What are the life expectancies of Rh negative vs. Rh positive individuals?

Here is my video about it: A supercentenarian is someone who has reached the age of 110. This age is achieved by about one in 1,000 centenarians. Supercentenarians typically live a life free of major age-related diseases until shortly before the maximum human lifespan is reached. I have not been able to verify the blood types of any supercentenarian. I am, however, curious as to what else they may have in common other than high age. Bertrand Jeune, Robine, and other researchers compared Jeanne Calment with nearly 20 people worldwide who had been verified to have reached at least 115 years of age. They concluded that the lives of these people differed widely and that they had just a few … Continue reading What are the life expectancies of Rh negative vs. Rh positive individuals?