When asked what type of diet I recommend, I couldn’t think of one, so I came up with my own:
The MLM Diet
Mineral Water
Of course, there are other fresh, natural and non-processed foods I consume based on my cravings.
Sugar, bread, hot dogs, pasta, pizza, spaghetti and noodles are off the list.
There is also no rule stating that you need to eat more than 1 or 2 meals per day.
You need to forget most of what you’ve been taught.
Of course:
I am not a doctor. I don’t get paid to make people sick.
I simply share what I do.
If you are Rh-, you probably have your own mind.
Born in 1945 l am a child of two world war generations, and there’s nothing they couldn’t know about making food, growing food, making food last, making food go round so there’s enough for all, and eating healthily all the meals cooked from scratch. I was taught by watching others. From fresh produce which in my day, mostly came from farm, to table, from dairy to table, from factory to table, long before the days of frozen products. They showed us how to prepare, peel, skin, cook, and safely eat. Food was rationed for my first ten years of life, we had coupons in ration books, every child and adult had their own ration weekly, of meat, milk, food, and vegetables and what few fruits we had. Most of us never saw a banana till our teens, fruit was mainly what you saw beside hospital beds in the guise of grapes, oranges, apples, and pears. We had few sweets as well, but what we had, we thoroughly enjoyed, and made last a long time. We earned spending money doing jobs at home, sweeping, tidying, and walking dogs and running errands, no TVs back then. And few people had cars, very, very few. And l was thirteen before l owned a bike l bought it out of my first three weeks paper delivery round money, second hand, a semi drop handlebar, oh l loved that bike. Because l worked hard for it. Food was not something you aspired to, it was something necessary that you grew, prepared, cooked and shared. And our saying nationwide, was, “a little bit of what you fancy, does you good, too much can kill you!” Sense and reason really, all the time. And look at us, we’ve mostly all outlived our parents, our grandparents generations, who died in wars, or in their fifties, sixties, and rarely reached their seventies. I’m eighty next April 2nd, l’m amazed because l’ve had so many NDEs, and so many babies, and so many close encounters with my maker due to my rare Geno and blood. Not to mention much constant moving home, 55 times in total, seldom ever my choice, l was told by one doctor, you’ll be in a wheelchair by fifty. Well, l’m not, but l hurt s lot. And you’ll be dead by 61 in 1996 due to dangerously high BP. And apart from aspirins, l still can’t take their meds to slow it fiwn. You should hear my heart right now, for years it’s woken me at night, and l tell it slowly, calmly, with my left hand over it, whilst sucking a soluble aspirin, “slow down, come, slow down, we’re not ready yet, either of kid!” I don’t fast, l don’t overeat, l don’t eat fat, l hate it. I love lean meat, old style cabbage, peas, carrots, spuds, runner beans, and good old fashioned English menus. I’d throw up on half the stuff they cook on television shows, l’m not a cake or biscuit eater, except ginger nuts, for heart failure, as it makes me feel sick. And l read even the RNLI keeps them on board for sea sickness. See, eventually they all copy me;-).l like everything in life, even miserable people, l ignore all advice on diet, health, and living. I’m rising eighty, come back when you are and advise me then😉