43 human systems are identified as of June 2021.
When it comes to blood transfusions, the ABO blood group system is the most important one.
When it comes to pregnancies, the Rh blood group system is the most important one.
The name rhesus factor (Rh) goes back to the use of erythrocytes extracted from the blood of rhesus monkeys for obtaining the first blood serum.
The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. There is no d antigen. Rh(D) status of an individual is normally described with a positive (+) or negative (−) suffix after the ABO type (e.g., someone who is A+ has the A antigen and Rh(D) antigen, whereas someone who is A− has the A antigen but lacks the Rh(D) antigen). The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only.

Let’s go back in time:
Why is the Rh negative blood factor of such interest?
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First off it’s not a Disease! or you would not be BEGGING me to Donate my Pure rh O- Negative Blood to inject into others. “a Diseased blood that would infect others no you would not! Yea Right! wake up the Rh factor does not meet the criteria nor does it Qualify as a Disease
Today our news in UK is headed by the 1970s blood transfusion scandal. Where HIV and Hepatitis C were passed on to people given blood and plasma shipped in from the USA in the 1970s. I have a serious interest in this because in 1977 l miscarried a baby at twenty weeks, a son l call Gary, and l haemhoraged very badly. I was given blood and plasma by the quart, l counted nine pints before they got me up to theatre , l know l’d have had more during op’, after my son was finally birthed. It was one of my many NDEs and one that should have killed me. I knew plasma came from the USA, not sure where my new blood came from though. I had miraculous intervention once again, and lived to tell the story. Then, in the 1990s news came in of famous females given the same products as me during the seventies as well. Women my age, famous in sixties. All with Rhesus D-NEG blood and all close to death when transfused, like me. Some had contracted HIV and some Hep C. I was terrified one of either, or both, may be lying dormant inside me. Especially as I’d given birth again, l had another son, born in 1983, long after that massive transfusion. Had l contracted, carried, got hidden inside me, either of these viruses? So it could raise its head inside my son one day? My husband at the time was furious l wanted tests, if you had tests then for HIV, or Hep C, they were new unknowns, and they listed you, and Iinsurers barred you. And he said our mortgage insurance company would cancel us. So l worried, for another decade. Then we split, divorced, and l lost my own home aged 55, and became a tenant. No insurers there. So l went for tests, for my son’s sake. Thank God, l was all clear. No HIV and no Hep C. But l came awfully close to leaving my child a legacy of horror. So this news has come as a relief, for all who have developed HIV or Hep C from.their transfusions, and whose lives it has destroyed. It’s too late for those who’ve died, but l pray their families receive the monies they’d have had, and l.kmow their souls will smile, if they do. It can’t change the past, it can make people in the profession take more care in the future though. God bless them all.