Tutankhamun’s “meteoric iron dagger”, also known as Tutankhamun’s iron dagger and King Tut’s dagger, is an iron-bladed dagger discovered during 1925 in the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s 14th century BC King’s Valley tomb by archaeologist Howard Carter.
I’m not sure about you, but when I hear a story too mainstream, I immediately want to look more into it.

The other iron objects were wrapped with Tutankhamun’s mummy; these include a miniature headrest contained inside the golden death mask, an amulet attached to a golden bracelet and a dagger blade with gold haft. All were made by relatively crude methods with the exception of the dagger blade which is clearly expertly produced.
This suggests that the dagger was probably imported to Egypt perhaps as a royal gift from a neighboring territory, indicating that at this time Egypt’s knowledge and skills of iron production were relatively limited. Only further analytical testing can confirm if all of these artifacts are made from meteorite iron but they do appear to suggest that iron was a material used to indicate high status at the time of Tutankhamun’s death in approximately 1327 BC.
Of course, the meteoric theory was just that… a theory.

If not made in Egypt… then where?
Have you seen the 5000YBP+/- Yamnaya/Afanasievo and Catacombe R1b Kurgan iron artifacts?
I will give you some time to look it up.
Stay tuned for Part II…
Bit early in the morning here, but l recall something about over 70% (?) of European males being descended from King Tut’s DNA? I also recall a tremendous fear of mummies when visiting our local museum in my very young and early days of awakening as a Psychic Medium whenever l went past the area close to the entrance of my home town museums Egyptian collection area. We had mummies inside their sarcophagus’, and long before l saw the actual Mummy movie in 1959-62 era, l was terrified of them. I eventually came to believe in another life l might well have been a hand maiden to a Pharoah’s wife, and buried alive with her after her death, or some such causation of my claustrophobia. And it’s interesting that today l have heart failure along with asthma, where l daily struggle to breathe. So far without any meds or oxygen, because of my lifetime rhesus allergies to all medications and treatments. My late dad had asthma lifelong, and died of heart failure (family trend) at 53 a mere baby to my 77 years. He joked up to the end, “We all die of shortage of breathe Jeanie!” He did, l was there aged 23. And mummification is perhaps the one ‘in your face’ depiction of this fact. I no longer fear these things, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if l ended up descended from them, they’ve haunted my dreams long enough for no explicable reason. I believe the original owners of our museum were very wealthy, and there’s also a link to Shakespeare via his sister there. So there’s an interesting stage!
Legend has it, that King Tut’s dagger wasn’t the only blade that was meteoric in origin. There is a tale like this one, connected with Atilla the Hun, but the forging of iron / meteoric weapons goes back to the Scythians. According to Amy Hughes book on Norse mythology on pg 125 it reads, “Regin forged the sword Gram, made from the shattered pieces of blade given a long time ago to the VOLSUNG family by ODIN himself”. The sword was so sharp that Sigurd cut Regin’s anvil in two with one blow. Keep in mind the volsung family were SCYTHIANS. According to legend When Attila was a young boy his mother would have told him the story of an ancient Scythian sword that was forged by the Gods for Scythian kings. During his childhood, the Sword of God was that of legend since it had been lost, and the children would often hear the elders exclaim “Look for it, search for it, for he who finds God’s sword will rule the world”. Sounds similar to the spear of destiny right. The Spear of Longinus as it is sometimes referred is an ancient weapon, forged by the Hebrew prophet, Phineas. It is so revered for its power in a battle that it remained a sought after weapon by generals, emperors, and kings up until modern times. I wonder if the spear of destiny was perhaps forged with meteoric iron?
The Sword of God, also called the Sword of Mars which is the god of war, and the Sword of Attila, was forged from the iron of a meteorite by the Gods so that the Scythian kings would have the power to conquer all nations. Legend says that the sword was won by the Huns and the Magyars after the two joined forces to defeat the Scythians. According to the irish annuals of taking Ireloand and the first 4 invasions of Ireland, the Scythians descended from MAGOG the son of Japhet, his son was Bioth and the kingdom of Scythia fell to him. The scythians were amongst the most warlike and valiant people of antiquity, they were great archers and hunters. they worshipped the sun, moon, winds and the god of war known as ARES to the greeks and Wodan to the goths, germans and scandinavians. The word scythian is derived from the proto celtic word sciot which in the irish lang refers to arrow or dart. The greek colonists on the black sea used to refer to the scythians as “scuti, Scuten, Scythi, or shuten which indicates shooting with bows and arrows” https://www.libraryireland.com/Pedigrees1/scythian-family.php