It strikes me as strange that to this day, there continues to be misunderstandings regarding gender roles and sex drive comparisons between rh- and rh+ as well as red-haired and non-red-haired women.
People easily get misunderstood when general population judges based on common perceptions. Which is exactly what I have been taking the time to convey. For those of you who are new, I will now get into it one more time:
“High sex drive” is a comparison. But in reality, there is no such thing as a high or low sex drive. It is part of nature to keep our genes flowing. There is always a balance in the making, so when a certain trait entails another one, we must not only look at one gender, but both sharing the same genetic phenotypes such as rh negative blood or red hair.
Having studied rh negative behavior for many years, certain things have come clear to me:
Our tendencies vary from those of general populations. And this phenomenon is worldwide compared to the local controls.
Men and women in partnership are biologically designed to complete each others, be the yin to the yang or however you would like to put it in the most common and popular terms. In other words: Where one is lacking, the other one is packing. And vice versa.
Are rh negative men wired differently than rh positive men?
In many ways, yes. To mention one, I have come to believe that rh negative men tend to connect better with women in general. Communication seems natural and easy unlike the common misunderstanding between men and women we so often generally hear about.
Rh negative women also appear to be able to communicate with and relate to men better. All of the “norms” we have come to embrace in terms of relationships having to be difficult and all of the media-driven stereotypes we see of men and women never being able to properly connect until the happy ending, don’t necessarily apply to rh negative people. And in order for us to get to the bottom of that, we once again are required to look far back into the history the school books don’t mention.
The Yamna people from the Steppe culture are said to have been around 40% rh negative, which btw. I am not 100% on, but according to a somewhat credible study, this would be the only data we have to go by. Until more studies come along, I will continue to hesitantly use and reference it while encouraging caution. Their descendants would be today’s Celts on the y-DNA side (male) in the West as well as the ancient Scythians in the East.

I have always been against any types of formalities as they appear to be fake to me. It is easy to force gender roles upon others, but if things don’t come natural, I advise being oneself. And since I am also the Rh Negative Love Doctor, I am making sure that this message will not die down.
“I just want a nice guy” is the wrong approach for a woman, because everyone can act nice and turn into a monster later, and while this appears to be simply common sense to many rh negative women I have spoken to, it is a common particle of the box gender roles have pushed many women into. Stand-up comics appear to make people laugh about it, but especially today with the #metoo movement, I see no fun in anything that divides us further, goes more against our nature and carries assumptions which don’t apply.
I always view it as pandering or undermining to treat a female like someone who cannot do certain things and needs help where none is required. Being good to someone is based on sincerity and actions which matter. And actions which are designed to last long-term rather than making a good impression overwriting the real intentions and thoughts. In the end, it is team-work that succeeds. And this requires individuality allowed. It also requires that whatever trait not accepted as the norm may indeed be meant to be requiring the yang also not standard.
When I have previously mentioned rh negative men and also men with red hair often being more “passive” in terms of approaching women, the approaching style was what I have meant. And in some form, I wish to change the tone of what I am writing, indicating that the way rh negative men tend to carry ourselves may be misinterpreted as such.
Higher sex drive in rh negative women has also been misinterpreted by some who have read the title, but not the article. Most of my feedback from rh negative women has been in agreement with the clarification, that it can, but usually doesn’t include being promiscuous and that phases can include having an extremely high sex drive in a monogamous relationship with the right partner to being completely cold with someone where things just don’t click. This clarification was of course not necessary to be made with me, but again: It appears to be that general perceptions create assumptions in some who feel the need to talk to everyone as if all had the same level of approach towards females. Having a high sex drive of course does not mean being easy. But this of course can be the common view among those of lower intellect assuming that I was saying something to this extent or even worse, call rh negative women slutty.
The same way, men who are rh negative and men with red hair being more sensitive towards women can also be interpreted in lacking interest. It has become the norm to display an aggressive approach. And I have seen in the general population, that many women actually like the more aggressive approach. But again: This is not my concern. Mine is to clarify what I have learned and what some unfortunately have decided to overlook.
Social dynamics in ancient groups with higher percentages of rh negatives than anywhere today, were likely very different from what is considered the norm today. Looking at the create minds of the Basques, ancient Hebrews and Sumerians, it is easy to assume that men were productive rather than mentally repetitive and gender roles unlikely forced on the population as in other cultures of the time. Even today, ancient Egypt is still a beacon of gender equality and female rights in general and if I may say one more thing:
“Rh negative men do not feel the need to put down women in order to feel better about themselves.”
The above quote is by me and only by me and reflects my opinion based on observations and studies.

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