The Rh Negative Blog

The MLM Diet (Meat – Lemons – Mineral Water)

When asked what type of diet I recommend, I couldn’t think of one, so I came up with my own:

The MLM Diet



Mineral Water

Of course, there are other fresh, natural and non-processed foods I consume based on my cravings.

Sugar, bread, hot dogs, pasta, pizza, spaghetti and noodles are off the list.

There is also no rule stating that you need to eat more than 1 or 2 meals per day.

You need to forget most of what you’ve been taught.

Did you know that 800g of grass fed beef contains the daily Vitamin C requirements for an adult male?

Of course:

I am not a doctor. I don’t get paid to make people sick.


I simply share what I do.

If you are Rh-, you probably have your own mind.