When I am talking about personality traits sticking out among rhesus negatives, I tend to mention sensitivity and intuition the most. These are the ones which come up the most and I have observed the most in rhesus negatives. You will probably also read claims from people who claim to be rhesus negative, that they can change TV channels with their minds or that electric appliances don’t work around them. Of course, no one has ever shown any proof. I strongly believe though, that energy impacts everything around us to unknown degrees, as we are all connected by molecules. But as usual, it is not uncommon for real science to have been hijacked by charlatans.
The same thing goes for dowsing. Again: I am completely open to the possibility that there are people who are so sensitive, that they can actually sense when there are large amounts of water underneath them. But then again, why has no one yet taken James Randi up on the 1 Million Dollar Challenge where he has now included dowsing? Prove that you can perform what you claim to in a controlled, scientific environment, and the 1 million USD is yours.

And what about the dead wood? This part makes absolutely no sense. Just a gimmick like a wand to sell it?
I have also observed that rhesus negatives have a tendency to either love unconditionally, hate unconditionally or simply keep their distance. The grey area where people kind of like each others, seems to be less common. I personally have never understood, why there are so many people calling each others friends, yet being able to express so much dislike for one another at the same time. It is one of the many things common in general society, which I myself have never been able to accept.
When it comes to physical differences, common ancestry is of interest to me. A certain look more common in us than the general population, might stem from ancient tribes with much higher percentages of rhesus negatives than anywhere in today’s world.
But back to the personality issue:
The Myers-Briggs Personality test is often hailed as one of the most accurate ways to put people in a certain personality box. Many of you have taken the test, which is why in the past few years, I have been able to detect significant similarities among rhesus negatives.
While only 1-3% of the world’s population (depending on region) are INFJ, most rhesus negative women I have been in contact with, seem to show that particular result:

The “I” stands for introversion.
This is the part I strongly disagree with and what I am referring to is the strict seperation and labeling while disregarding different levels of introversion and extroversion and also negelecting what can trigger the same person to turn into an extroverted or introverted individual. I know many rhesus negatives who feel extremely uncomfortable in social settings where they don’t know most of the people present, yet are known as the most extroverted person among friends. Can you relate to this?

The “N” stands for intuition.
And may I say: If you don’t show up as an “N”, I will probably have to ask you for proof before I believe that you are truly rhesus negative.

The “F” stands for feeling.
In rhesus negative men, I have noticed many being INTF, meaning the same result as the women but feeling replaced by “thinking”. I believe that for some reason I also remember many being ENFP. But this is something I have not asked rhesus negative men in many years. Since rhesus negative men are not as active by a longshot as women in terms of communicating with me, I reserve to publish my observations regarding rhesus negative men at a later time. But if you are an rh negative man reading this and don’t mind helping lead me in the right direction, feel free to mention you blood type and Myers-Briggs results below. This goes of course for rhesus negative women as well. The more of you participate, the better.
As our previous study has shown, mental health differences between rhesus negative men and women do exist. It could be the case that rhesus negative men are more plagued by worries and therefore tend to overthink at times. But again: This is just educated speculation at this point which will likely lead to more.
The “J” stands for judgement.
This is the opposite of perception. Rather than allowing ourselves to be deceived, rhesus negative women tend to be judgemental in a sense that they demand more answers and are observant before making up their minds on something that just “feels right”. If you perceive too much, you can be deceived more easily. In this respect, the J frequency in rhesus negative women does not surprise me one bit.
How can this be that blood type and personality traits go hand in hand?
There is a difference between pseudoscience and plain fraud and unfortunately both have been shoved into the same box by society. Fraud is to some degree when someone claims to be able to do something like change the TV channels with his mind and performing it by tricking the observer. Pseudoscience is something that may be so, but hasn’t been proven enough to be accepted by the scientific community as a whole. A proposed connection between blood types and personality traits has been labeled pseudoscience, but mainly by those who haven’t spent any time exposing themselves to the amount of evidence already present. Usually, unless a satisfactory reason is being given for a study, editors of scientific magazines, online or offline, will not allow it to be published. I am certain that at one point, the connection is going to be proven enough for more people to accept the facts, but the general attitude towards most things is that unless they can explain it, they either dismiss it completely or believe in it religiously.
Are you interested in participating in an upcoming study? Simply subscribe to this blog or register on our forum to be alerted when the time comes.
What is the reason that so many rhesus negative women are personality type INFJ?
Im interested. I recently re-took thé Myers-Briggs and was adjusted to ENFJ-T (turbulent). I think I moved to E for extrovert because of my years of work on learning to love and accept who I am. Before, I was INFJ, but I think I’ve finally come to a place of greater self-acceptance and self-love and it’s allowed me to be freer with myself in social situations. I’m not so guarded and shy as I used to be because I just don’t care as much whether people like me as much I like might like them.
We’re very deep.
We may be introvert but solipcist is a better term.
I’ve actually experienced a sharp evolution between introversion to extroversion back to introversion. Perhaps I’m not the only one who was a painfully shy child, wild and outgoing teen and young adult, and gradually withdrew into becoming a glorified hermit by age 40? It was as if first I didn’t have the skills to handle people, then I learned them excellently, but then I realized I don’t want to use them, as I far prefer being alone to being around others anyways.
Same here!
The result for me was INFP. Does that mean Im more deceived or perceptive? 🥸🤷♀️