Since my earliest childhood, I have known that others do not feel as I do. At least most didn’t. I didn’t consider myself an empath. I didn’t consider myself anything. I saw the world as cold and lacking. I was at the center. No persona. I just was.

“Kindness is empathy in action”? This is the type of rhetoric creating confusion. Misinterpreting results of empathy are often due to a desire to get others to do what you want them to do. This is not what empathy is about and defined by. “Kindness” is an action, but a relative one. Kindness and politeness also lack sincerity a lot of the time. Be careful not to mix those.
Another thing: “How does she feel?” doesn’t seem like something an empath would think or say. It’s rather that without thinking, the feelings of the other person overcome you. You get overwhelmed with feeling what they feel. There is no thought involved or needed. You just know.

I personally hate sympathy more than anything. Sympathy in words (vs. action) let’s you know just how miserable you are perceived to be. Not understanding someone yet confronting them about what you only perceive is wrong. It is better to be still and ready for someone to ask for help unless it is important to you to appear as an empath when in fact you are far from it.
I was recently told about an observation regarding S and N indicator people:
Are those with S less likely empaths?
I also wonder about everyday things:
Do people who eat loudly/with their mouths open lack empathy?
This is an example I often wondered about. Especially when you are at a dinner get-together and someone just won’t notice how their disgusting eating ways are hurting those around.
I have already posted the following on Reddit in hope to get more feedback there as well (I prefer feedback on the blog though, but if it has to be elsewhere, make it Reddit, not Facebook):
I am convinced that true empathy is 100% intuitive. The ability to sense others brings suffering with them with it. Picking up on energies is required for that.
However, I read a lot of disagreement with that, but also believe that those who have written such are not actually empaths.
It seems that empathy is a trait that can hinder, yet many non-empaths consider “fashionable” and want to mimick.
What do you think?
i think my empathic abilities (i do have them) and my deep intuition are some reasons why i don’t spend much time w/ others/around others. i read them too well…i’m too sensitive to what they are and how they are…plus, as always, i’m too different. i confuse others often/they don’t understand me, even though most want to know me, most want to get along well w/ me & most want to do things w/ me. here’s something else uncommon w/ me: i don’t cry at funerals…i don’t cry when something bad happens around me…i don’t cry when someone i know dies or when i’m experiencing lots of physical pain…but, i may shed some tears of joy & relief in unbelieving amazement when i see and experience something beautiful, deeply/moving & touching imo – something/someone that shows/exhibits great goodness and impresses me. i can be deeply moved when i see/find/know that such things still exist/happen. so that, among many other things, is just another fine example of how differently wired/built/constructed i am. sometimes someone has to be strong/stronger than all others around…sometimes that someone is me.
it’s not you Mike – you do nice work – this world/what’s happening external to things here is quite challenging & perhaps even way too interesting/complex right now – so much to study and consider imo – and i’m still working on my thoughts about my next post in reply to OtherSheeps – to better things, life/living/satisfaction & people – to active, involved, interested & good Rh(D) negative people & your sites
Thank you, Ken. Please always feel free to let me know your thoughts.
Hi Mike,
I connect with 100% of what you share with the rh- community. Forced “agenda empathy”, on people who are naturally empathetic has been detrimental to my personal well being. A society that forces empathetic behaviors has made the level of that characteristic in me, much too heightened. I didn’t realize what was occuring; and not only do i feel other’s emotions, i now feel their physical ailments as well.
It doesn’t matter if they’re standing next to me or 300 miles away, if it’s someone I love, I feel it. It’s usually a strange persistant sensation that comes out of nowhere and days or weeks later, I find out what it is when I speak to the person who was actually experiencing the ailment. There’s a pre-cognition element to it too. I could go on and on about this phenomenon.
If i visualize tuning down my mirror neurons, i do better; and don’t pick up on the sensations. As a youngster I was told to be “nice and polite” and unfortunately i learned to be empathetic to people who were not good and it’s impacted my life greatly. Probably true for many Rh- people. Thank you for speaking on this subject. Your excellent analysis on RH- strengths and weaknesses has helped to me to understand me. I tried to fit in to the “norm” for my whole life and it just isn’t possible and that’s okay!