If you are rhesus negative and think you are able to recognize other rhesus negative people, please continue here:
Can rh negative people recognize each other? Part II
If you are new to this blog, you may say “There is no way to recognize someone based on their blood type”.
If you have been reading through for a while and know of rh negative and positive people in your life, you may believe that you are able to detect a difference.
In the past couple of years, more than ever before, numerous studies have been conducted proving that there are differences in health risks based on people´s blood types.
These health risks include mental health risks. And mental health and personality traits go hand in hand.
But how can it be that your blood type could have such a strong influence on you, the way you think, the way you feel and your genetic predisposition overall?
When looking at today´s world, we see a mixture of many ancient tribes isolated based on continents and groups preferring to stick with each other. In the Americas, these groups were more obvious to recognize than let´s say in Europe.
Just as the majority of native American tribes had the same blood type (O positive), looking back a few thousand years into Europe and Asia will lead us towards a likelihood of the original tribes which we have become a mix of have most likely been people who have had the same blood types.
This is why going back to examine the ancestry of rh negatives
is at the forefront of my personal interest.
And because of this special interest, one might guess correctly that one of the reasons for common health risks and potential personality traits based on blood types, common ancestry could be a significant reason.
So what types of personality traits do rh negative people have in common?
Rh negative people are often said to be
– Very sensitive.
– Rh negative women are often described as more sexually aggressive with men being more passive.
– When asked to describe themselves, rh negative people often refer to themselves as intuitive.
– Rh negative people often describe the general population of sheep-like and are sceptical regarding news feeling a strong sense of being lied to and being dumbed down.
– Rh negative people can be believers in silent strength rather than being vocal and loud without anything of substance being behind it.
– Rh negative people feel at peace in nature and sometimes out of place in random groups consumed and overwhelmed by other people´s energy.
– When in a position to make a decision, many rh negative people are convinced that sometimes they just know crediting their instinct as a compass to do the right thing.
– Just like rh negative people can be completely uninterested in something giving up on banalities taking “the high road”, they are said to be extremely passionate and successful (to the point of being mistaken as obsessive) when they are into something.
– As rh negative people are recognizing danger, lies and bad energy, they also feel other people´s pain and sometimes complain about being too compassionate and empathetic and consider themselves at risk of being taken advantage of.
– Rh negative people seem to have different sets of fears more rotating around being afraid of not having enough time to do what they want, a sense of responsibility towards the world as a whole suffering from observing destruction and a fear of not living up to their potential making a needed difference rather than allowing themselves to succumb to the general sets of worries more socially accepted as reasons to panic.
But that´s not all:
What types of personality traits does your ABO blood type carry?
Koreans and Japanese have for the longest believed that your ABO and your personality correlate.
Here are some potential personality traits for the 4 rh negative ABO types as I have observed and received feedback on:
What is an O Negative personality?
O negative are said to be natural born leaders very much in tune with themselves and their instinct and always ready and unable not to act according to it. Unlike A negative people, O negatives are not willing to postpone something important and take more risks in terms of following their inner voice, even though others may be very much in fear of consequences. Because of that, O negative tempers can not only catapult them into leadership, but also lead to isolating, being destructive and alienating others.
What is an A Negative personality?
A negative people are said to be more emotional than the rest and often get overwhelmed. Because of that, A negative people tend to postpone decisions and actions a lot. Because of that, A negative people can be extremely passive and distant when not inspired and very passionate and involved when something appeals to them. A negative people are happy when in the company of those who don´t expect anything from them. As A negative people often hold in their emotions, small things can trigger them to show up at unexpected times.
A negative people often talk about crying during movies, overreacting and not being able to withhold a comment when it would be wiser to be silent.
What is an B Negative personality?
B negative people are highly goal-oriented. Even though sensitive, B negs tend to be mind over matter and seem able to go through tough times knowing the end of the tunnel is near. As B negatives are very goal oriented, they often miss the fineprint and are not always in touch with other people´s motives as they focus very much on their own. To quote feedback from a B negative member of my page:
I’m strong both physically and personally but my wandering mind stops me from focusing with many things and I feel I don’t reach the perfection I want in all things.
What is an AB Negative personality?
AB negatives have the sensitivity of the A negatives, but are also able to be mind over matter like the B. The difference between AB negatives and A and B negatives is that while most A negatives and B negatives carry the O recessively, AB negatives don´t unless their blood type is the very rare cisAB.
Because of that, the O negative personality traits are not showing up leaving ABs oftentimes not as grounded within themselves and seeking answers through others rather than within themselves.
See also:
I am AB negative and I do not agree on one trait mentioned and that is not being grounded and needing answers from others.
I am totally grounded in this area and my intuition is extremely strong. I follow this totally.
I believe that what is for me is not for others and what’s for others is not for me.
I agree with all of the other traits. -Very interesting.
I am AB negative too and absolutely agree with your comment.
Am A negative. Sounds about right.
I am B- and agree with your comment
Exactly ab negative I can totally find it within myself I agree with everything else else though
I am 2nd generation 0 negative. Both my parents are 0 negative.
Both my children are 0 negative. (3rd generation)
I wonder if there is a difference in a ‘3rd generation negative person, in some ways, verses someone who had varying other blood types for a parent, etc.
@Christin Bowra…your children are “Blue Bloods” which is very rare.
OW zats interesting Me too O negatives but ididnt check for my first generatiion
I am A- and extremely sensitive. I tend to emotional outbursts and I isolate a lot. I met people who I know believe to be negative too and have a special connection to them. My mother is positive and I have a difficult relationship to her. Yes I am extremely passive.
My three children plus my husband are A negative, I am A positive. I learned that genes coded for many things simultaneously, so I’m doing research and a fair obit of what you say hits home.
interested about this gene coding got any helpful info. or sites to visit?
Are all RH negative people related to each other?? If so how far back is it likely. My understanding is RH- started about 30,000 years ago but the population wasn’t very large until about 1,500 years ago.
It’s possible. Do you have a source?
The O negative traits pretty much sum me up. I continually feel like I need to be doing something meaningful and have an extreme feeling of time urgency. I live in the countryside away from the city and crowds. I am very sensitive to sounds. When out with people I often feel overwhelmed by everyone’s talking, which seems really loud. Really, really sensitive to the heat, it really affects how I function. Blue eyes with hazel undertones, they change to green when I’m upset. I can look at someone and how they act and correctly predict that they’re rhesus negative (I’ve correctly predicted that certain actors and famous people are RH negative). I can tell immediately if someone is lying to me or trying to deceive me. This makes a lot of people wary of me and uncomfortable around me. I hate watching the news, it all seems so contrived and scripted, like they always trying to be politically correct. My family and friends (the few that I have) always tell me I’m over-sensitive. I have a lot of empathy for the down-trodden, and the underdog. People’s moods and emotions affect me way too much, and affect me physically as well. I’ve never felt like I fit in. I’ve always felt like I have a special purpose and I feel like I need to be doing something important and never have enough time. I’ve always done my own thing and have not been influenced by peer pressure. I’ve always wondered why people are so sheep-like and followers. I often wonder why people are so quick to follow the latest fad or fashion, just because everyone else is doing it! I don’t talk much and wonder why other people ramble on and on about mundane and unimportant issues. I’m very intuitive about people and situations can read people and situations immediately, a lot of people admit later that I was right. Nice to know I’m not alone after all…
+Mike Dammann – Lol Thank you for your reply to Jennifer Taylor – it was perfect! How can anyone spout such claptrap?
+Diane I’m O negative too, & I agree 100% with your description, although I have to add that some other peoples’ descriptions of O negatives fall very short: I’m not much of a leader (but not at all a follower!) I think maybe I’m just TOO different! I wanted to ask if any other O negs have a problem being heard – or maybe a better way of putting it would be a problem being attended to? Kind of a Cassandra phenomenon. It doesn’t matter how clear or logical my presentation of the facts, things proceed as though I’d said nothing. Like someone pressed the mute button on me.
Diane, …Just reading this now in April 2020 ,,Yes, I am O Negative as well & totally agree w/ what you are saying – it is as if I said it! But I do think that its typical of us identical blood types – at least the RH- factors, though something about O Negative is very unique. For instance, many seem to be celebrities or else can be mistaken for celebrities (maybe we are more attractive in some way?), & also just very aware, sensitive, & awakened – though for me, it took me many years to put the puzzle together. Anyhow – you are NOT alone! (and I still have questions, so I do research). As to Melanie, I am replying as well – that I too often feel “unheard” – as if people are refusing to hear what I say – espec. if it applies to the truth.
O negative here too.
Every single thing that comes out of my mouth is totally mispercieved by the time it reaches others ears! I wonder why this is? Nobody!!! Understands me…
Absolutely! all the time! It is like they just tune me out half the way through an explanation or recommendation. Also not a leader but definitely NOT a follower. Independent!
Oh my gosh. I’m blown away Diane! You pretty much described me! Wow! I’m O negative and so are both my parents.
I have hazel eyes that people have made comments about. I was very blonde as a child. I’m very very very intuitive and empathic and feel like the mainstream media is constantly controlling people and people fall for it. I also need space away from people but yet I’m very loyal to those I allow into my life. I also know when people are lying to me and I feel that I don’t belong here and I feel “otherworldly” every day of my life, starting in childhood. Some people consider me psychic. Im very devout in my faith in Christ but cant stand mainstream organized religion and have walked away and help those who are disillusioned to find Christ again without the fake religion aspect.
Also an interesting note is that I’m part Irish/English and Scandanavian. I have the strongest draw to Scotland, Ireland and Norway. I have to go and discover something there. Not sure what, but time will tell. Very interesting and eye opening!
I am AB- and also weirdly drawn to Scotland..
Interesting. I too share your experiences and am Rh-
That feeling you’re getting is why are all these people around me and am I in the wrong place? When those people essentially have come to you and us and that feeling is a feeling of wanting to be with your people and not other people that want us to be with them. I really believe that. I believe Adam was a Rh O Negative Neanderthal Proto Human First Man Created in Gods Image. Then everyone else is a split off of Gods original creation for better or for worse.
Here have some peak Autism
Unbreakable (2000), Split (2016), and Glass (2019).
Wow, I feel the same…….unheard AND drawn to Scotland. I have red hair and blue eyes. My father was also O- and he would have dreams that he was standing on a cliff over looking an ocean, grey and misty……. sounds like where I wanna go
Hey!! I’m also O- and my 23andme ancestry says British, Irish, and Scandinavian!!
I am B-. This description of yours fits me perfectly!! It’s so gratifying to hear someone else actually exist besides me. That’s how it feels. I am usually way too intense for most people. I am just now learning to identify with my sensitive nature and explore the, what I have always referred to as “knowing”.
I have said to myself or the universe to please help me find my tribe or my people. As far as energy… it overwhelms me a lot of times. I’m just now learning about how to manage that.
And in closing, when I finally know something about another person there is no unknowing it. Whether it be positive or negative. If it is negative I do my best to keep my distance because it’s impossible to ever have any kind of relationship with you again. Thanks for listening, V
I am also A- my mother AB- father was B-. So yes blue eyes red hair and freckles!
Well I’m O- and this describes me. It’s almost scary. I have never had more than two friends or so at a time, too many people, loud noises even a whistle noise makes my skin crawl. I am so sensitive to feelings that it can make me physically ill. I have empathy and feel that my caring makes me a target to be used. I have known things before they happen deaths, kids up to something, my own cancer before drs found it( describing to
The T when they found it in location I said)
The list could go on… as for a leader yes not a follower . I have felt like I have never belonged in this world, like a outsider looking in. Since I was little I started drawing a house surrounded by tress, I want that now more than ever, to be in nature with animals all around me. I care for trees, flowers , plants animals more than I do humans. My father, me , daughter and granddaughter are all O-. Very smart, but very sensitive. I see it in my daughter now more than ever. My granddaughter shows signs like us. We are from Scotland, my grandfather came her with his mother and siblings.. I have a urgent desire to return to the land my
Family Crofted on for years.. I have found homes and their church (burial). Have desired this since??!! I
Made it to London in 2006 it was the only trip I had been on that I didn’t want to end and stay there, familiar feelings.. was very strange. I can summa person up in a few minutes and feel inside if I like them . I am on target with that 90 % of my life .
Please donate your 0- to another o-
It’s all we can take and without the donations I would not be here to write this.
Aren’t those traits of an A- blood type?
I am a A negative, highly intuitive, sensitive, overwhelmed by crowds. noise.
feel like an alien at times. told people I feel someone looking at me. they shocked. I thought everyone did this. Eye doctor said I can spot in 6 different places with my eyes. good for dancers, sports, martial arts even. He said, Only 5 percent of the population can do this. found out as well, I can create an art piece in my mind before it is done. Only 5 per cent do this, spatial.
Thank you for this blog
Hello Mary M, I am also negative A. The same highly intuitive, sensitive and also feeling that some one is observing me. I have good eyes for the art and beauty= I can dance and skying very well. Also I can do with my hands beautiful staff. I have imagination for design and beauty. I was born on November 17. Good that all this information is available. Meanwhile people like me are tracked by reptilian ailians. I was implanted by them and I passed through tremendous problems.
I can identify, except that I think you were more likely tracked by the illegal, perverse and covert groups within the “globalist society” (which is basically a mixed bunch of satanists) – who have infiltrated parts of our governemnt, military, etc. – who have done implants (to track people, etc.) and use directed energy weapons, etc. on unique, sensitive humans – Why? I think because they fear us – and I was tortured for at least 4 years but continually kept my faith & called on God – it is much better now, though they still are persecuting people, especially ones with “rare blood types” or with “too much compassion”, or who speak out against abortion, or animal abuse, for instance. That is the world we live in. – I have done my own detective work etc. to figure out what the heck was going on – I mean, it was unreal. This is definitely nearing the end age if we are not already in it! But keeping focused on God is all you need to do – He is powerful & will protect you if you call on Him. After all – He created all of us!
I am A neg and all that described me. Highly intuitive an discernment is strong. Feel & see others pain but able to compartmentalize and help. I am the person you want in any emergency or disaster to stay calm. Artistic and creative. I am deeply devoted to my LORD & Savior and live for Christ my creator. I have always felt alien to this world that it’s not my home just a sojourner here.
Diane, My Mother is O- & father is O+, which makes me O-/+ . I think there is only 2 traits from all the traits that I do not have as far as I know that is. I was reading over everyone’s comments on this subject and yours stood out to me because I can relate to all of yours . I just started researching all of this a few months back & I am almost obsessed with finding out more info on this blood type. Twelve years ago I decided to get ” Truth Seeker ” tattooed on the top part of my back. I felt like and have pretty much always felt like a truth seeker, always having to find out the truth in all things. In my research, I saw one of the traits as being truth seeker. I was shocked because, I just do not just get tattoo’s. This was extremely important to me, & I got it in Hebrew to boot ! Anyways, just wanted to reach out. We are definitely not alone from what I am seeing.
I am exactly like that and always have been. Not a follower and can see clearly the conversation within the conversation. I have never felt comfortable in my position and feel there is something much more important. But I don’t know what it is and I am sick of the ignorance. My ancestors were the Kings and Queens and nobles in the British isles and Europe, Russia and Scandinavia. Maybe it’s something genetic. Something from the past. I feel cheated. I make a good living but even after the most challenging complicated things I am bored and feel that it is below me. I can feel the eyes on me. The whole room full of people. Hate and jealousy. The blood recognizes I think.
It freaks me out how connected I feel to other Negatives. Every time I meet someone that I ring interesting, I will ask their blood type. They are ALWAYS neg. I also don’t find too many people interesting so it makes it even more unlikely that this is just a coincidence, People can be fun to talk to, but interesting? That is rare.
I am also too empathetic. I hate it! It makes me get too emotional and I get embarrassed by the fact that everything makes me cry. It really stinks!
I am also a blue eyed, O- , freckle-free, redhead. My father was O- and my mother and sister are A-. I am very heat sensitive, have a higher IQ, and try and pretend I am normal. But if I am myself, it is clear I am not normal. I am allergic to everything and, although I am a Christian, I sometimes wonder if I am really from this world. My mother, my sister, and myself have to always fight depression and anxiety, but my sister is the most friendly person you will ever meet. I have ADHD but wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood. I am considered attractive, and also look a lot younger than I am, but I still feel like a pale freak. I have really big eyes 9my mom said when she first saw me, she thought I looked like an alien, with big eyes, not crying, just looking around at everything like ‘what the hell is this.’ She thought to herself, is this my red-headed baby? I am not offended by this, it is actually a family joke at this point. Can anyone else relate to this mess?
I am also A- my mother AB- father was B-. So yes blue eyes red hair and freckles!
Ditto…AB- here. My 1st husband was also AB-. My current husband of 27 yrs is O-. I’m totally “self” isolated in Alaska. I find it close to impossibly to even walk my dog feeling like all the neighbors are looking out, so I mostly stay inside. I probably leave 6-10 times a year. Being around people (I care and love all humanity) cause me to experience extreme panic attacks. I can relate to anyone but don’t want to. Wayyyyy too overwhelming. Much peace & love to you all. Praise “Our Lord”.
I was born sleeping and they had to wake me up, I did not cry. hah
Diane, …Just reading this now in April 2020 ,,Yes, I am O Negative as well & totally agree w/ what you are saying – it is as if I said it! But I do think that its typical of us identical blood types – at least the RH- factors, though something about O Negative is very unique. For instance, many seem to be celebrities or else can be mistaken for celebrities (maybe we are more attractive in some way?), & also just very aware, sensitive, & awakened – though for me, it took me many years to put the puzzle together. Anyhow – you are NOT alone! (and I still have questions, so I do research).
I am -a, my mom and dad were -a. my first wife is – a my 3 kids are -a and my still married to second wife is -a. I recently found out our little group of socially distancing dog walkers who i met at the local park are both rh – , one is -a and one is -o. Spooky!
Hi I am married to A neg I am A neg and my 4 kids plus one grandson A neg. Where I live my neighbors are predominantly neg too. I think it’s kinda weird. I can spot an RH neg person immediately. I have reddish brown hair freckles and blue eyes my ancestors were from france and Scotland as well as ireland. My husband has black hair and crystal green eyes our kids are mixed 2 have blonde hair blue eyes and freckles the other two have dark brown hair and crystal green eyes no freckles.
Wow, you just described me completely, too. Nice to meet another O Neg. I had no idea it had such common personality traits. I have a fear of heights, too, so that was another one. Very outspoken and independent, I wanted to be a vet, Mom said she couldn’t afford it, so I quit school and went to work. 10 or so yrs later, I am married, with 2 babies, living in the Big Smoke (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) working as a Legal Secty/Commissioner for Affidavits, and I am stressed out completely, diagnosed with Gastritis (worried about my baby girls), Dr. says if I don’t change something, I will develop ulcers (my Dad had ulcers). So, I pulled up stocks and moved up North, met my current husband of almost 30 yrs and started farming. Ended up having one of the largest (300 head) Purebred Registered HIGH HEALTH sheep flocks, and one of ONLY 3 ppl in the country that had ever exported live sheep outside of Canada. I sold live sheep to several countries and semen, also. I have just retired at 57. I am an only child, so I am most comfortable alone, not really keen on big crowds, if I can avoid it. I have this thing about telling the truth and I get horribly insulted if I am lied to. Somewhat of a lifelong obsession for me. I have OCD and more recently diagnosed with Asperger’s, was an honour student in school, loved to learn with a keen interest in science and biology, but wasn’t keen on the nastiness that children want to impart upon each other, so I was truant often (for months)…even got sent to jail (Group Home) for a year as punishment. Where I got honours marks (over 75%) effortlessly, even after having missed over 1/3 of the school year. I was never really interested in ‘looks’ or ‘things’ unless they had a useful purpose. I had to get my g/f to ‘decorate’ my house, as I am just not inclined that way. I am utilitarian. It must serve a genuine purpose, not just ‘look’ good.
Don’t believe the OCD and Aspergers diagnosis PLEASE. Best to stay far away from the so called medical establishment.You’re highly intuitive. Psychic. Not OCD or Aspergers. Please believe this.
OMG! you and i must be twins. lol. I am the same way.
Am b negative am very shock am trying to learn about it …
I am an 0 negative, 2 of my husbands were 0 negative, My 3rd
husband was an o negative while in the military, a car crash put
him in the hospital late in life and he was an A negative at that
time. I had a health food store some years ago and started the
Eat For Your Type, (it’s great), I began asking all who came into
my store for years their type. I was shocked to find almost over
half of my customer were in the negative type. I began to
believe that something mystical was happening. The rarest
would come into my shop. After retiring i began going to other
heath food stores, I found the rare negatives working in the
stores and many customers I talked with were in the negative
blood types. So negatives are hanging out in health food stores.
i meet a O negative in the thrift store and one at the flea marker
just in this month 3/16. There is a connection, in my active
research, the mystical theory is out and out blood line can
know each other and find each other in all types of places. It’s a
natural happening for people to know who has their type of
blood. The blood speaks.
They often get blood types wrong in the military.
My dog tags are b pos. I am b neg.
Don Laughery: Which one do you believe? The military is the most correct assessment, surely. That’s how I learnt I was A-.
I gave blood many times over several years and was given a card from the Blood Bank
with the b- designation. I went to my Dr. and had it run again. B- was the result. I recently found out my Fraternal Grandmother was RH neg. Dog tags were wrong.
in the last 6-7 yrs. Ive learned so much mind blowing info and had experiences that there is no way to explain it all here. If you are interested, my phone is 806 898 1941. YES RH negatives recognize each other!
Yes, and from what I understand there is more than one way to do the test, some are more costly than others. My brother-in=law’s (military officer)came back one time negative and another time positive. There are negatives, kind of sprinkled in his family, which is my husband’s family.My husband is not sure what he is, but he definitely has a negative personality.
I am B-. Origin of this blood type is of interest to me. I heard it’s from Pakistan 30,000 years ago. I also heard all negative blood types are from people in France drinking rabbits blood constantly. Rabbits blood is RH- apparently. I told him his theory was not possible. He called me names. That was his response and his proof that his claim was correct. Perhaps he is right but I was wondering if you have heard this theory??
No, I haven’t. But feel free to ask one of your rh positive friends to drink rabbit’s blood on a daily basis and let me know the proven results.
Where did you hear that? You are more than welcome to share a study highlighting such theory. As for hearsay: It doesn’t help much.
forgot, I have auburn hair, very dark eyes. almost black.
did the dna test, I am French, Italian and German
This is VERY true. My husband, who was murdered in a nursing home back on 2020, was in the military and they listed his blood type as A positive. I had him donate blood a couple of times and they checked and on his blood donor card it stated that he was A negative
This is so true! Every single Rh- I know, including myself, we seek for a healthy lifestyle more than the rest of RH + I know. I actually think we are more in-tune with our bodies compared to the rest of the people.
I am like that too. I am a farmer, and we switched our feed to all non-GMO for ourselves and for our customers, because we want to eat healthy and more natural. I am never sick.
You can’t change bloody types lol.
Every time I talk to someone interesting they are rh negative. I think I’m only finding interest in rh negatives like myself and they’re always O- but that could be coincidental. Generally about clean eating, juicing, best water filtration and how to avoid toxins etc Lol! I’m not surprised at all to hear you were running into them at health food stores! I run into them at kava bars because so many don’t drink alcohol because the acidity in alcohol is unhealthy for our stomachs among other reasons but they still like to relax. Yes I can tell an rh negative. They have a different energy, and frequency than others. This started about two years ago where I realized this. It doesn’t surprise me anymore and I now think we must attract eachother as I don’t believe in coincidences as much as I once did.
I loved your read. I meet and recognize other rh negatives all the time now. It seems they’re the only people I talk to. Somethings happening there. Some kind of energy putting us together. Our energy is different and I can sense them. A kinship if you will, I always know now.
Yes we love to talk about health and how to avoid unhealthy things as well! Juicing tips etc. I’m amazed at how much in life other than negatives have in common w myself. Including self isolation ( needing that time to base alone) love for nature and animals, God and many of us are beyond intuitive. We are seers of truth. Finally yes, since a child I knew I was being watched. Idk by who or what. But something.
I am O negative in China. Not many research in China about this blood tye, so I want to know more.
I am O Positive, but my personality matches your lengthy description of Negative (and, even more specifically, your description of B Negative). Please explain this away.
What is your mother’s blood type?
I wonder if there are several left handed people in the family as well. Always seems to lead to an rh negative family member. That’s how I learned it was on both sides of my family. Followed the lefties and my aunt cracked up laughing and said yep. She texted me her rhogam card she’d saved all those years from her pregnancies. I always thought it was from my Moms side, turns out both my fathers sisters were O- as well.
Hi. I am 0+, and this thread has me terrified. I was raised in a Christian home, and believe Jesus Christ is my Savior. I have a relationship with The Holy Spirit. I fear and respect God. I want to go to heaven. I was baptized after being born again. (I will say I strongly relate to the 0- personality, but on medical records I’m officially 0+) is there an explanation, or any hope, for me.
Rhonda if you have Christ in your heart, you need not worry about your blood type.
yea, get help. Your an uninformed idiot.
I’m O negative I live in England, I just want to know more about my blood group
I have AB negative and exhibit many of the common Rh negative traits noted above.
And a few others..
Personality-wise, (in the end) I never allow my feelings to influence the decisions I make. When you feel as many emotions as strongly as I do–and I can only speak for myself–you learn to think with your head over your heart. My mind always knows exactly what to do, and the only approval I require in this life is my own.
I am O negative. I trust my intuitive instincts. My instincts have proved more successful than logic in my decision making process. I love learning. When studying a topic I’m excited about, I want to learn as much as possible. In my college graduate studies, my instincts proved highly accurate. Despite the fact that my collegiate years are far behind me, I hunger to study and learn new things. I also have a prophetic gifting of knowing something that I should not have knowledge. I understand this to be a God given gift. Sometimes I have trouble fitting in. It is as if I have to hold back knowledge so as not to overwhelm others. I am a firm believer in humility. I know much can be done via a humble spirit than through aggression. On a frivolous note, I’m told I look years younger than my age. My mother, also O negative, does not appear her age. She is a!so an intellectual. My hair was an auburn red as a child. I also have freckles. I’ve added the physical characteristics as I’ve read these may be common in many O negatives. Hope this helps your quest in discovering more about who you are.
I am rh negative not sure what exact kind . all I know is I had a miscarriage and they told me it was because of my rh negative blood. I have had every single trait on her . I also have some type of physic abilities and dreams that I try to keep to myself so others dont think I’m crazy around me . because when I do tell them everyone freaks out and says I’m nuts. I do believe I’m on this earth for a purpose . I’m very smart my GPA use to be a exact 4.0 . I don’t really fit in anywhere I go unless I have friends who truly believe and understand me . I can always sense when danger is around . and i find it hard to trust anybody .
Wow…that is so me..
Kathleen im O negative also, everything you said I agree 100% and I recently been asking my close friends there blood types.
You just described me, I’m O negative as well, Hispanic, green eyes, fair skin, this is so interesting!
I’m also O- and this fits me to a T. My hair was brown, but you could see the red in the sunlught, and anytime I’ve ever tried to lighten it it goes red immediately. I literally stripped my hair 4 times (bleached it) and it was still a red tone and couldn’t be dyed the color I was hoping for. I have freckles as well.
We are twins!
Just like me…. to a tee. Being an Empath is truly both a blessing and a curse.
I’m 0 negative too. I get told that I am lying about my age because they guess 15-20 years younger. I was told in the Drive-Thru line that I should be ashamed for asking for a senior discount.
I replied that I had been eligible for 16 years! I pulled out my driver’s license and showed him when I was born.
I’m also a strawberry blond with blue eyes. ( P. S. We are difficult to sedate pain is our enemy!) My beautiful red hair has faded to a nice honey color. My brother who had the same color of hair has faded to Silver even though he’s younger than I am. I’m quite certain my brother is O negative because my dad was my dad and I used to give blood to the gallon Club. For all the controversy over at O Negative we are the universal donor!
My son and I are truth seekers! We crave knowledge. I also am blessed to have a clotting disorder or cursed whichever way you want to look at it. There was a very intellectual search down on in search of on the History Channel. The list was a quite a bit more extensive than it is on this webpage. Out of 50 Questions there was only two that were iffy. They pretty much nailed my personality and my body! So if the television show is correct then we are fim ancient atlanteans. Some of the most knowledgeable people that that were ever born on Earth.
I married a man 10 yrs younger than I. I also look at least 10 yrs younger than I am. When I went to my husband’s high school reunion I looked younger than his classmates. I am A- and I think most of the characteristics mentioned here are mostly due to the negative factor rather than the blood groups. I read recently that people of AB- are more likely to have blood clots. My father was AB=and had blood clots in his legs at age 40 and had to have them amputated and then died of massive blood clots at age 47. I’ve been researching the negative blood issues for many yrs now and definitely have the personality traits of negatives along with both of my sisters, my brother, the only one of us 4 is the only positive and you can tell he is not a negative. The common thread of us girls is each of us have one of the neurological problems as in ADD, ADHD, DYSLEXIA and autoimmune conditions, a lot of things that I just don’t feel like typing right now. I don’t think hair and eye color play much of a part here, nor all this very far out beliefs of the religion stuff I just read. Which doesn’t mean that I’m right about it, just my opinion.
You won’t find the far out stuff on here. I cannot think of any other site or network though where you don’t hear about it. As for neurological problems: The cause is often discomfort in society. It depends on circumstances of course. But there is a way we deal differently with being in very uncomfortable situations. And the symptoms can indeed be what they are labeled as you have highlighted above.
A- here. I also look at least 10 yrs younger than I am.
LOL, me too. a NEG
The sensitivity overwhelming, empath, just odd traits,,, I found out I did math on the right side of my brain in college. flip equations over equal signs in my mind.l
I very recently wrote on your fantastic site about my daughter having Rh- Blood and AB- blood. Thank you for letting me do that. I must say that I do have a sister in law who has Rh- blood and AB- blood and she is in a coma right now at a hospital in Wisconsin. Fantastic lady in her early 60’s, a teacher and a great giver. She had an operation 4 months ago and developed a blood clot, that gave her a stroke. Such sadness. My good point here is: please, please do put your blood aside for anything happening in the future. Also there just has to be a way to educate professionals on how to handle properly people with rare blood. Like I said before on my studies, people with Rh- really do need more oxygen than others. I lived in Silverton Colorado for a couple of years and also found that the residents there were much the same in needing more oxygen. It could be like Rh- and the Basque and the Pyrenese! YOU stay healthy! If you don’t mind praying for my sister in law, please do. Her name is Dorothy, Dottie to some. Thank you!
I am the only O NEGATIVE, RH NEGATIVE, person in my family. Everyone back through my Great grandparents were positive and the only one with O. How can this happen?
Is there an answer?
Have you ever considered asking your mom who your real father was?
Yes, both of your parents carried a recessive Rh – gene. Recessive genes can only be expressed when both parents carry it.
Finally getting back to this thread after a relative (A-) posted about it at least a year ago and I was intrigued. I’m A- and of Irish/German/Austrian descent plus a little Bohemian. I’m also a firm believer in astrology and a classic Sagittarian to boot. I have a short list of friends and have never asked but wouldn’t doubt they are RH-. I always felt shy and self conscious in large crowds and there are very few people who I bond well with. I come from a large family of mostly ‘A’ type (hardworking/perfectionist) personalities. Two are near geniuses, I believe. Another brother is also A- and Sagittarius. Half of us are outgoing and the rest are equally happy spending time alone. My eyes are very sensitive to light. I never felt like I belonged on this planet and questioned if there was life on other planets. My two near-genius siblings feel the same way. My family and I have little patience with people who lack common sense. I was always an average student but thought of myself more worldly. I feel most others are more intelligent than me. I trust my gut instincts and there is major evil going on in this world now. I’m whatever the less common way of learning is (i.e. left brain/right brain). Physic-ness seems to run in my family also. I’m a procrastinator and somewhat of an empath. I’ve had a lot of stress in my life and don’t deal well with it but have seemed to be drawn into it (relationships, jobs). I finally met and married my soulmate after all these years. He is O+ with similar ethnicity. Trusting in God that all good people will be rewarded in eternity and the evil will be banished forevermore.
it is recessive – so it means both your parents had one rh neg allele and one positive — but you inherited two negative
I am o neg, so is my father and his mother and father- they are all from Greece.. I fit all of the characteristics- I have always been very different.
I wonder, is this subject sort of a 21st Century version of astrology in the sense that everyone yearns for something spiritually beyond the highly-controlled and all too often rigidly constructed society we live in? So, we look to the stars and ancient texts in an attempt to rediscover our origins and meanings. We are a strange lot, we humans. ~B- green eyes.
I have had two extreme “soul mates” in my long lifrtime.
They were both 0 negative like myself and both my parents!
We felt like we knew each other before being born here; so very much alike! Too much for coincidence.
Do 0 negatives attract 0 negatives??
I am O-. I had no idea about any of this until i read the material on the internet. I have often been made fun of because of my sensitivity to cold and heat. I have BP so low drs. have taken it until now they just accept that my BP is so low most people are put on oxygen.. almost all the qualities ive read are accurate for me. Ive felt so out of place that i confided to my daughter that i dont even feel human sometimes. I obsess about a mission i feel compelled to complete but i dont know what it is. You dont know how much better i feel knowing there are others. I have felt so isolated and alone with this internal battle that refuses to correct itself or go away. I have 2 RH- children, one is adopted. The other has had psychological problems for years. If anyone out there can help me, please do. I feel God put me here and ive felt that way all my life. I just refrained from telling anyone, little straight jackets and such, but im glad not everyone is laughing and ridiculing me, even my husband
Without the discovery of my rh negative family, I would still be wondering if I was crazy, even though I knew otherwise. That alone probably would have actually made me crazy lol. FYI We are all comfortable with one another because of how similar we are, yet different than others.
There is, but not everyone will consider or even accept the answer. I think and my studies of the occult, ancient religions, cultures, have lead me to a new explanation for the rhesus negative bloodline. Let’s begin with the story of Noah, many people have heard of the story of Noah and the global flood, but very few understand the reason why it had to happen. There is a passage in Genesis 6 that speaks of the Sons of God that married the daughters of man, and what came of this marriage was secret knowledge that these Sons Of God taught their human wives, such as magic, root cutting, divination, etc, These woman gave birth to sons that became demi god’s, superhero men with gigantic size, intelligence, superhuman strength and ferocious appetites. Having all this knowledge and super intelligence, they did some scientific experiments much like scientist do today. Mixing one species DNA with another species, many of these species were cross bread between incompatible animals which resulted in monster hybrids such as you read of in myths and legends, chimeras is what they were referred to. These hybrid animals were human hunters, beasts that could not be tamed, so the superhero demi god’s became man’s hero hunting and slaying the beasts of the field. They placed themselves as not only heroes but kings over the earth. The children of men than had to slave for them to grow and feed their ferocious appetites and when man man could no longer sustain these supe intelligent and gigantic human kings, these giants turned on man, and so they began hunting and killing humans for food and stealing the children. The giant from Jack and the beanstalk isn’t just a fairytale, it’s based of our ancient history, with archeological evidence of giant bones to back it up. The world became filled with violence and blood shed as everything was corrupted including the DNA of not just animal species but also man, Except for one man, his name was Noah and his DNA was pure and uncorrupted to it’s true kind in his generation, thus Noah, his good wife, their 3 sons that were also pure Rh negative and their wives which were rh POS were spared to live and repopulate the world.
Alicia Rasmussensen
Now for the strange birth of Noah and why I believe he carries the Rh Negative blood line that we are all linked to. Before the birth of Noah and his father and grandfather there was his great grandfather Jared and during the days of Jared the Watchers which are believed to have been a class of angelic sons of God appointed to watch over humanity as we evolve and grow, they were considered the gods of the sky, they lusted after the earthly woman and descended to the earth disguised as ordinary men, they chose wives, married and had ofspring. Instead of destroying all of humanity, the earth was to young and beautiful to destroy on behalf of the corruption of the watchers. So instead God called a man which will become the grandfather of Noah and told him in a dream that there is a great flood and destruction coming but one of his posterity will be left to start again and humanity will have a second chance. Well when Noah was born his hair was white as snow, his skin was red and white and his eyes were as the sun, His father seek some acknowledgement from his father the great grandfather of Noah called Methuselah that had the dream of the flood and Noah prior to his birth. Noah’s father was frightened of him, as he did not look like any of the sons of man, he resemble the sons of God, considered to be angels and spoke to God straight from birth. The book of Jasher and Enoch said, He blessed his creator. Methuselah told Lamech the child is indeed strange but he is not of the fallen angels, He is from God, born different to lead a different generation, he will be GENETICALLY PURE in his generation and will have a relationship with God all through His life. Noah too had many gifts that are mentioned amongst the rh neg special traits, including the longevity and not even looking his age. He too, was an outsider during the days of Nimrod, or Gilgamesh If you prefer the Sumerian account of the first civilisations. He, his wife and one of his righteous sons of Seth isolated themselves from the rest of the world. Perhaps where (the feeling of loneliness, not fitting in and feeling different) stems from.
I can recognize the over sensitive to cold and warm as well. Im a O neg.
Yes, I am like that, too. I am very sensitive to bright lights, but also very heat intolerant. I get sun stroke/heat stroke very easily. I live in Canada, so I am used to the cold outside in the winter, but I like to be warm inside the house for sure.
Hi Jerry- I totally felt you as I read your post. I am so sorry that you have had to struggle so. In my experience, having a – blood type has consequences. I, too, have low BP and ALWAYS have to explain I’m alive. Yet I resonate with not feeling human as well. Sometimes it can be so isolating.
I remember hoping every day as a child that anyone would knock on the door & tell me I was adopted! Not kidding. Hypersensitive, overwhelming, too much energy, ‘old’ soul who saw adults as peers, not afraid of authority or intimidated by celebrities/politicians/professionals. That combo didn’t make for an easy childhood. Add on that I have spent 7 years (cumulative) in a hospital bed, survived two comas, a 3-month stint in Hospice & over 200 hospitalizations. It’s a miracle I’m alive, for one, but also miraculous that the only psych diagnosis I have is PTSD. And believe me, I’ve seen too many mental health professionals, of every title.
Don’t worry so much about the mission. People seem to appear when the time is right. I do understand how forceful the mission feeling can be. Like a gnawing, relentless, consistent over time. My personal thought is that we are here to help, on whatever scale fits best for you. One thing that helps me is to say a prayer of protection. Otherwise people’s energy bleeds into mine.
I’d be happy to continue chatting with you. I’m not sure how to get you my email, or if that is allowed. Otherwise we could just continue the conversation here. I just hope you get a little bit of peace knowing there are people who understand. Keep strong.
Lisa, this is the first I’ve heard of someone else who can’t wear watches due to nickel allergy and burning up the batteries. I recall my dad talking about how my grandfather would put on a watch and it stopped working shortly afterward. My dad also had an allergy to a watch I had given him (and newspaper ink). I’m A- and not certain about my dad who has since passed. I suspect he may have been A- as well based on our likeness.
the use of Hg in rhogam for Rh – mothers causes these health problems in mother and children, may also metabolic genome (SNPS) for excretion of metals is poor in Rh-
The GAPS DIET and live in a food forest garden
0- myself
have the same senses as well
live in harmony with Nature – the hermetic truths+with your ideals each day…and ask the Universe each day why you are here right now…try to remember your dreams –as falling asleep and waking we are most in touch with universe (taking zinc helps too but GAPs diet can correct as well)
I am B negative and would like to learn more about the heredity factor re the Basque race.
I m married man and my blood group is b-
After 40 years i knew my blood group is b-
I m feeling very very proud.
I am b negative. Both of my parents were rh positive with a negative recessive gene. I have strong evidence that people with the rh negative gene are drawn to one another (as well as that people with no rh negative genes being instinctively adverse towards those that have the rh negative gene). My ancestors come from Ireland and Greece. My wife is rh positive as are her parents. I told friends about this theory and said the only way my theory could hold true was if my wife had a recessive negative gene. Fast forward a couple years and my son was born with b negative blood (thus proving my wife had a negative recessive gene and further supporting this theory). Too synchronistic to be a coincidence.
Exactly! I’m a B neg and my dad was B neg and i believe my mom is O positive- they had many issues having babies- I am more like my father- my father’s line is from Brittany France- above the basque and we have a high percentage it looks of RH neg like the basque…..
I am A- this described me
to a T!
Everything on here about RH is true I am O negative and I know I am very different and special well all of uS O negatives are
B- here. I wear coats in the summer. Nurses have asked if I was dead while taken my blood pressure it stays real low. My body temp is 96.8 not 98.6 and has always been that way. I have gold eyes and freckles and red brown hair. I have dreams that come true, I see shadow people sometimes. I blow lightbulbs I thought I just managed to always buy the box that was bad lol. I can not stand loud noise. Bright light kills me. Oh and most of the time if I know someone they can not lie to me I just know. And if something bad is going to happen to me or someone in my family my stomach knots up all day before. That’s when I hit my knees and start praying, sometimes G-d stops the bad thing from happening when I pray. I have family members stories to back that up. The Doctors say I am crazy so the big question here is am I? or am I something else?
We are twins! This is amazing. I find myself saying “why am I different” even with family. When reading your characteristics, I was amazed! You were describing me. Especially the bright lights thing. I light my house with night lights and oil lamps. The eye Dr. Confirmed that I was European due to a very large dark spot in my eyes. He contributes this to the light sensitivity. Also, the dreams. I really don’t share this trait l have with people . Afraid of what they will think. It happens often and accuratly enough that I no longer dismiss the dream. I just secretly prepare, since the dreams more often then not are bad dreams. Is this true for you? I no longer try to ware watches. I just give up. An allergy to nickel and burning up the batteries has coast me a small fortune. I also suffer from headaches, am a true introverted, and apparently a walking zombie.(low blood pressure and temperature.) My Nick name is mittens since I ware them until June. I want to thank you for sharing! It’s easier to find info on o-. This is the first real connection I’ve had with b- information.
Janet thankyou! A friend shared something on facebook about this and am following the rabbit hole to find out Im not alone! All of these traits describe me except I am blonde with green eyes. A feel like a weight is being lifted!
Janet and Lisa, I am the same as you. Cold hands, BP on the low side, headaches, can’t stand loud noise etc, I need space to get my energy back as I absorb a lot of other’s energies which tires me, so nowadays I have to consciously protect myself by setting an intention to surround myself with a barrier. I am intuitive, I can sense things and how people feel. All this sensitivity can make one anxious, so I try to meditate daily and keep myself centred and take time out by myself to re energize.
I have so MANY of the things that you and others have described — but I am O Positive. (My mom’s O Negative, though, and she is just the opposite: very hard boiled, practical, totally NOT into any kind of “psychic/vibrations” stuff.)
A-, but totally identified with you on all counts. So my head hurts, house is dark, BP & temp barely detectable…. oh, and I have to be the ONLY person in S. Florida with an electric blanket year-round. Lately, however, I’ve been trying not to use it.
Anyone else have problems with electronics/electricity? I can feel currents running through my body and I feel a slight resistance when using electronics.
Hi Adrienne,
You could be EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitive). Just Google EHS / EMF…
Grounding equipment helps a lot; electrical blankets means putting yourself into a huge artificial magnetic field when you need a natural environment. I am O-, moved from North of Europe to South; had seasonal depression there for many years; no more cold hands here…
For the rest: roller-coaster… Meditation, very alert on food and electronics, staying away from WIFI and need a lot of personal time to recover from “people overload”.
yes- i have a mild sensitivity to it and I am Rh neg…I also think the MTHFR mutation may have something to do with it…i have to mitigate my apt- however I do live in NYC and i’m seeking to move to mountains because it just too much for me-
Janet. Your post is describing me.
I think we must be long lost sisters. Everything you described hits home. I’m also B-. I experienced terrifying shadow people as a child. I have nightmares involving black clouds of loud whispering that gets nearer and nearer, almost suffocating me until I wake up. I get very anxious in noisy places, even around my own family. I HATE overhead bright lights. My body temp has always been 96.8 and my blood pressure is very low prompting nurses to ask if I work out a lot when I’m a total couch potato. =)
This article was spot on describing my personality for B- as well.
watch injectable adjuvants (hg and al) – The GAPs Diet
and get out in Nature everyday – grow a food forest garden and walk bare foot
get all synthetics – petrochemical based products out of the house – body products to furniture etc.
watch for mold
I’m not alone, and I’m not weird. I just have B- blood! I see shadows as well, I can sense danger, it either knots in my stomach or a cold brush of wind on the back of my neck. I like lights tho, I can’t be in the dark, because of the shadow. I have dreams that come true, I get a lot of deja vu. I can sense people’s personality, I can tell when people lie to me. I have only a couple of friends because I’m very sensitive towards peoples aura. I know what’s wrong ng with my body, when something hurts I know exactly where it is. My doctors sometimes tell me I’m probably just thinking it before they test me, then they do and they get amazed because I told them what was wrong with me before their test told them. I’m very focused when I want to be, I’m able to get over pain if I think it’s mind over matter, I’m anxious. I get panic attacks. I can tell my eh beg husband things without saying anything, I can communicate with him even when his on the other side of the world. So we are not crazy. And we’re not alone.
Thanks, Kae. Beautiful. Reach out if you like. I, too, have only a few friends. But I am trying to change that, set an intention to attract only people with pure motives. 2016 was a total clearinghouse for both me & my husband, and on all fronts.
We survived, though, and are ready to rebuild. It must sound so junior high, but we all have to start somewhere!
pleasure to meet you Kae
A- here. Cold hands and feet my entire life and just plain cold for the first 40ish years and I live in the humid hot southeast US. Consider myself friendly but in a room full of people will find my way to a position of ‘observance’. In restaurants, I must have the seat with my back to the wall and preferably at the back of the room, again, to observe and control. Never cared for the first three girls that my son dated seriously. Fourth one he brought home to meet us, as they were leaving and my husband and I were putting the dishes away, I told my husband that ‘we just met our daughter-in-law’! Married just over one year, grandson due in five months!
Always thought if I should run across an ‘alien’ or see an unexplained aircraft that I wouldn’t be afraid. Just never frightened by that sort of thing, more interested. In the late 1980’s, I volunteered to run back to town around 8:30ish for a few items I needed for the next day. As we live in the country on a farm with a long driveway down to the main road, I had my music playing and enjoying a quiet drive without the kids. As I descended the end of my driveway which is surrounded by tall pine trees and also across the road in front of me, just above the tall pines, I could detect one red, one white light and another partial red light close enough that I could tell they were rectangular in shape on an object that seemed roundish. I stopped and quickly turned down my radio to let my window down to listen for the sound as I thought it could be something about to crash and it would hit my home. As I let down the window, there was no sound whatsoever. And at the same moment I realized the trees were perfectly still, no air from the object. I was frozen as I sat there and listened but there was no crash and as I pulled out onto the road, I could see nothing else of it.
I had slightly reddish brown hair as a child and my son was born on July 4th with ‘red hair’. I have had many thoughts or dreams of some incident, story or person and generally the same week, I will hear or read something about it or them. Some incidents within 24 hours.
I believe much of this is biblical if you follow where the descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel migrated. I don’t mean that you are Jewish. The house of Judah (the Jews)and part of the house of Dan stayed together in the area which is now the land of Israel. The tribe of Menassah is believed to have settled in England which is where the Western European connection to these blood types would make sense. It is also believed by many biblical scholars that this would account for some of the early days of Jesus’ life that are missing as his mother Mary’s brother was a tin merchant somewhere in the area of England and Jesus went back to learn a trade from him. Hence, he became ‘the carpenter’! Also, if you check out the foods (diet) most suited for negative blood types, they are mostly in and around the Mediterranean. Pretty unnerving when you start putting it altogether. ‘There is Power in the Blood’!! Some of this you can find on YouTube. My mother, who has studied the bible more than anyone I know, understands all these traits clearly. I am asking for her rh factor next doctor’s visit!! I am an only child so I have that super need to know. Good luck on your search!
Yes it’s true. The Ten Tribes are in the Western European Bloodlines.
Ginger, you are spot on. I’ve been trying for a number of years on this blog, To draw the connections for all our rh neg brothers and sisters on here between the Rh neg traits and the israelitite bloodline of the 10 tribes or rathert the 10 lost tribes of Israel that were scattered to the 4 corners of the earth. Regardless of our faith and religious beliefs we are all connected through the soul which according to scripture is the blood and a specific Hebrew bloodline it is. One that has been set aside for a specific purpose, this isn’t just biblical but it’s a spiritual connection. We are not specifically chosen or singled out because we are better than those of rh positive bloodline, but simply because a promise and covenant has been made with the ancient Hebrew bloodline and been renewed through the Israelites covenant with Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel. In the end times there is a prophecy which states that God will unite the 12 tribes of Israel, regardless of the town, city, state, country or even continent you may find yourself living. There is a unification taking place between the Hebrew bloodline. And those gifts granted to you are to help others and to be used, not for self glorification but for the glory of the One that gave them to you. It is to witness that their is a creator that has a purpose for everything. “The mission” that so many feel they are here for has to do with the 144000, 2 witnesses of revelation which is a reference to the 2 kingdoms of Israel, Northern and southern Israel coming together, dreaming dreams, having visions, prophesying, healing, communicating and witnessing to Yahwe and a world that is to undergo a massive alien deception and transformation under a one world ruler called the antichrist and atheism. Your new spiritual awareness, connection with your brothers and sisters, feeling of not belonging in this world, dreams of being chased, hunted, by negative forces and in some of them captured or killed is not far off from becoming a reality. You will read about in the scripture book of revelation. You are the true royal bloodline destined for kingship and everyone will get their calling to fulfill their purpose. Whether you answer and accept the call, is entirely up to you, as we do have FREE WILL. Those who do answer will undergo a transformation in the spirit to begin their mission. That mission is to prophesy and testify to the Creator and the lamb who’s blood was shed to offer new life. Just as the Israelites had to smear the blood of a lamb on the doorpost to spare their first born during the Passover of the angel of death so too was the lamb called Jesus Christ slain to offer new life. The life of the flesh is in the blood, in other words the soul which is the life is the blood. Some of us will offer up our blood for others to live and in return be renewed and appointed kings and royalty in the next world with a peacefull reign.
You’re NOT crazy, I experience EVERY single thing you’ve listed here, & more. All of us here, I believe, RELATE to you. Exact same 96.8 body temp. Blood pressure is avg: 114/70. Oxygen lvls are generally low (94-96%) You’re fine. BETTER than fine. You are NOT crazy just different!
Yes, I have low blood pressure, too! Every time anyone ever took it they comment, that it is just barely in the ‘normal’ range as it is very low. I have no health problems, other than I watch what I eat, to not eat too much spices to upset my stomach. Bright lights are bad, too, and I have always avoided driving at night because the oncoming headlights pretty much shoot a beam into my head and cause me instant pain.
Yes, Charlie, my eyes are sensitive as well. I use the amber lens glasses at night while driving. Give them a try. Some are darker than others. They work for me! My blood pressure has never been high either. I am 56 years old now and a little chubby ha ha. Never low, but not high. Have a great day!
Wow, this is dreadfully true for me. I am also adopted, golden haired, green eyed, but consistently seek others peoples opinion on issues that I should make myself!
I am rh- I didn’t know till my first pregnancy BC the information I was given while growing up was completely wrong I was told my whole life I was ab blood type and the doctors did a test to make sure and that’s when I found out and I had the shots and they would never explain y but I got two handsome children. I find this interesting BC all that describes me I always felt like a loner even when I had people surrounding me, I wanna know more about my blood type
I am O-, RH- and I fit into all the the typical traits. One thing that stands out it my over-reaction to medication and anesthesia. When I miscarried ( due to the RH-) I had to have a DNC which required being put under. I had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia called muscle rigidity, and it was a traumatizing experience. Same with the dentist. I had to have a root canal and the numbing agent that was injected into my mouth caused my blood pressure to drop dangerously low and I was shivering for 6 hours. Medications have opposite effects on me so I have to be careful with things like benadryl or vicoden, they cause rapid heartbeat. Does anybody else have extreme sensitivies to medications/ anesthesia?
O- rh- also my mom. Extremely high tolerance to anesthesia in both of us. Pretty much every post describes me and I don’t feel so alone now. Also looking for something that I’m supposed to finish–ive known since childhood that I had a very important role to play in something very big. My dreams come true and recently have discovered that what I draw will also come true. Whenever I say someone’s name they either call or walk into the room–to such extremes that I jokingly said that I should talk about Santa Claus. I wasnt even surprised when moments later my best friend walked in with gifts for the three of us. I may be crazy….but I’m not wrong about what happens to me every day. I have also known from a very young age that I would not live to be much older than I am right now–and since i knew that my end serves a greater purpose, I have always been ok with that. I just know what i know.
Both my sister and I have serious issues with anesthesia. She was awake during her 3rd C-section… told the doctor what side he started cutting on and what he said when he took the baby out….I am A, probably with recessive negative…I process all drugs extremely fast so pain relief and anesthesia wear off in half the time…but am also hyper sensitive to depressants like alcohol/Vicodin, etc. Father was 0 Neg…mathmetician In navy, half Irish… mother’s side full of intellectuals…and union organisers, lol…very high pain threshold for everyone …and a tendency to laugh when it hurts …dr.s freak at that.
Hope this helps
I absolutely do. Having had 4 back surgeries to remove ruptured discs and fuse vertebrae, I’ve had so many experiences with adverse reactions to meds. Muscle relaxers give me intense spasms (only on the left side, from the top of my head to my toes), pain meds cause more pain, the list goes on.
yes, also if your mother was given rhogam/Hg during her pregnancy with you and/or you received it; also SNPS can decrease ability to metabolize and excrete toxins; we are being asked to live in alignment with Nature ( I believe) – Food Forest/Gaps Diet
Im B negative, they say rare at 1.5% of population. Im very intuitive and goal-orientated. Truth seeker and have 3 kids all turned out b+…first preganacy wasnt bad at all. Second was worse..third was so bad i dont want to have anymore kids.
Unless i find another negative bloodtype.. I never knew before.
Also have green eyes 2% of population whats the likeliness? lol
My blood type is A negative. Just stumbled upon this site and I am astounded at the accuracy described in the personality traits of a RH negative person. I was actually trying to find one point that did not fit my personality, but I couldn’t! I have always felt just a “little” bit different than most and now I know why!
Me too! I was amazed! My blood type is A negative.
Oh em gee!!! Im A- and ive always felt like im supposed to be doing something with my life. Like i havr a mission. The personality information was spot on.
I’m African American A-, didn’t know until getting a shot of rhogam. The percentage for black women is around 2% of the world. I did a DNA test and had about 15% European/ Germanic blood, I guess slave master blood but I’m dark and my hair is a sand brownish dirty looking color. I was shocked when researching the rarity of this. I don’t know my background but the dna test explains a lot. I’m different with too much empathy-always wanting to help which is sad because people always thinks I have an objective therefore I have no friends.
I found out that I was RH negative during my pregnancy with my first child. I never really thought much about it until I began to have health issues. Throughout everything I have found online the most mind blowing things that I have found I share in common with other rh negatives is the sense of not being of this world and intuition that has been very accurate. I’m curious if anyone has set up any more discreet way to talk to and learn more about other Rh negative people. I felt a strong connection just through what I’d find in my online research. I would like to find out any more similarities we have.
rhogam has Hg, rh – may also be associated with SNPS that make it a challenge to metabolize and remove toxins
Is rh negative same as A/B/O negative???
Yes it’s just another word for it in general. I am an A- red brown hair people assume I am 23 and come to *hang out with me randomly* but I am 33! Background Irish, Scandinavian and western euope in general my dna test looks like a circle on a map! Nightmares and have had prophecy stuff too. Am able to tell if people like me or not right away. I’m exactly the same as each one of u above!
am from ethiopia am o negative i do not know about ma mother and father but am the only o negative from the sublings. i remember reading about rh negative from the yellow page on internet and most of the charactors mentioned can describe me. i feel so alone, different, am so intuitive what can i say. i thought all of u were talking about me.
Ethiopian here as well,trying to find answers to life long questions came across your comment and felt compelled to respond. You mentioned that you didn’t get the chance to meet your parents but you have siblings who don’t share your blood type so I was curious as to how you came to have the blood, I my self have siblings but we all share the same blood type so does my parents and we all discuss how different we feel to say the least anyway would love to hear your story and compare
God bless
big heart:) let it lead you where you will go:) Nature is our guide just as the field of consciousness (what I believe) -we all are one/all people –more of us are waking up now
I have always felt “different” in a way that I can only describe as my own “singularity.” I am A-. I have a lot of the traits described in the A- negative personality. I am very intuitive and predictive. My senses are very sharp, especially hearing. I have an eidetic memory where I can recall intricate details of my life going back to age 2. I remembered the answers to questions in literature and history in my college entrance exams from details I had learned in elementary school. I have always felt that my level of thinking and reasoning is higher than most people in my cohort. My father was A- negative. He was super intelligent, far above anyone in his high school class; a master of science and mathematics. He became a doctor and practiced medicine for many years. But his social skills were rather off and he was in many ways odd.
I as well have these same , my father and mother as well,I am A neg and my father was a veterinarian and mother a nurse, I am a chiropractor ,so perhaps we came here to help suffering and grow and bring light, Tim
I am AB rh negative. Here I always joked how I have ‘supersenses’. Unearthy intuition, supersensitive invisible antenni (!haha), high IQ, creativity bordering on insanity, I can literally master anything and understand anything, very musically/ rythmically gifted, and may I say always good looking!:D all my life anywhere I go people turn heads to take a better look at me. I have proven to be a natural leader type and so on and so on. Bla… But there is NOTHING that would tell me that I am anything TOO special in any way for I know there are many more people who are superlative to any of the above. So I keep grounded and try to learn from everyone I meet from a high executive to the bathroom cleaner ! I learned for example, from scrolling down and reading the reactions of some of you that EVERYONE is indeed a unique person in their own way. No you are not any kind of ‘special’ just because of your bloodtype. Get real with yourself
. There is nothing and everything special with every single one of us, we are like snowflakes> similar but unique. Obviously we as a species have occupied this planet because of certain traits. Anyhow, the diet thing doesn’t seem too far fetched because blood is biology basically, but I haven’t read anything on the actual science behind it. Could be based on nothing. With that said I do have an autoimmune desease and many allergies, I sometimes joke that I feel like I am an alien who is sill not fitting into the ways of my planet hehehheh..As a little *wink to the utter rubbish I found on the internet about ‘rh negative and..wait for it… aliens!’ hehhehhheh too entertaining stuff. Going to read a bit more now about that diet thing.
I find what you are saying very interesting. You allow yourself the privilege of picking and choosing the parts you like concerning this RH- topic while scoffing at the parts you don’t like. You can’t make up your own rules about this topic unless you have research data to support your claims. I would suggest you have an average IQ and you are not significantly different from any other human regardless of blood type. I think the whole RH- thing is fake science. I have seen no credible scientific research data to support any of the RH- claims I see on utube and on the web. The diet thing you are looking up along with everything else on this topic is just plain BS and nothing more.
I think you are very ignorant to the truth , and probably sad and rightly so of the fact you are a Positive blood group, rarely do we disagree on basic facts ,as o neg’s .
I dont agree. When it comes to physical health I have much of the typical issues that goes with O neg. I have two surgeries where I bled much more than normal and one time it wad quite serious. They have checked my coagulation and its normal. Just under surgeries does this happen. Ulcers I had since young age. Eating the bloodtype diet keeps me well. Im now in my fiftees and knows this after many years with problems.
You would be wrong. RH O Neg blood cannot be cloned. At all. I am and am part of a registry I can give my blood to anyone but can only receive R H O NEG so now what. Google it. Perhaps you are wrong.
You are wrong about the cloning part for sure:
As to what else you have stated … it has all been covered already.
genes on different loci are connected, meaning they are passed on in groups and are associate with different SNPS which determine responses to environmental exposures; as well as different sensory capacities and sensory integration. Food is an environmental exposure, in fact food shares its mRNA with us every time we eat – plants can share it in the air even, as well as its microbiome which literally determines what DNA is expressed. These are the foundations of adaptation and evolution. (I am a physician and anthropologist)
maybe think about why you get angry at people you disagree with or do not understand –this is all your experience – not others – others are a projection of yourself..who treated you like this? whose behaviors are these? are they really yours? you are whatever you perceive yourself to be –BE WELL, you are light and you are love –we are all one. -separation is an illusion
How do you explain 45 of 46 Presidents have RH negative blood. Queen Elizabeth CharlesHarry etc. All negative yet only 10-15% of the world has negative blood. BS?
I read your description of being musically/rhythmatically inclined…ditto. I was the only pupil in my Jr. high school’s 30+ year history to have ever passed their “rhythm aptitude” test with a perfect score. My son (a product of two ab- parents) is a drummer. He can also play guitar & piano proficiently. (Self taught & I later furnished him lessons). Very interesting.
i was a classically trained violinist for many years as a child until college- i’m b negative…i learned originally by just listening- a bunch of my family members were musicians too..but i gave it up because too much pressure
I’m O negative so is my father and sisters, my mother is B negative. I have dark hair and dark brown eyes but my sisters one is blonde and blue eyed the other is red with green eyes.
My blonde sister can become unusually aggressive for little to no reason and my red head sister can get emotional quickly same as my father.
I suffer with extreme shyness due to feeling out of place all the time.
However I have felt since a child that I’m here for a reason but I don’t know what. Almost like I’m not really from here.
I have extremely vivid dreams every night many of them premonitions.
I love animals and feel they are my friends, I hate big crowds and feel overwhelmed by too many people around me.
I have read palms since I was 13, and had great interest in astrology and astronomy since I was a child.
I usually have strong feelings of something bad or evil happens.
I can usually see or detect what others can’t and I just think differently, a little outside the box.
I have struggled with depression since I was 8, and have anxiety problems.
There needs to be more research into RH Negative. There is still so much mystery surrounding it. Why are we more psychic, why are we more sensitive, why do we have low body temperature and blood pressure, why are we so different in general to the RH Positives who are the majority.
I feel like the truth is being kept from us.
And yes I do believe subconsciously we recognise each other, because both sets of my grandparents were RH Negative.
I myself have the same feelings as you. It seem like I never fit in with any group. I’ve never had a true friend other than my spouse. Ever since I was a child I’ve suffered from depression but never knew why. I have dreams also and those feelings of oh no here we go again. I’ve had premonition of world events. If you say anything people think your just weird. So I guess that’s why I stay to myself. As for the knowing of others well I’m about to go ask someone what blood type they have. Thanks for your post.
Hi, I’m from Kerala ( Southern India) my eyes and hairs are black in color . Lots of friends from foreign countries told me that my eyes are too attractive may be because of the blood group .My blood group is A RH -ve after watching the youtube video i understood lots of things shown there is truthful i’m allergic to dust , love to spend time in nature than other things also some more similarities .
I am O negative and since very young had problems with too much stomach acid. Im blond with blue-green eyes. Had to remove galdbladder and I bleed quite severe under surgeries. I didnt know the connection until i read about it from Dr. Adamo. I definitely feel better eating by bloodtype diet no matter what others might say. So many things I have seen here by other O – negatives I can relate to.
Hi Elisa, how do i get that diet. i need it. thankyou in advance
the gaps diet is better – more complete
food forest generation in our back yards is key
avoid petrochemical/metals in food or medicine esp injectables
Hi, A- here, contact me on amara23@seznam.cz
Red hair and freckle’s like you showed is called a Ginger. We are not ginger’s… We have red tint not red hair. One is caused by lack of protein the other is caused by the MC1R protein. You could not be FARTHER from the truth. They are complete opposites. If someone is RH negative and a Ginger than that is just a random anomaly. I don’t know if that was your YouTube video but you’re spreading around misinformation. Not much information regarding RH negative traits in the first place but you can not in anyway draw a logical connection between being a Ginger and RH negative because it does not exist. There is no connection, ever. As stated before it would be a freak anomaly of luck to be both. Someone misunderstood the whole “red tint” thing and took it to far, never checked their information and continued to spread false knowledge.
gene loci do get passed on in groups – depending where cross links occur — which can change with generations. we do not know the environmental factors that precipitate these changes. environment does determine genetic expression. Environment: from the entire biome (microbes/microRNA transmission) of every species in an ecosystem plus all the unintelligent petrochemical/synthetic toxins that are man made. Life on Earth nor anywhere else in the universe can not be ‘random’ –the life on this planet would not exist if it was random…in a few billion years hundreds of millions of species; each holobionts integrated of hundreds of trillion species of specific cells and independently functioning microbes living symbiotically; moment to moment adaptation by way of microbial sensing and response… this website is about connection, no one is running stats, but if you want to be helpful; collecting data is a place to start….easy to burn down village, takes heart and mind to create one
Hi, I am Rh O negative from Fiji. My husband is O positive, daughter is O neg and son is O positive. Have black hair, brown eyes. Would like to know more because I have almost all of the characteristics described above. Hmmm…interesting
O- Redish Brown hair, light brownish hazel and sometimes green eyes (depending on what I’m wearing) Have so many of the same tendencies. I’ve always felt different and have taken meds for depression much of my life. I dream all of the time… sometimes it comes true. I sometimes can feel other peoples pains, illnesses and feelings. I enjoy and need to be alone a lot. I’m super creative and always think way outside the norm. I feel like I’m always restrained by time and resource. Im not a good friend. I also have a bleeding disease. Do any of you? Cindy
I am B Neg. I have all the characteristics of a B Neg. I never at any time in my life felt that I belonged, even though I have no trouble interacting with other people, but keep most of them at a distance. When I was young, I wanted to be like the other kids, but never felt like one of them, with very few exceptions, but I learned to “fake it” and I like to be alone. My feet are always cold (I live in Hawaii) and my body temp is always 96.8. My blood pressure is slightly high. Many years ago I contracted Hep C from a transfusion and was unaware of it until I donated blood and it was rejected because of the Hep C virus. I have since taken the Harvoni treatment and I am now Hep C free. I attribute the fact that I never came down with Hep C due to the fact that my B Neg blood fought to reject the virus. I understand that Neg blood also will reject the HIV virus and many others. I have also learned that RH Neg blood is copper based while RH positive is lead based, so I do believe diet plays a factor because we have a different blood chemistry. I eliminated chicken, tomatoes and other things from my diet because of this. My 24 year old son is just like me and also B Neg. We understand each other without words. I am also an empath. I physically feel others pain. In doing my genealogy, most of my ancestors come from Scotland and some from England. I have piercing blue eyes and reddish brown hair. Thanks to the internet and sites like this, I understand myself better and why I don’t feel that I belong on this earth. I might add that I look much younger than my years and so does my son. Another plus of being RH Neg. When I was a kid, I used to stand in an open field looking for flying saucers to come and take me away. I used to think I was crazy, but now that I know more about RH Neg blood, I understand myself better, but still learning. So much more to learn.
Don. B-neg…. I remember standing in our back yard in my mid-teens and begging for “them” to come take me away. Plus many of the characteristics you describe.
Me too. Scottland. For all RH negatives our mission is to educate the people. An orchestrated fake alien invasion will come. People will be so afraid they will follow anyone who will save them. A leader will arise who will win the war WWIII. One world Order will be accepted. Aliens ( who are not aliens) will offer all humans a new world just like ours. They will lead them to their ships. Those who go are enslaved. WAIT for JESUS. you will understand …read Albert Pike and the 3 world wars. 1 page of reading. Those who have ears…those who have eyes. Praise God.
Christ has come and gone. Look on top of Mount Carmel. Read writings for yourself, not someone else’s thoughts.
amazing- i too am RH neg B- and feel like you- very to myself- never really fitting in…I also have very aqua green eyes – piercing and my grandfather from Brittany France had really light blue eyes but darker skin- i think i got my b neg from my father…i also look super young- i am 44 and i look 30- everyone tells me this.I o eat a really healthy and clean diet – an ancestral diet from France in a sense…luckily i grew up with frood my grandfather did make because I lived with him. I too am an empath, highly sensitive o sound, a classically trained musician, health advocate and medium, yogi, its quite amazing when I really learn about my heritage of France and how I do not vibe with my more Germanic Scottish side of my mother’s line. She was O positive i believe. And had 3 miscarriages first and I believe it’s because of the B neg line of my father.
I have all the traits that the top of the article describes as Rh Negative. However, I am Rh Positive. Am I allowed to exist? ;-S
Hi Kate: You most likely have a negative allele even though you are technically a positive. Those who have a recessive negative allele you inherited from a family member with RH neg (which doesn’t show up on your blood type) often have the same traits as the RH negative blood types.
Hi Kate, Like yourself, I also am Rh Positive, but with all the characteristics of an Rh Negative. I believe that in my case, and probably in yours, there is a recessive gene for Rh Negative which is exerting a strong influence behind the scenes. The reason that I’m sure I have Rh Negative as a recessive is because, even though my blood type is B+ and my husband’s was O+, our oldest son is O- . Since both O and ( – ) are recessive to A and B and the Rh+, as I understand it, that could only happen if both my husband and myself carry O- recessive and were fortunate enough that both provided that to our son. We did have DNA testing done to establish proof of parentage and he is definitely our biological son. Both of my other children have B+ blood type. Now, as an adult male 39 years old, my son fits exactly the description of an O- male in personality and physically. I don’t know if you have any means to discover what your recessive blood type is, Kate, but if you can establish that it’s Rh-, it may help all of your experiences to make more sense, to fit a pattern at least. Best wishes to you and to all the others who have posted here.
I only found out that I am A- with my first pregnancy; spouse is O+ and the injections began immediately giving birth to my daughter. I read through the list of traits open-mouthed as I could identify with so many of them. I have never had a ‘normal’ body temp – I average 96 degrees. I have been having psychic dreams since childhood. I was 5 years old and can remember it like it was yesterday (even though it was 55 years ago) of feeling empathy toward a neighbor woman who was being put down/bullied by another neighbor woman. I felt her pain/emotions in my chest. I am very susceptible to taking on negative emotions from others strife; I have recently earned my masters degree as marriage and family therapist which is a Catch 22 but yet on a compassionate/empathetic level I feel I excel. Do any negatives out there read body language/facial expressions? I imagine this is where the other individuals were stating they can tell when someone is lying. I am intiutive with a capital I. I have green/hazel eyes, reddish tints to my brown hair. I need light; sometimes the darkness frightens me but not all the time. I never knew until reading this that my thoughts at times of catching a glimpse of a figure may not be in my head. I have pictures taken of me that sometimes have orbs of lights around me or on my face. I could go on but will end this rambling. Thank you!
I too am O neg. My temp is 96.8, my pulse is about 60, and my blood pressure at times has been 80/60 or else the bottom number would not be detectable. Now that I am almost 70, my blood pressure is usually 120/80 even though I smoke a pack a day and am 100 lbs overweight. I too have extremely vivid dreams. I dreamed about my adopted daughter for ten years before she came into our lives. We applied to adopt and six weeks later we had a newborn daughter. My hair was white until I was about two years old. I ended up with brown hair with reddish tints. I am pear shaped. I have always felt out of place. I am not a socializer. I have correctly diagnosed illnesses in others that doctors have missed. Once I correctly told a friend the number and suit of three random cards off a deck. I have not been able to duplicate that feat. I married an O neg man and we have been wonderfully happy for 35 years.
I’m B- and don’t look my age, I feel the cold and the heat, I have low blood pressure, I am self-made and am (was) highly motivated. I set out my goals and achieved them, never had any doubt. I know if somebody is genuine or fake almost immediately, however I can’t go much beyond this, maybe I lose interest. I am intuitive, I know if someone is ill, suffering. I think I have healing hands, (have been told on 3 occasions).
I have never felt as though I fitted in when I was growing up, I felt different, but didn’t know why. I have never been a groupie and feel anxious in a group of women. I love to spend time alone and actually crave it. I have recently become highly spiritual and it calms my busy mind down perfectly.
Hi Anita! Your description sound so much like me! My favorite moment of the weekend is to be on my own. I do look much younger, and people can’t believe it. Pressure is always low. Sometimes I can reads people’s thoughts, though I think we read it in their eyes or some gesture they do in their face and body, which we are not concious about it. I never! even in school, never felt a fit in one group. Eventhough I would always be friendly and social I would always tend to be more independent and go on my own. Now! About the busy mind… Now that is sooo true… I do too many things that i’M supposed to be talented at, but I have never felt I have gotten to my fullest potential or perfection, at least yet. I have always atribute this to my dad, as he is super talentented in so many things that at the end he has not been able to concentrate in one to its highest potential. He is a B- same as I.
I’m A- and the above fits me. Very weird
Many years have passed since we both spoke Mike. In reference to the question “CAN RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER/S ?” I would like to present a theory of KNOWING we are in the presence of another. Questioning the eye-lock that lasts as long as the pair deem so? Are we brave enough to question the party involved? It comes with stigmata for those without understanding. For me, I have been questioning since childhood without fault. Thank you Mike, you may know me as Tina Vinscavage.
I first across “do rh negatives recognize each other?” on this site. I say YES. In the last 14 mo. or so I have asked approx 20 people. Mainly based on striking up conversation and feeling comfortable around them. 2 were positive blood and 2 didn’t know their blood type. The rest were RH neg. The odds against these numbers are astronomical. I never push the asking. It’s more of a prompting or feeling. I wish I had kept a precise record from the beginning, I experience electrical disturbances, in my hands especially. IQ of 150. People routinely guess my age 15 or more years younger than I am. (79). People have opened up to me and confided in me things they have never shared before. Psychic dreams, low body temp, feeling of not belonging, etc.
Interesting. I too share your experiences and am Rh-
I just found out I’m o rh negative at 54 years of age. I I have to agree with the breakdown of personality traits listed. I have felt as an outsider all my life. I can sum a persons true intents in seconds. Have a 145 iq. Not exceptional but better than average. I have had many experiences in life that defy explanation. Have always been told I overthink everything.
Have had many unexplained phenomenon. Always thought maybe I was a little crazy ( court is still out on that one ). But I mean seeing things others don’t , such as what one might call a ghost, or having a glass ashtray split in half while staring at it thinking that the smell bothered me. Or having clocks stop while looking at them thinking I am late for something. I once had a formless white mass come down from a tree or the sky and pass through my chest, I sensed another persons or consiousness. Perhaps I’m crazy, but would like to hear if anyone else has similar experiences
Let me apply a little bit of statement analysis:
Your sentence starts with I showing strong commitment making this part of your statement likely true.
Starting with I twice can be showing very strong commitment but also indicate that you are thinking about something else while writing this. Let’s see:
Indication: You believe what you are stating.
Notice the I being dropped. For the first time in your statement, the commitment has been removed. This indicates deception making this claim likely untrue.
It would be considered much better than average and exceptional in society, which makes your statement part contextually wrong. You also didn’t commit by the statement leaving out “It is” as in “It is not exceptional” showing you yourself do not believe what you are stating.
Strong statement.
Commitment removed. Why?
Again, no commitment. And isn’t it “phenomena”?
No commitment. Are you trying to appease now? Let’s see…
The sentence starts with “But” rather than “I” and it refers to the previous “Crazy” claim I suppose. “I see things others don’t” would be the way to start by someone believing what he is about to say. You don’t.
Using unnecessary words in a statement also tells us that there is something important you are circumventing. And “what one might call a ghost” in addition removes you from your own statement and removes even more evidence by giving the responsibility to an unidentified “one”.
You’re starting a new sentence here where you shouldn’t have. It shows you try to make a strong statement which is weak and deceptive. Starting a sentence with “Or” shows dependence on the previous but making it a new sentence is showing a desire to state something that cannot stand on its own.
Here you do the opposite. “I sensed” should start off a new sentence. But it doesn’t. Misspelling “consciousness” also shows that you don’t pay proper attention. People cannot lie outright. So it is a form of being deceptive without having to do so in the form of a properly written statement.
Mind you: If you hadn’t claimed to be intelligent, your grammatical mistakes may not raise an alert. Though the 145 part is not possible based on your statement, it wouldn’t make sense to assume that you are dumb. Which is why your final sentence also raises yet another red flag. Not ending it with a “.” shows you are not done and waiting for a reply, so you can continue deceiving. But you are not able to go on as it would show your deception even stronger.
Strong deception indicated on several levels. Claims are not to be taken seriously, but intent to continue misleading has been noticed.
Hope this help!
Now this was a great read.. and very accurate. Lol
That is a pretty strong dissection of Richard’s statements. The analyzation is a bit extreme, however I am sure you believe you are “spot on”. No derogatory slant meant in that statement. I have many traits of a negative RH person, although I am not. My physical attributes include webbed fingers and toes, blues, red tone to my hair, my looks are youthful and my complexion glows. Of course, being a health nut and eating well contributes to those youth good looks. My intuition is strong and I have the ability to see the inner person (whether good or bad). I have had many people randomly come up and ask me if I could see the spiritual realm. I have experienced events in my life which defy reason and logic. This I give credit to my God whom I believe in with all of my being. My faith and spiritual need for Him to in my life is strong. However I prefer to study from my own home. I love people and care about others, that is why I am a nurse. I never feel like I really belong ” to the group”. I love water and I live near the beach. When I go on vacation I love cities that have rivers, lakes or ocean/gulf/bay. My dad who was the negative RH said I could swim like a fish and jump like frog. However that was partly due to my Scandinavian and American Indian bloodline. I am a Heinze 57 mutt with multiple haplogroups.
I do not profess of being an expert writer, so forgive me for my errors of English. Science, math and art was my strong points.
I believe we are all meant to have these gifts, yours are stronger than most:) perhaps they can best be used for yourself and mankind. we are all on this planet at this time for an important reason, it is a time of great transformation
Serra: Yes it is a time for great transformation. I was shown this many years ago, and l’ve waited decades, all the signs today are bringing that 1977 vision to life. And the creator is close at hand. I’ve seen it in advance, and now l feel it coming. We are different, even in our likenesses.
I am o negative blood but I think that we are not special in anything we are just want to feel that we are special more than the others because we are a minority it is delusional thinking
“Feeling special” would be an emotional interpretation of the facts we are presenting. If they make people feel special, so be it. But this isn’t about that. It is about both, highly suspected as well as already proven differences between rh negatives and rh positives.
Arebi: You’re both right, and wrong. And very soon you’ll see.
I am personally O+.
– generally quiet and dont believe in drama.
– not religious but is spiritual, but believing that ‘Divine’ is consciousness and within ourselves and the living.
– honors certain historical deities as ancestors rather than as ‘gods.’
– recognizes a good bit of royalty in my family tree.
– has certain psychic abilities, mainly precognition via dreams, and is highly intuitive and is an empath. also tends to sometimes disturb electrical devices.
– has a deep connection to the Earth, the ocean, as well as the stars, and to certain animals.
– is goth but in my own humble way.
– believes that much of what is taught in history, science, religion, and online is false or misleading by design.
– is type O+ blood. granted, my mother is Rh-, and while this alone makes my personal case, I feel it also discredits the increasingly general popular personality traits given or applied to Rh negatives in, simply because it goes to show that there are most likely multi-millions of people who are Rh+ but who also possess the same personality traits and abilities, including psychic abilities.
To be very honest, I possess more of the personality traits given to Rh- than my mother who actually is Rh-. In my humble opinion, aside from the giving blood/giving birth medical needs that need to be attended, the only other difference between Rh- and Rh+ is simply the lack of 1 simple protein on the surface of someone’s red blood cells. And that 1 particular protein is simply the D antigen. I also feel that, people have the innate need to feel special about themselves, and collectively, especially if the collective group is a minority. Being in a minority group always makes its members feel special, regardless of what is the shared element, and they like to collectively express that, especially on social media. And, unfortunately those in a minority group tend to have the attitude that those in the majority are all the same with no differences, hence, many Rh- people must feel that Rh+ people are all the same. I feel my example of myself above disproved that on the spot. If not mistaken, I believe there were others on this page who said they were Rh+ who shared the same personality traits. Me being O+, I know several others personally who are also Rh+ who are very spiritual (not religious) as well as intuitive, and share many of the personality traits often given to Rh- , even though dont know their parents’ blood type. I feel this simply shows that while many Rh- folks may possess the given Rh- personality traits, the same traits may also be applied to Rh+ regardless if they’re in the majority or not. So personality or ability wise, who is more special? I personally feel the individual person determines his/her personality type based on childhood and neighborhood upbringing, environments, personal realizations and choice of personality types, as well as spiritual and intellectual level, and past lives/realities (if one believes in such), rather than simply if a person has a simple protein on the surface of one’s red blood cells or not. To me, this whole subject of Rh- being ‘special’ in personality (or psychic) is almost like a cult. I have read much about this subject over the years, and I wonder what the true motives behind the initiators of this subject are, speaking in general (to the author of this page, I have no clue and wont assume). However since this post is getting long and will likely piss off the “Rh- are better because” people as is, I’ll just leave this here. I doubt this post will do any good, because it is human nature to feel or believe they are better, smarter, stronger, etc. than the next person, and to grab ahold of certain elements (whether its true or not) to reinforce their beliefs. To those handful who are intelligent and know better, whether you have the D antigen on your red blood cells or not, you have my respect.
First of all, you have gotten everything wrong with false perceptions. Secondly, please use a real email address when commenting here. I definitely do not feel better because I am rhesus negative. If I feel any better, it is because I experience nothing but false perceptions in life, which I obviously do not consider a “psychic gift”. I am not sure what nonsense you have read wherever, but this blog is scientific based and blood type personality traits have been shown to exist over and over again. I don’t think anyone here is peed off. I think people will read your post and think because you’re rh positive, your just not getting it. And what do you care anyways? You live in an rh positive world. So you should feel more at home than me. Which is why rhesus negatives tend to feel the need to find groups where they belong to more.
Wonderfully stated,!
Well said Mike. Very well said.
For reference, I lack knowledge of my own blood type.
Perhaps suspected Asperger’s and multiple concussions are more relevant regarding my personality traits. Mother has A+ blood but don’t know my father’s blood type.
Throughout life, i’ve encountered people who had pronounced and cognizable differences from the majority. Those with down syndrome, autistics, geniuses, the very short statured. Although i’ve never had a true friend in life, I had a fake friend who others seemingly treated poorly or ignored because of his height, but I spoke to him and wasn’t bothered by such a minor trait. This is all very relevant. Some people have outlier traits which can easily be conjured up in thought instinctively, or shortly after meeting them for the first time.
However, I now recall previous encounters with people who were extremely different but not recognizable consciously – rather, they seemingly emitted a strong force, a psychic energy, or aura which my own body and spirit could detect on another plane or dimensional level. Thinking about what made these people different from the majority was and is difficult.
Once, while I sat down in class, I noticed a girl who seemed somehow different but could not think of why or how. She was sitting closeby. The air around her seemed energized, as if getting too close would cause an electric shock. It felt like I was near an electric transformer. If my memory is accurate her hair was slightly red, or dark red. On some other level, perhaps through telepathy or intuition, I thought she was a genius or very intelligent. Nobody spoke to her in class. Normally I avoided looking at other students out of fear, but somehow I felt an urge to look at her. She seemingly glowed with a mysterious and dominating energy. It was startling and a very unusual experience for me.
I’ve also experienced another encounter with someone who was different, but in a way which is and was difficult to put a finger on or consciously think about.
The nurse at my middle school seemingly frightened other students, and perhaps even myself but slightly. She had a somehow different facial appearance or structure, and a dominating energy or aura. The students who entered her office looked upset, perhaps they also picked up her energy. I was startled by it. Now that I think about it, the room seemed to have a mysterious electric charge or tension.
Were these unique and shining spirit people Rh negative? Do Rh positives sometimes act hostile, or unusually friendly towards Rh negatives because their spirits pick up this energy or glow, or their bodies pick up the electric charge or energy but not consciously? I personally answer yes to both these questions. Rh negatives seemingly emit a unique dominating energy or vibrant life force both in pictures and when met personally, and it may frighten some Rh positives and trigger a fight or flight response, like meeting an extraterrestrial. My impression of Rh negatives is they do not originate from this planet, but are instead examples of what happens when recessive extraterrestrial genes are expressed. Personally I believe Rh negatives are somehow either God’s chosen people, descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, or instead possibly “Jewish”
– they are blessed with unique abilities and have a mission on Earth to guide humans, but many including other Rh negatives will try destroying them for appearing to be a threat, or being intimidating. This is not coincidentally what happened to Jesus.
Perhaps the hostility towards Rh negatives is caused by jealousy, their intimidating presence, or their otherworldly aura.
One thing i’ve noticed is just how blatantly obvious the differences are between Rh negatives and Rh positives, yet how they are ignored or almost NEVER mentioned anywhere except a few isolated websites. The world’s intelligence agencies probably know about this information, and are keeping it suppressed.
I would recommend Rh negatives to be wary of any government agencies and attempted military or intelligence agency abductions, especially those with mainly or entirely Rh negative immediate family.
This is not something to be taken lightly. I think something very horrible is going to happen soon with this situation. Just as redheads were persecuted or burned as witches in the past, and great genocides were launched against one group against another, perhaps in the near future things like blood type or certain genes will become the main factor for discrimination, rather than race or religion. And a certain kind of person will be doing the discriminating. Simply denying the reality of such differences does not eliminate them.
Your description of the O negatives is correct , they do emit a certain field and i dont mean the aura it´s a nearly pearlescent type of glow which you can see best in the dark.. also high healing qualities and i believe them to be originally aquatic by nature long ago, because of the sometimes extreem webbing between the toes and the fingers.
Extremely sharp senses sight hearing, i have bat ears i can hear sounds ordinary people can not hear and see wavelengths most people cant see also my tastebuds work and sense of smell are highly developed . I have a very high IQ which in this world is not always a good thing since everybody is dumbed down and you see life so very different and patterns between things ordinary people dont see.
What freaked me the most is the weird paranormal stuff since I´m very analytical that was hard for me to accept. Whenever i go to old places things happen, weird beings start speaking to me thelaphatycally. Don´t judge me on my language English is not my native language but i do speak five languages. I´ve had a very difficult life but the upside is i learned a lot and i´ve had a rich and colourfull life even in the toughest times. You learn a lot from hardship.
I dont care much about social media cause most people on it are very superficial. Once in a while i come to a place like this and give my opinion and than disappear for years. I share your view that we might one day, as has happened in the past, be persecuted again, it happened with the sephardic Jews who were mostly Rh negative. And with some other native tribes for reasons unknown we are hated and maybe even feared.
Athanasia: wish l’d found your comment sooner, it intrigues me, it’s much like me. Good luck with your research on your negative blood, l’ve mostly concluded mine after sixty years, l’ve found explanations l was looking for, and much, much more, because of links in here. I finally have no more curiousity, God still leads, l still follow, without religious claptrap. I’m pretty sure we are a special group, and we’ve been hidden and protected throughout millennia. And l’m.oretty sure what we are protected from is God’s enemy. And that’s the first, and last time, l’ll say that. Our whole existence on the planet has been planned, mapped, and has a fast approaching final conclusion. Stay safe.
You’re both right, and wrong. And very soon you’ll see. I too believe Rhesus Negs should be wary, l believe the aliens they’re now closer to accepting inside governments, are looking for our blood type. I believe we are different, as to how, l leave that to discovery. It’s possible we aren’t native to the earth.
I think people seek to find connection between earth and spirit because it has been so culturally separated for so long… I think people are looking for answers as always… belonging…it is fascinating to trace ancestry too especially since so many stories have been lost…antigens are interesting…hundreds are part of Rh factor and there are different spectrums..tests are not precise…interesting to know the last time you were tested…if the majority of yours are antigen negative but if you have some you test positive..these tests are very limited. I think this website is about connection. and the interest in where science and spirituality lie —what is true really lies in the perceptions and thoughts we chose…do we chose to see others as different…the need to judge rather than support the needs of others is an interesting choice that says more about us… I speak of myself as well ….I do wish to delight in the unknown and in connection as I am but a very small glimmer in our collective light
I’m A- and can definitely relate!
Red hair, hazel eyes, pasty white girl.
Always had a feeling I was adopted, only fair skin red head in the entire family.
Always grew up believing I had O+ , but after going through a very difficult pregnancy,
having emergency C-section and a 2 lb 13 oz baby. My mother also A- informed me that the man I had called Dad for 28 years wasn’t my father!
I always joked that I was the red headed step child and actually I was. I hadn’t received the rh- factor shots! Nurses questioned my blood type…thank God or I never would have put the pieces together. I am leary of doing a DNA test, have thought it would be put in a data base that one day government would use some kind of germ warfare.
I have good intuition, suffer from sunlight, heat & cold and feel like I’m on sensory overload. My faith has always been strong, had 2 near death experiences, been in a coma for 2 weeks on life support. Came out of coma knowing every place I had been in England and spoke like a Brit. Nobody believed me – they were just glad I was alive.
BTW, I am American and have never been to England.
I am AB- I feel I can know the intent of others weather it be good or bad, such as weather they are lying, just putting on a show, just blabbing or if they really mean what they are saying. I plan things out ahead and think about the what ifs and possibilities. I spot things on a “live t.v. show” that will tell you that the film was spliced. Others say I took the joy out of it. I love the police shows and the who, what, when , how. I have fair skin, green eyes, honey colored hair that can have a reddish underlying tint. A lot of people shy away from me and have been known to make statements behind my back as to how I make them feel uneasy but, can never express why. I feel like I have hardened myself on purpose to protect from others and try to let moral and common sense over ride my feelings. I run a temp of 97.6 and my finger prints are disappearing. I do not know my parents blood type but, my moms temp also runs low and her fingerprints are disappearing…the differences is in her hair color, body frame, eye color (hers changes colors and has flecks in them that disappear after dark). I am more sensitive to light and given a choice, I would rather be up late night and sleep in. I do not know my IQ as I have never been tested. I do know I am creative and love to dig deep and study. I have CFIDS, Fibromyalgia and past West Nile. I have a form of metabolic disorder that came along with the CFIDS so I am always in need of more nutrients and oxygen. These things being considered, I am sure my IQ has fallen since I was younger. Thanks for allowing us to learn from others on these posts.
I have the same things going on and have the same ability regarding people and their actions. And my eyes change color. Green today under flourescent light. Blue gray with a reddish brown circle in the center.
be careful of medications especially injectables that contain mercury and aluminum
I am a B neg. Scorpio, I have felt out of place most of my life. I apparently appear to look 10-15 years younger than my age. I recently began asking certain people if the had negative blood. Very seldom, and only when some inkling prompted me. I was 5 of 5. Last one didn’t know her type. Overall about 8 of 12. (wish I’d kept a strict account)
I am an A negative Scorpio, and have always felt different. I do look younger than my age, and have hazel eyes. I tan easily. I have never figured out whT side of my family has the negative blood type.
I am an O negative Scorpio from the UK, everyone seems to think I am ten years younger than my age… My soul mate was also Rhesus negative, although I didn’t realise this at the time we were together, there was definitely an exceptionally strong connection between us. She also had an IQ over 140, and we both have many Rh- traits.. hazel / green eyes, reddish hair tint, etc.. I have recently had a similar connection with a couple of people I have worked with and I have asked if they knew their blood type – and weirdly they were both also O Rh negative… (though I didn’t ask their birth sign). I have definitely felt a connection with these people who have the same blood type – it’s kind of freaky, but in a great way!
I also have electrical interference and other traits on most lists of neg. blood characteristics. IQ tested out an ave. of150 ( a 148 and a 152) Also exceptional vision, hearing and smell (taste).
Sixty-eight ancient skeletons, unearthed at Jerusalem and En Gedi and, according to the archeological data belonging to Jewish residents of these places from about 1,600 to 2,000 years ago, were ABO-typed by means of the hemagglutination-inhibition test. The blood groups of 13 skeletons were undiagnosable and the remaining 55 showed the following distribution: 30.91% A-group, 14.54% B-group, 50.91% AB-group and 3.64% O-group. According to these findings, the population to which these skeletons belonged must have had a high frequency of genes IA and IB, and a low occurrence of O blood group and its related IO gene.
If you believe these jews always coming up with history I’m supprised. I believe what I see. By the way jews of today that are askinazi are not from the middle east.
Recent genetic studies, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe. However, Ashkenazim have an elevated frequency of R-M17, the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern Europeans, suggesting possible gene flow. In the present study of 495 Y chromosomes of Ashkenazim, 57 (11.5%) were found to belong to R-M17. Detailed analyses of haplotype structure, diversity and geographic distribution suggest a founder effect for this haplogroup, introduced at an early stage into the evolving Ashkenazi community in Europe. R-M17 chromosomes in Ashkenazim may represent vestiges of the mysterious Khazars.
There is confusion with the so called Jew. Today’s “Jew” is neither Tribe of Judah or Israelite. So calling the skeletons Jews is a huge error. These modern Bibles are inaccurate. The people living in Israel now have only two percent of their population that are Israelite.
I am B negative and married a man who is B negative. I didn’t know this until I was expecting and the doctor was concerned that there was a negative/positive problem. I wonder how often your RH personalities are a factor in your attraction?
I am doing research on the effects of Rhogam that RH- mothers are given when carrying a positive baby, can seem to find anything or if there have been any effects on the baby i understand the drug is made from blood (D antigen) but im not understand why it wouldn’t have any negative effects on the mother or the child. I am RH- i am just learning about my blood and it answers a whole lot of questions looking back at my family.
Would be interested in your research. I am B- and both my pregnancies were healthy until the end when I developed HELLP Syndrome. With my first pregnancy I had the rhogam shot at 28 weeks and directly after the birth. With my second pregnancy I did not have the rhogam at 28 weeks but had it directly after the birth. My husband and both children are RH +. I was very sick at the time of their birth but recovered quickly and have been healthy since. Both children are healthy.
From what I understand if you don’t get the RhoGam shot, you will develop antibodies against the + blood, but it doesn’t often affect the 1st pregnancy, but it gets stronger with every pregnancy, IF you don’t get the shot. The shot reduces or prevents you ever developing the antibodies. Those antibodies will make you sick, too, if they build up over time.
the problem is the Hg in rhogam. naturally rh factor is cloaked in utero unless there is an immune dysregulation that leads to hydrops. the research on this has been removed – 10 years ago it was easy to search.
All six of my pregnancies with my now midlife children, five born between 1963-1969, one born 1983, afforded these injections to me, known here in the UK as Anti-D shots. I know they, along with faulty vaccines, created varying degrees of autism in all my children, and that the EU discovered this had happened to us first time ‘tester’ mum’s, and concluded it does cause autism in babies, and banned it. A few years ago. However, the USA and UK, deny this happened, deny this finding too, and still use it on pregnant Rhesus Negative mothers. I and all us Negative mum’s if the sixties were first in the queue, it was invented in my time. Despite its use, l still almost died with baby number four of Toxaemia, known today as Pre-eclampsia. So did my daughter, it was a pretty tough experience for us both. I know prayer saved us both, that God heard my urgent prayer, again, then, again and again, since. I’ve survived despite my “very unusual blood” (words of my then gynaecologist’) due to divine intervention on NDEs so many time, l have a season ticket at God’s side
I’m B negative. My mother is also B- , she was orthodox Catholic with Southern Irish grandparents.
My father was also Rh negative and was orthodox Jewish with Russian parents. Interestingly despite an 11 year age difference and different religions, which they both renounced, they (found each other) married in 1956 and lived happily until my father’s suicide in 1981.
I married and we had 2 children and much later found out my husband was also Rh negative. We must have also found each other. We’ve divorced.
This is what I’d like to share if it is of any interest and helps with the collective research.
Although the traits you mention don’t seem appropriate to everyone in the different groups, there are so many other factors that will have influenced us, mainly our upbringing.
I am B negative and I see the following in me.
1. Dont feel comfortable in groups (feel like I don’t belong, not comfortable)
2. Highly motivated towards financial success which I achieved, now realising this isn’t true success.
3. Dont accept anything at face value or what I hear until I’ve researched it and then only if I’m interested in the topic will I bother.
4. Feel as though I think differently to most people, normally seeing things from the opposite perspective or disagreeing completely with mainstream opinion.
5. Feel isolated much of the time, as dont ‘get’ people in general. Although it doesn’t bother me.
6. Always see the best in people and think they are good, until I’m proven wrong.
7. Am aware that there are a lot of good people everywhere but we normally only hear about the bad ones, which is very sad.
8. See people struggling in this Kali Yuga (quarrel era).
9. Deeply feel the pain of others, and recognise negativity and bad vibrations instantly.
10. Feel fortunate, strong and always optimistic.
I am O- and had 2 children with an O+. Both my children are on the spectrum. I did receive the Rhogam shot after the first child . My second child has a more severe disorder/ needs. Interestingly, my first child born in 1993 had a reaction to his MMR shot. So I stopped vaccinating him. My second son born in 1995 was never vaccinated at all. I would love to participate in research amd understand why they are on the spectrum. My husband recently discovered he has undiagnosed autism… he also and has an O- sister. My life has been very difficult having all three family members on the spectrum. Answers or more research would be helpful
Hg and Al adjuvants, rhogam has Hg, very hard to excrete from body, second child was exposed to greater accumulative toxin load and likely less micronutrient resilience than first child, single nucleotide polymorphisms for excretion of infant and you; as well as your microbiomes/micronutrient/toxin load supply will determine outcomes
chronic metabolic dysfunction and neuroinflammation
healing can occur over time, but will need more time to catch up developmentally
The Gaps Diet is a great start – ketogenic/detox/decrease neuroinflammation increase metabolic functions -gently, nourishing
Wow this is very interesting. I am O+ however several of my family members are O-, B-, B+, O+. However I have traits of a negative and my husband is O- (and a lefty) and my best friend is B- (and a lefty). I am a health nut, LOL. I did read one time and I don’t remember which site it stated that you could be (+)/(-). Meaning having positive with negative traits, as of this is gene related.
hi, i am B negative and I have never seen any RH – persons during my lifetime face to face, and I never talked to any of them, I am surrounded only by RH + ones, I feel like I found my place now, thank you Mike for creating such site where I can meet and talk to those who are the same negative blood like me, THE BLOOD IS CALLING, my passion is space-art, and game developement.
YES! We can!
Anita Higgins you said it better than I could!!
This list is really spot on for me but I am 0 RH partial (D) On my mother’s side we have lots of RH – and aren’t to always have had.
How do you interpret being RH Partial ? Is it like bring in between + and – or is it something else entirely?
I recognise myself in everything you describe about RH – so would be interested in hearing your conclusion!
I’m O-. I am the only one negative in my family. Maybe my grandpa is. I have black hair and eyes. Low tempreture and low blood presure.
I’m Basque so of course I’m RH Negative, I’m B-
Everyone in my family is RH Negative.
Yes, If I’m by myself…..I’m good. I work by myself, no employees.
Yes, most people are SHEEPLE.
Yes, I can feel when I’m being lied to.
I have Hazel eyes.
I tend not to get sick.
85% of the worlds population is Rhesus Monkey Positive (Rh +) blood type. I’m pretty sure that has something to do with it. I mean, they DO act just like a bunch of dumbed down, materialistic and self centered monkeys! ( ie not all but those without the hidden negative allele).
Google has scrubbed the internet of nearly all important truth. They would have you believe that RH Negative (in particular O neg) are from the Nephilim (Cain’s and Esau’s progeny). Rh negative are the original humans created by God. It all goes back to Genesis 3:15: the serpent’s seedline (Cain’s offspring) vs the seedline of the woman (pure human seedline from Adam and Seth). 85% of the worlds population today is Rhesus Monkey Positive (Rh +) blood type. God did not create anyone with “monkey blood” which is a dumbed down hybrid “slave race” allowed to proliferate by the enemy by various means including the use of the Rhogam shot which over rides the natural resistance of the RH negative female to ABORT/MISCARRY these hybrids, most of whom are are naive, materialistic, severely lacking in critical thinking skills and easily duped by the satanic “elite”and their mind control via the mainstream media and education system….All by design so they can destroy God’s people by slow genocide! Read the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew Chapter 13 for more information on this subject matter. Jesus Christ was O (RH) Negative: the Universal Donor. The pure Rh Negative view is the most censored subject on the net…Most of the Rh neg websites are PURE DISINFORMATION…Hiding the real Truth..They use ET Nephilim New Age views to hide the real truth…the fake fraud Rh Neg “Royals” and Deep State “Elites” want all the pure Rh negatives exterminated…They fear the pure Rh negs (who are the IS REAL LIGHTS/true Israelite descendants) because they have SPIRITUAL ABILITIES and CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS and cannot be brainwashed by globalist psychopaths (Cain’s faux “joo” offspring)! They (the globalist “elite”..Cain’s descendents) consider them the greatest threat to their power, power which they have USURPED from the rightful holders…The pure Rh Negatives are the direct descendants of Isaac/Jacob (IS REAL LIGHTS/Israelites).The globalist “elite” are descendants of Cain/Esau with Serpent, fallen angel and nephilim dna mixed in. They have stolen the RH neg blood type by interbreeding with the Godly seedline because it’s superior and mixed it with fallen angel and serpent dna which they keep “pure” by constant inbreeding, only occasionally having to mix in a pure RH Neg to keep from going extinct or becoming deformed/retarded (think Princess Diana who was used as a “breeder” by these ‘blue blood’ imposters). The vast majority of the “peasants” or “slave race” only have the rhesus monkey dna. There are only 15% of God’s remnant (pure, untainted, Rh neg) left on the earth. They are the true “royals” and have the “right to rule” given to them by our Father in Heaven. This is why satan’s imposters want to destroy them from the earth. God did not create man with rhesus monkey blood! This is fallen angel tampering with the help of their wicked offspring who made and administer the “Rhogam shot”…Read the Parable of the Wheat and Tares in Matthew Chapter 13. This is what Jesus was referring to in that parable. And Jesus can save anyone who believes in Him in Truth, including RH positives. All blood types must be born again through repentance and belief in the Truth. Most R
h positives have a natural aversion to Truth however, just like their father Cain.
“Jacob I have loved; Esau I have hated.” Romans 9:13
“I have seen slaves upon horses, and princes walking as slaves upon the earth.” Ecclesiastes 10:7
This definitely resonates for me!
I thought this list of Rh negative personality traits was one of the most spot-on I’ve seen, as far as relating to them myself:
This post is interesting and the opposite of my experience with rh negative people.. Every single person i personally know that has rh negative blood is a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath.. the dark triad of cluster b personality disorders.. who abuses people for supply to feed their bottomless ego. Many natives are rh negative.. i was raised by an rh negative person (step dad) and he was a monster, same with his real daughter he didn’t raise (genetic traits, not learned) and everyone else blood related to them.. all the same. The post above describes people i personally know that are rh positive. The negatives i’ve know are all dark triads. They are missing something inside them.. empathy and an ability to be a genuine spirit.. they can only mimic people, therefore have no real self. They’re pretenders who feed off genuine people by causing trauma. Do you have references for the information posted. I’m curious about others experiences with rh negative and positive people.. my intention wasn’t to offend anyone, just wanted to share my personal experience with rh negatives because it’s the opposite of what i read in the post.
You seem to be confused on several levels. You first accuse me of deleting your comments not realizing comments here are held for moderation.
How many Rh negatives other than your stepfather do you actually know?
All research indicates Native Americans had no Rh negative blood.
So if you know someone with Native ancestry to be Rh negative, chances are that their Rh negative blood factor stems from ancestry other than Native American.
At least now I realize that people who type in phrases such as “Are Rh negatives evil?” may not be Rh negative after all.
I would suggest that anyone on this post who seeks division is missing the point of the website, whatever their perceived blood type; that post about slave race etc and the Bible is quite harmful and quite at odds with Christ’s message ironically; NOT that we do not see a large harmful agenda by a small few and those that empower them (hand over their self responsibility) in this time of transformation; I do see this site originated to seek connection and not to create exclusion… I do believe anyone who approaches with hatred reflects their inner state and lack of harmony with all of creation… I agree that physical attributes can be interesting but also misleading, as we never will know all.. that maybe the very lesson.. aren’t “good” and “evil” choices we each make moment to moment…or rather do we chose to be one or to be separate… good and evil are certainly a narrative as well. I loved the book “the wizard of earth sea” by U. LaGuinn…such a telling story of wo/mankind; another great one: The Once and Future Goddess by Gadon (Gimbutas anthropologist most interesting to read too if you like it). I do believe our job is to share our light to remind one another that we are all from the light… we are all love…it can be easy to forget here.. easy to fear instead
I have never asked people their blood type – except a few relatives. I still am not sure which side of the family have RH-Negative.
Because my half-sister wouldn’t even take the test. Parents are deceased.
I’m sorry you had a terrible stepfather. Step-relationships are often not very good.
aldso, i just noticed the redheads at the top of the page.. i’m full blown redhead, blue eyes and lots of freckles. I have rh positive blood, so i don’t see how there’s a connection to red hair and rh negative blood. Most rh negatives i personally know are natives with brown hair, brown eyes and darker skin.
How many Rh negatives do you know?
love how you remove comments that question your post so people don’t see you’re a liar.. more proof for me that rh negatives are not good people.
I didn’t remove any of your comments, silly.
You’re paranoid.
I am A- female. I agree with almost everything above except that I am at the age (56) now where I do not allow anyone to take advantage of my kindness ANYMORE lol
I have only met one person that I knew was Rh- because I asked and she happened to know her blood type. We seemed to “click”, but I had to stop associating with her, because I found out that she fell victim to the system and was taking psychotropic prescriptions. I stay away from anyone that takes psychotropic prescriptions. I believe I have met other Rh- people, but never asked, because it was just random meeting in public. What made me believe they were Rh- were their green or hazel eyes and it just seemed like I met someone from a long lost family. We were vibing at the same frequency and the fact that these people were VERY friendly and happy-go-lucky as I am the same way.
Half-Japanese and half-European races – A- blood. Love music, had high IQ as a child, loved reading, but later developed a love of all arts/crafts/and taught myself graphic art.
Shy but growing out of it. After 50, anyone can spout their opinions. LOL
Believe in the Christian God as my mother did.
Families are on both sides are extremely intelligent.
Have had an intense attraction to England since high school. Never been there, though. Have two lines of Stewart blood. More Scottish than English. Some Danish and Swedish, too.
Having a lot of trouble with health.
My temperature is usually in the 97 degrees plus – hardly ever over 98 degrees. I have either medium or lower blood pressure. Last check: 112 over 68.
My great-grandfather on my white father’s side was named Isaac – very handsome.
And he had red hair!
A- My brother is also A-. Father is English heritage and mother Scotch/Irish. Father was a dark sandy haired and probably lighter in his younger days. Mother had reddish tint to her hair. Deceased brother had reddish tint to his hair. I was told that my father scored the highest score ever on his aptitude test when going into the Army Air Corp in WWII according to my uncle. The uncle, who was in intelligence in WWII, was killed in Germany shortly after WWII was over when he went on a “mission” and never returned. I have a BS in Math and a MS in Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering. Father had and I have low BP and thin body build. My wife says that I don’t have wrinkles and my hair is slightly grey only on the sides. I’m quiet around people and usually like to just listen as I usually feel out of place amongst people. I have had vivid dreams that have come true. One dream in particular was that I scored a 97 on a Signals and Noise test taught by a German professor the night before the test. That class was a challenging class as everyone scored below a 40 on the first test which involved a lot of Fourier analysis.
To add, my eyes are blue grey. Some say that my eyes change and it is hared to tell what color they really are. Always been very quick and slight but deceptively strong for my size. I am very cautious and am always looking for the quickest and easiest way to get things done. Like my father, I can usually find ways to get things done the simplest way possible. Since retirement I like to say up late when it is quiet. I can get more done without disturbances. I am a Leo but don’t think I am true to that as I don’t want to be out front, unless that is the best way to achieve the goal, but prefer to assess situations to find the most efficient way to achieve the goal. This flow of my character is really uncharacteristic of my nature but I find this topic interesting.
I’m just going to go down your list & add my stance on each as to compare.
I’m A- the.only sibling w/it but was the only child w/my mom’s 2nd husband for her 1st died of kidney Cancer
My father was borderline genius
He served in WWII & Korea
He was the 1st Battalion created of the Naval Seabees
Had same Hair Color
Mom had same hair color
My Dad was same Nationality English/German
Mom was Scottish/French Canadian
I always pulled A’s & a few B’s thru school, never took home homework…wanted to put me a grade ahead in 3 subjects which were the only subjects I liked & enjoyed. Like I finished Bookkeeping 1,2,3 in my sophomore year but opt out of English & took Senior Chemistry
I never went to college but did fly Helicopter, Train & race horses Thoroughbred & Arabian, & Deliver airfreight as a DOA Agent for FedEX
I have Astigmatism & Macular eye problems which is causing some blindness, but still able to drive.
When I was young had Strawberry blonde hair now more dishwater Dark blonde w/a few red highlights.
My eyes same color w/dark ring around the edges, sometimes almost light grey w/blue in the center now.
Some of my dreams I have like I had a dream my nephew who was dark hair small build was hurt bad or very sick & needed to get to hospital, but I couldn’t get to him. In the Dream I didn’t know for sure it was Ryan my nephew for I never could see the face…Next day our mechanic for our logging business died of a heart attack. He was dark haired & small built.
I too have to get things done as quick as possible so I can move on to the things that needs done or the things I want to do.
I am 64 no wrinkles, same when had my Son never had stretch marks.
I do have a Scottish temper which sometimes makes my BP run high.
I can talk to a stranger for 5 min. & can tell if we are on the same page or if I should stay away as far no feelings of trust, which makes me sit back & watch & listen w/out much to say …analyze as you say you do.
I am a Pisces thru & thru fits me to a T, Full of Love Protective Dreamy Romantic Caring for others to much, Independent,need my alone time Etc.,as my Mom was, she was the 12th & I the 11th so much alike.
Well thats about it lot of similarities, but I don’t trust what the bible has told me which means I don’t trust this website as far as collecting info on RH -‘s for Jesus had RH- A (see) Youtube video of a scientist who found the way to take dried blood from HIS cloth & make it turn back into liquid & test it.
Dr. Gene Kim KJV Bible study helped me find out my orugi watch his classes also on youtube. You will feel the connection…PS I also can tell most of the time when I meet a RH – person
Nice to meet you & Good Luck w/your goals
Hi Rich, seems we are similar, I’m A- I’m Scots/Irish with blue grey eyes, I had a warmth to my wavy easy to curl hair, I’m tall with long legs, amazonian type build, stronger than the average woman, scored higher than the male trainer at the gym on strength grip test. Interesting that we are said to stand out, I’ve been told this, but never saw myself that way, but can see it now looking back. I’m ultra cautious and also find the quickest best way to do things, I too like the wee quiet hours during the night and did night shift work, I can see through others quickly and tend to keep to myself as don’t like drama or nonsense, though I do actually have a sense of humour. I’m Leo but not typical as don’t like being the centre of attention but will step up if I need to. I have a high IQ but didn’t apply myself at high school in the 70’s as I should have, I was unlucky to have unsupportive abusive parents. I’ve done Ancestry DNA testing and GEDmatch and have matches with quite a few digs in Spain so no doubt Basque region, the Irish have a lot of connections to Iceland and Viking heritage, as I have. .My Scottish side is southwest Scotland, I’ve gone back as far as records go to the 1600’s, this is where I still live, would be interesting to see if we match.