Conclusion: Our results from CBMN assay have shown radiosensitivity in the left handed is higher than right handed women but more attempts need to prove this hypothesis.
Since the birth of this article, I have been searching for more material that relates to connected interests. There is not much out there and what there is is often not sufficient enough to share. Please scroll to the bottom of the post to see studies of EMS in relations to Rh factor, left-handedness and more.

Due to a recent comment on this blog, I have decided to take a quick look if there is anything that I have previously missed. Apparently, Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is considered a Pseudomedical diagnosis.
According to Wikipedia:
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a claimed sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, to which negative symptoms are attributed. EHS has no scientific basis and is not a recognised medical diagnosis. Claims are characterized by a “variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields”.
And also:
There are no specific symptoms associated with claims of EHS and reported symptoms range widely between individuals. They include headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin prickling, burning sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and many other health problems. In severe cases such symptoms can be a real and sometimes disabling problem for the affected person, causing psychological distress. There is no scientific basis to link such symptoms to electromagnetic field exposure.
Taking a quick look at Quora for additional thoughts on it, a medical professional’s answer to Is electromagnetic hypersensitivity real? states:
There is no reason to believe that it is not so. Our nervous system is electrical.
I do have to agree with that line. Just because something has not yet been proven doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Even though I do agree that there are definitely hypochondriacs out there imagining things.
Could it be that rh negative individuals are more likely to suffer from Electromagnetic hypersensitivity?
As always your thoughts are appreciated.
Here is above promised material:
Radiosensitivity is an inherent trait, associated with a raised reaction to ionizing radiation on the human body. In radiotherapy and radiation protection fields, individualization of the patient’s treatment is one of the main topics. With the goal of determining biomarkers capable of anticipating normal tissue side reactions, we studied the association between the Rh factor and radiosensitivity.
Many biological factors affect radiosensitivity. In this study, radiosensitivity among the different blood groups was investigated. Peripheral blood sample of 95 healthy people were divided into two parts. One part was irradiated with 2 Gy Co-60 gamma rays and the second one was considered as control. Then all the samples were studied by cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay (CBMN assay). Our study showed that the radiosensitivity index of A+ and O+ groups was significantly higher and lower than other blood groups, respectively. It seems that blood type can be used as a radiosensitivity index for determining the given dose to radiotherapy, although extensive studies are necessary. aka “follow the money”… or “Who benefits”…
After 3 or 4 years on Quora I found it mildly inclined to the Newtonian paradigm: “If I can’t see it or touch it, it doesn’t exist.” Evidence more precisely “scientific evidence” is a narrow road in a broad field of the totality of human existence. Ask any scientist to define “love” or “human being” and you will get either a blank stare or a non-scientific answer. Science (as we know and define it nowadays) has it’s place and raison-d’être.
There are plenty of MD’s in Europe and abroad that have no issue in stating that EMF’s are non compatible with human beings. Just Google “Freiburger Appell”. (appeal in English) or “Building Biology” to find long lists of peer reviewed scientific evidence for the harm that EMF causes. You will find as much or more evidence that it is harmless. Who funded the research or which agenda is being pushed is a valid yet tricky question. Wikipedia is fairly reluctant to post anything that doesn’t fit in the Newtonian view on all that is. RH Negative as a group doesn’t exist on Wikipedia.
Quite a few healing modalities that have their origin in Non-Western views are not supported by Wikipedia. Does that mean that they have no place in our world? If that is so, then RH Negative has lost it’s place also.
EHS is partly due to trauma for many people, and as such a treatable disease to some extend. It is also a measurable non-natural radiation; one that didn’t exist some 100 years ago and is increasing more rapidly than any other modern day invention. Ask any datacom specialist about shielding and you will get info on how to protect yourself. The missing link in most cases is that processors and micro-chips are considered very sensitive and human beings are considered immune to this.
Does it affect Rh – people more than RH+? Maybe; the two fields have as yet not been separately investigated. Some of the sensitivities listed as “typical RH-” are however also listed for EHS or for traumatized people.
So in order to have a life as normal as possible it might make sense to check for influences beyond the blood-type and thus add quality of life for people who are on average “more sensitive” than the general population.
I do actually feel crap … Headaches etc before a thunder storm … I thought this was normal for most people … But never had skin reactions etc . I think the woman in the video is extremely sensitive … But it affects me . And I collect alot of static . My sisters are the same … When we lived near electric pylons we were ill . Its not all in the head . Imo.
I agree with you I have the same problems I now moved away from a huge town where I lived near electrical pylons and wires and feel much better I and a friend of mine when we go out if we go near electrical or metal we shock each other to the point where you can see the sparks 3 ft away from each other We both get headaches during storms or when a storm is about to happen So ya this makes sense
I can feel a storm coming like hours or a day before (when the sky is blue and no clouds) – I get a headache and become more emotional and irritable – but I enjoy the actual ‘storm’ (if it’s not too violent – like when huge trees barely missed our house) and feel much better and energized right after it’s over.
My big toe aches within a few hours of an impending rainstorm. I always know when it is going to rain, even if I haven’t checked the weather.
i live in arizona and we have monsoon storms/season, which i adore, and i often feel the storm coming well before it hits but, never tagged it to EM sensitivity because i am not always right about it; However, i experience the strangest feelings during the monsoon storms.. like it ignites me with energy, and heightens my awareness, betters my mood, we are having monsoonal activity now while i sit outside writing this.. YeeHaw
Not sure about the electromagnetic field theory, but really interested in researching it first hand, I live near Sedona, AZ and plan to visit the vortexes of energy there to see how i react to the geomagnetic energy. Also i do know that i receive more STATIC electric shocks then everyone around me. So much so at times i just have to “suck it up and deal” with the fact that every time i touch something i will receive a shock of static electricity.
I just returned from Sedona. I’ve stood/sat on every single vortex…couldn’t feel a thing.
Sorry to hear that result Cyndee, however I suppose it will prep me for having NOTHING happen too! haha
Static electricity can have a lot of reasons:
– Dry skin, not fully hydrated
– synthetic carpet, curtains, floorboards, airco’s
– wearing synthetic or woolen socks, leggings, plastic shoes (sneakers etc.)
– Poly-cotton bed sheets etc…
– Office chairs with plastic wheels…
Mostly a change to natural (cotton, linen) socks, pants and leather shoes improves things a lot.
dehydration causes more shocks. try drinking more water – are we like a battery?
I have two close women friends, both B negative. I am O negative.
We all have chemical sensativities.
Both of them have severe electromagnetic sensativities.
I do not.
EMF’s and EHS are one aspect of what is coined Building Biology. (Baubiologie in the original German).
There’s as much scientific evidence that EMR does interfere with human biology and well-being as there is that it doesn’t. Always good to check who paid for the investigations. The Freiburger Appell (Appeal in English) was one of the well known acts where Md’s spoke out about EMF’s, EMR.
Wikipedia and even Quora are in favor of the Western Medical Model within the confines of Newtonian science and as such, let’s say “not complete”.
So for anyone interested in topics that Modern Day Western Science doesn’t address a research into EMF / EMR could prove to alleviate some of the sensitivities that come with being Rh Negative.
I have read some reasonable doctors though on Quora who stated something like this:
There is no reason to believe that it is not so. Our nervous system is electrical.
Makes perfect sense to me. There is knowing, there is nonsense and there is not yet knowing. The yet depends on whether a doctor is interested in research or just happy he made it through medschool so he can now enjoy a certain level of living.
“The body electric” by Robert O. Becker is one of the best books I know on the subject. Most of what is considered “scientific evidence” is industry funded, which by its very nature comes with an agenda. Search engines and social media are an industry and thus serve their own interests before anything else. I spent about 2 years on Quora and found bias towards Newtonian science; everything else is limited or ridiculed. The best doctors I have know were Western Medicine trained and then studied Eastern Holistic medicine. For questions regarding the material world (3D “reality”) Quora is one of the best sites I know. For the immaterial you need to dig a bit deeper.
True. But then again: How much can a “scientist” have time to research when he plays on Quora all day. I have seen many physicians answer questions completely wrong, since their knowledge was around 20 years behind. It takes people wanting to know.
Interesting, I thought you were gonna talk about electromagnetic issues with electronics and devices, among other things, that I can give you example after example on. However the list provided for the symptoms I can say I have most on it, but then so does most everyone I know. I do not believe (for me) it’s from the electromantic tho I never really thought about it too much. Thanks for provoking thought.
We do store magnet stuff in our heads. We get it from foods. ( sorry I don’t have the read list for this handy) Could magnet also be a factory in an electromagnetic fields and how they effects things, or maybe that’s a different kind of magnet?
I am O neg and I am sensitive to EMFs. I cannot talk with a cell phone up to my ear for more than a couple minutes. I get a sharp pain in my ear. My finger starts to burn when I have it on my device too long. I feel pain in my muscles when my device is next to my body. I try to do grounding in wet grass as much as possible.
I lived across from a dam that produced electrical energy for the local mill. I would suddenly be overcome with chills that went right through me, even on a hot summer night, that I couldn’t find a reason for. Then, due to my interest in the paranormal, I bought an emf sensor. During one of my “chill” moments, I discovered that emf was coming from the direction of the mill, with readings of between 2.5 and 10 mG. When the chills stopped, so did the emf readings. I’m A neg, and my hubby is a positive….he never felt a thing. I would say that sensitivity for negatives is fact, even if not accepted by mainstream science….proved it to myself.
I have always sparked a lot over the years. I hate shaking someone’s hand as it often send quite a shock to both of us and also shopping carts. However recently my daughter bought me a Fit bracelet which I wore for three weeks, At the end of the third week my wrist was painful in my joints and I had about a 1 inch diameter burn under the part where the reader touches the arm. Needless to say I sent it back and got a full credit but I am wondering if this is also part of things that other RH- people have trouble with.
Wore a Fitbit for a few weeks until one evening I experienced intense pain on my wrist area. I found a burn mark which left a scar. Never wore it again. I am A-negative.
Pigeons have a homing “mechanism” Cats are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields.. Bats, cattle deer, dogs, fish, lizards etc… jaguars avoid areas with towers emitting cellular radiation, and on and on… So of course people would be too. Our brains generate electrical impulses, our bodies are primarily water and contain conductive minerals… So for anyone to think we would NOT be sensitive to electromagnetic fields etc is kinda loonie, imo.
Absolutely. And people are so afraid to be considered crazy for expressing a thought, they rather lie to themselves and lie their thoughts away. But the moment there is a group, they suddenly become too vocal. I used to not want to be “so sensitive”, but now I embrace it. I have realized that my instinct was always there waiting for activation. And when you learn to follow your own instinct, things that didn’t consciously bother you before, suddenly will. But that is a good thing. It means your body is speaking to you. And I am truly convinced that the health disadvantages of rh negatives are due to us ignoring warning signs. If we listen to our bodies and instincts, we can actually remain healthy until unreasonably high age.
You strike a note Mike, with *instinct just needing to be activated, and when you “listen” to your body, things go so much better for you. I have so many instances i could name where i have done this and wonder what took me so long to get to it!
One remarkable thing I had happen by listening AND communicating with my body was;
after having scores of flushing seizures, over a dozen “blank/staring seizures along with multiple jamais vu episodes (all before knowing what any of them actually were)…
…I spoke out loud to myself, to my brain i guess, i dunno (weird, i know) & i said “OKAY, show me what this is that i keep feeling you are trying to show me, i am ready, i can handle it”. (again, i know i am weird, but those were my words)!
Anyway… the result was, i had 3 separate Nocturnal (apparently my brain decided i wasn’t ready to experience it in full after all, ha ha) Tonic Clonic/Grand Mal seizures over a 4 month period. And after trying 3-4 kinds of meds, realizing how bad that crap was for me to be taking & what it was doing to me, I said enough is enough to my body. I told the docs i was done with them & the anticonvulsants, then went to a Naturopathic doc. “She” prescribed medical marijuana. And “I” asked my brain to stop having the abnormal “ELECTRICAL” activity.
I have not had a single seizure of any type since ditching the western med routine, having the communication w/my brain & seeing a naturopath. And while I can’t say for sure which if any was effective in ending my seizures (3+ years & running) BUT.. i was smoking medical marijuana flower prior to having the seizures, so i am pretty certain if i quit the concentrates i now use, the seizures would not return. HOWEVER.. for anyone who has been through having them, i think you would agree that it’s not worth the risk of stopping to find out!!
On a side note, i also began Earthing/Grounding when i quit the western med routine. Dr. laura koniver has a very convincing film on vimeo.. So based on that, i went much further than just barefoot at the beach or laying on the ground (though i did those too). I pounded 4 feet of copper pipe into the ground & ran copper wiring from it to & through another copper pipe that i would rest my bare feet on when outdoors to receive my dose of healing energy from the earth. i have recently moved from that residence though & have not reestablished any new grounding mechanism (yet) but i do go barefoot outdoors 90% of the time.
****sorry if this got too long, i’ve never been presented with others with which to discuss!
I like long replies. It takes me longer to get to and through them, but once I do, it is the more rewarding. I cannot advice not to see a doctor or take western meds on this blog. Well, I can, but there are cases when they save lives and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone not doing what is needed. But I can tell you my personal choices:
I have not seen a doctor in 35 years. I was highly allergic as a kid. For 2 years I was made to go weekly to get an injection of something that was supposed to “heal me”. It did nothing. I wasted loads of time and a lot of people made a lot of money off of this. But for me, it was not useful and I knew back then I was being used to just fill someone’s pockets. I also had 5 surgeries by the age of 10, so that is likely another reason why I simply start to sweat when going near a doc office. Everyone knowing me knows I hate wearing shoes. Even when it’s cold, its socks and crocs. Embarrasses my daughter, but so be it.
Yikes Mike! 5 surgeries by 10 years old! I certainly didn’t have it that bad, but i was in and out of doctors from birth to 8 with high fevers & given tetracycline WAY TOO MANY TIMES as a solution, which had a few side effects that are pretty bad (had to bleach the grey outta my teeth, for example). Anyway, i feel like you do about doctors, it’s a “practice” and I don’t want to be practiced upon!! I avoid docs as much as possible. Even when i began having gallbladder attacks, i just rode through the pain, because i was attempting to treat and rid my body of gallstones w/o removing it. Unfortunately i failed, had multiple attacks, couldn’t take the pain any longer and finally allowed them to remove it, but am SO mad at myself for not trying harder, because i have now spent EVERY SINGLE DAY since the removal trying to figure out what i can eat without having digestive issues!!!
But man you are on a roll THIRTY-FIVE YEARS! I’m envious.
I also would not advise a person to not seek medical help, but i would urge someone to try to treat at home first. All 3 of my kids (young adults now) each only suffered common childhood illnesses once, because i had read as a young mother if you allowed to child’s body to fight the infection it would build immunity, & found that to be true of course. The times i did take them to docs (ex; Valley Fever) i was always disappointed with the process and recommendation of treatments, but i can’t x-ray lungs at home (YET)! ha ha!
My own personal testimony. We lived near high powered transformer lines and back in the 70s electrical blankets were the trend. My grandmother to save money did not like having the heat on past 65 in the winter. My brother would sleep under his blanket all night. I would start out that way and price a fit that it was too hot. Then my mom would just warm my bed bed turn it off. My brother developed leukemia and died at 20. I was also electrocuted when I stuck a knife in a painted outlet. I survived. I felt the energy purse through every cell of my body. As I result I can handle powerful surges. As I tuned into my body more I began sensing energy everywhere. Once I dialed into myself more I started working with the energy in me transmuting heavy dense energy otherwise called ‘shadows’ Carl Jumg all parts of me tied into my life experiences many that were bad. They made me glutinous, angry, shameful, lustful etc. Check out the pyramid chart of energies. I also discovered that I could do a full energetic body cleanse by sitting in the dirt in my garden. I could see visions through my 3rd eye. I could pull natural energy from the Earth into myself and dispense negative energy out of me. Grounding in the earth is VERY effective in doing this. Copper atttacts these energies. Energies are also exchanged between people especially love ones. Mastery has to be learned in these situations as emotions drive the energy exchange. Every action we take in a relationship has karma tied into it. All actions should be dictated by the heart center with divine love at the intention. If they hurt you “forgive them Father for they not know what they do”. We must forgive to transmute the energy. It can be harnessed as well with the Eastern practice of tantra sacred sex. I was doing it intuitively in my marriage but now know what it is. This is one of the most effective ways to harness and ascend this energy upward your spine, awaken your kundalini energy and spiritual wisdom and gifts. There is not one animal in the world that has sex just just for the purpose of orgasming. Humans in my opinion have devolved below the animal kingdom. Media fuels this carnage.
Kundalini energy is written in all religions esoterically. It is sexual, creative and spiritual. We need to get out of the carnal senses derived from the 1st three energy centers to ascend out of this lower man consciousness. We need to find our creativity and get out of the left reptilian brain based on survival and division. Our right brain connects the circuit. Do a heavy metal detox. Drink lots of structured pure water. Fill the mind with positive things and sound. Sound healing is a real thing. Check out solfeggio tones found in nature and music. Dr Leonard Horowize Biological Apocalypse and Healing the Sacred Spiral (dna). This is the only way way there to be peace and love in the world. Your thoughts are all part of your biology and it all works together. Mind over matter is the key. Joe Dispenza healed a severely broken back with meditation only. He was told he would be a cripple his whole life. The greatest doctor is within. Have to go ground now my finger tips are buzzing.
I’m left handed a neg .I have a big sensitivity to storms.i effect electric motors and when angry my effects on electric equipment gets much worse.the equipment can catch fire or quit
It really does appear that the RH factor reacts differently under many circumstances.
I came across this study, might be of relevance to this topic, though the study does not cover EMF, perhaps even a consideration with the global rollout of 5g EMF.
“ Rh factor is associated with individual radiosensitivity: A cytogenetic study”
“As expected, the average number of MN increased significantly after the 2Gy gamma irradiation of lymphocyte cells. This result concurs with the earlier findings indicating a higher level of MN after gamma irradiation (21, 26). The current study showed that the mean frequency of MN in the Rh+ group was roughly 16% higher than in the Rh− group. This result might be due to the association of Rh alleles on chromosome 9 and particular alleles of genes responsible for DNA double strand break repair”.
A significant increment occurred in the frequency of MN in group Rh+ (196 ± 18.23) compared with Rh- (169 ± 17.11) following irradiation (p<0.001).
The Rh factor might be a predicting marker in an individual’s radiosensitivity to ionizing radiations. However, we believe that additional investigations are needed to prove this hypothesis.
The present study suggested that chromosomal radiosensitivity of lymphocytes in normal individuals with Rh+ factor is higher than their Rh− counterparts. However, this difference is not generalized to other types of cells. This finding revealed that the Rh factor can be considered one of the hereditary traits affecting individuals’ radiosensitivity and can be a valuable item in radiation protection regulations. However, further in-vivo and in-vitro studies are needed for validation.
I have Rh- type O blood. I am very sensitive to EMFs. I am not able to hold a cell phone up to my ear for more than about 2 minutes without getting a stabbing pain in my ear. While using my phone to text, (but not my iPad) I frequently get a burning sensation on my finger tip. Years ago, I found myself very attracted to copper. Later, while getting muscle tested my Naturopath had me hold a penny as he told me I was sensitive to EMFs. I enjoy playing video slots at the casino but am unable to relax as I get itchy-like feelings all over.
I must admit, since the rollout of 5g I am having many of the same symptoms you describe.
Interestingly the further I travel from the 5g towers the less the symptoms, until they totally disappear only to reappear when I get closer.
The question is and as per the above study, are the effects of EMF as dangerous to us as they are to other blood groups.
So, what a great website, first of all. Answers a lot of my wonderings, from way back when as a child, growing up in this very confusing world.. So, we are a family of four, I am 0-, and we are all on the autism spectrum.. Not sure what hubby’s blood type is, or my kids.. but autism runs in our/my/his family biggly.. Russian heritage.. and slavic too.. ANYWAY, my kids have always suffered from EMF’s in the form of serious headaches, as did I, until recently.. Something in the air is changing, I believe.. like seriously.. seeming to be less EMF’s around in the atmosphere.. less humidity, less mold, etc.. and lush lush green nature.. This year my trees have been growing FASTer than I have ever seen.. the past few years have been the start of the change, with 2022 taking off.. Rainbow halo’s around the sun, big ones, on a NON rainy day, etc..really unusual things if you look around…Anwyay, we only use ethernet cables for the computers, and basic local channels for cable.. no boxes, etc.. I have covered my fios box with foil, as well as my smart electric meter with a faraday box I made.. I believe this has all made a difference in the home.. NO WIFI ANYWHERE in the house.. And very little static as possible.. You can test your home with a radio, turn to am, and as far left as the knob will go.. Now, walk around your home.. when you hear a high pitch static, thats emf’s and/or electricity leakage.. like your ground outlets in the bathroom, or light dimmers will give off a sound.. your smart meter, electric panel, electric wires on the poles, etc… your modem!!!! the goal is to minimize… It does make a difference…