The origin of blue eyes

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What were the eye colors of the original rh negatives? Was it blue now responsible for mixing into the high hazel and green frequencies among us?

Ever since I have learned about the genetic connection between the Basques and the ancient Sumerians, I have also looked into the linguistic connection. So now, as part of my research as to where rh negative blood originates, I am looking into other characteristics as well which are often displayed in areas where there are high percentages of rh negatives.

Statues of blue eyed Sumerians lead to the question how frequent the trait was amongst them.
Statues of blue eyed Sumerians lead to the question how frequent the trait was amongst them.

Of course in areas where dark eyes are more common, rh negatives have them as well. But many also have hazel eyes where the recessive blue comes through. And then there are places such as Celtic regions where you can often see very light blue eyes.

Many tribes of Sumerian ancestry such as the Yazidi still show high frequencies of blue eyes.
Many tribes of Sumerian ancestry such as the Yazidi still show high frequencies of blue eyes.

According to a post on Quora:

Blue eyes originated as a mutation around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, somewhere around the Black Sea. The people carrying this mutation spread around the area, including into Sumer.

The Sumerian culture rose around that time (5,000 BC) from Northern Mesopotamia (they are not a Semitic people). So it’s quite likely that they carried the genes for blue eyes.

In cultural references, they viewed blue eyes as a sign from the gods.

Sure, the frequencies are a lot less now, but how about before the Arabic invasions?

They may have been diverse, but the high numbers of brown eyed people migrating to their region and still seeing blue eyed genes coming through as well as red or reddish hair does indicate a strong frequency a few thousand years ago.

The recessive genes show up in hazel eyes as well.
The recessive genes show up in hazel eyes as well.

Blue eyes are also not uncommon amongst Jewish people worldwide and this trait is likely to originate within the Sumerians. And red hair as well. So the next question will be how common red hair was amongst the Sumerians. And of course: Rh negative blood.

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  1. Anita September 30, 2018 Reply
  2. Liz lisak October 4, 2018 Reply

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