The History of the World through the Eyes 👀 of Rh- Blood

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I have 2 main questions:

  1. Where does Rh- blood come from?
  2. Where does MY Rh- blood come from?

In order to combine both, I will tackle #1 from the #2 angle:

The Únětice culture (in German Aunjetitzer Kultur) is a dominant archaeological culture of the Early Bronze Age (2200-1500 BC) of Central Europe. It is the only prehistoric culture originating in Bohemia and fundamentally affected over several centuries the development of Central Europe.

A male from the late Corded Ware culture or early Unetice culture in Łęki Małe, Poland of c. 2300–2000 BC was found to be a carrier of the paternal haplogroup R1b1a and the maternal haplogroup T2e.

It was found that the people of the Corded Ware culture, Bell Beaker culture, Unetice culture and Nordic Bronze Age were genetically very similar to one another, and displayed a significant amount of genetic affinity with the Yamnaya culture.

In the second half of the 2nd millennium B.C. (late Bronze Age), Silesia belonged to the Lusatian culture. About 500 BC Scyths arrived, and later Celts in the South and Southwest.

The first known states in Silesia were those of Greater Moravia and Bohemia.

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