The origin of the Celts

Where did the Proto-Celts originally come from? Where does y-DNA R1b originate? And what were their blood type frequencies before arriving in Western Europe? Not too long ago, I have published The original Basques were not Celtic. Today, Basque DNA is very different, especially within the male lineages, from the original Proto-Basques. The original Basque y-DNA was mainly I2a (some G2a which is still dominant in the Caucasus regions), but Celtiberian R1b men slaughtered the original I2a Basque speaking men, procreated with their women, and only left a few I2a (original) Basque men in the population. The question remains who is responsible for the rh negative blood factor within us. So let’s look what frequencies may have looked like during … Continue reading The origin of the Celts