The Rh Negative Blog

The genetics of cleft chins

There is very little research out about cleft chins. It could be a mix between a protruding chin and a more square, “nordic” one. I have observed a very high frequency of cleft chin presence in Ashkenazi Jews.

Cary Grant had Jewish ancestry.

Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an “oval type of face”? It could also indicate a face being sort of a mix between a Neanderthal type of face rounding down towards the bottom and the “regular” homo sapiens type of face, more square.

Today’s Ashkenazi Jews have only around 35% ancient Hebrew ancestry, so the ancient Hebrews may have had a more protruding chin which resulted in a cleft chin mixing with Germanic types.

I also see it in people with part Celtic ancestry. Celts in some way having similar chins and jawlines as Jews and mixingwith Germanic or Viking types resulting in cleft chins and having teeth not fitting the jaws quite right.

Cleft chin seems common among Brits (mix of Celts and Germans, some Vikings) and Ashkenazis (mix of ancient Hebrews and Germans/Slavs etc.).

Cleft chins are also quit common in India and Ethiopia. Why?

First off, Ethiopia started out as an Indian colony, so let’s move there:

In India, cleft chin appears to be quite common.

India of course is one of the biggest mixes in the world with populations varying greatly. Yamnaya ancestry might be responsible for the protruding part of the chin. With that often come dimples and cleft noses as does an oval face as the clash of two types of faces usually leaves its mark.