As what would have been her 100th Birthday nears, the question remains:
Was Betty White Rh negative?

Her paternal grandfather was Danish and her maternal grandfather was Greek, with her other roots being English and Welsh (both of her grandmothers were Canadians).
All I know is that Betty White had a very remarkable life & it did not matter her age or how to fit in. Most of my friends & co-workers kept talking about her role in The Golden Girls. I remember her playing Sue Ellen from The Mary Tyler Moore Show & an episode of Community where she played an archeology teacher. When I broke my wrist in 2011, I watched all of Community & the episode she was in I feel was one of the best.
My birthday is the day before hers. Ironically, she shares the same birthday as Mohammed Ali. I think that says a lot.
Although, I don’t believe in astrology, it makes me wonder.
Thank you for posting this Mike.