The Japanese were so busy demonizing 2 blood types and praising the other 2, they had no time acknowledging the Rh factor.
It isn’t even on their radar.
Von Dungern’s claims are no longer on anyone’s radar, but an entire nation continues to dwell in the reply discriminating against those with blood types A and AB.
Rh negatives tend to see the positive and negative and are not able to dismiss either.
How scientists are unable to be objective beats me, but it is time to accept what is as it is.
We are up against not just the daily obstacles of research, but also disinformation confusing the perception of the masses.
What are the blood type frequencies of those who actually contributed most to science?
Westerners tend to shy away from the subject fearful of accusations of bloodism.
Strange while other cultures openly and blatantly discriminate.
Let’s start from scratch:

True science is objective.
None of the Japanese authors are actual researchers.
What did von Dungern actually state?