This is a topic I wouldn’t get into other than noticing some similarities that can potentially help us look in the right direction.
Ur Kaśdim (אוּר כַּשְׂדִּים ʾūr kaśdīm), commonly translated as Ur of the Chaldees, is a city mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the birthplace of the Israelite and Ismaelite patriarch Abraham.
The terms “Third Dynasty of Ur” and “Neo-Sumerian Empire” refer to both a 22nd to 21st century BC (middle chronology) Sumerian ruling dynasty based in the city of Ur and a short-lived territorial-political state which some historians consider to have been a nascent empire. The Third Dynasty of Ur is commonly abbreviated as Ur III by historians studying the period.
Sumerian texts were mass-produced in the Ur III period; however, the word ‘revival’ to describe this period is misleading because archaeological evidence does not offer evidence of a previous period of decline. Instead, Sumerian began to take on a different form. As the Semitic Akkadian language became the common spoken language, Sumerian continued to dominate literature and also administrative documents. Government officials learned to write at special schools that used only Sumerian literature.
What is significant about this in terms of rh negative blood?
I have previously written about the connection between the original Basques and the ancient Hebrews. This is taking it a step further. As you probably know, the ancient Hebrews are descendants of the Sumerians.
But while it is commonly believed that Abraham’s journey looked something like this:
… it is likely that the flaw is leaving out Crete and potentially Ethiopia!
This has more to do with assumptions drawn from writings, but less the writings themselves.
In other words: Following what people think is a waste of time. Unless it is entirely based on whatever is backed up.
“The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter. This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete.”
Bedouins had also been around:
Ezekiel 27:21-24 The Message (MSG)
21 “‘Arabia and all the Bedouin sheiks of Kedar traded lambs, rams, and goats with you.22 “‘Traders from Sheba and Raamah in South Arabia carried on business with you in premium spices, precious stones, and gold.
23-24 “‘Haran, Canneh, and Eden from the east in Assyria and Media traded with you, bringing elegant clothes, dyed textiles, and elaborate carpets to your bazaars.