victims…from pens to clocks to USB charges now light bulbs your privacy passwords your life so easily can be ruined and your privacy violated. Domestic Violence places get it, but no one can protect you. Now because not only loser husbands but governments want to control you they all are doing the same thing as my husband…When I’m away from the cell phone towers deep in the woods…I feel alive..safe…I wanted to watch a movie ” Reign” Now litter rally I feel as though my cognition is altered my eye sight effected… I feel paranoid and agitated…I’ve tried to teach people about dangers from key fobs..to giving my kids tinfoil to place phones across rooms…I’ve been cyber stalled since 2006 in 2008 tried to tell cops about Bluetooth phishing simcard copying. So I’m not really expecting help by asking anyone from protecting my cars breaks from being wiped out or doors unlocked with one sms…They actually have it tested and was on tv about car hacking…I’m very aware and terrified at the ignorance..its just a Google search away…but 5g It is really going to cause issues…my intuition intrinsically it was created to somehow control us…that’s what my mind is telling me…and people are going to get sick…I have to learn about Ethernet..but there are many articles on RF from led lights…When I hear that annoying buzz…I know I’m in physical danger..