What is Rh negative blood?
In short:
Being Rh negative means that you test negative for the presence of the D antigen of the Rh blood group system.

Rh NEGATIVE indicates the absence of the D gene from the Rh blood group system.
Here is the longer version:
What is the Rh blood group system?
The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system. It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. It is the second most important blood group system, after the ABO blood group system.

What does “Rh Negative” refer to?
The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. There is no d antigen. Rh(D) status of an individual is normally described with a positive or negative suffix after the ABO type (e.g., someone who is A Positive has the A antigen and the Rh(D) antigen, whereas someone who is A Negative lacks the Rh(D) antigen). The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only. Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion reactions and antibodies to the Rh(D) and Rh antigens confer significant risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.

The human immune system is the guardian and most intelligent system in the human body. If a Rhesus negative woman’s immune system detects a fetus as Rhesus positive, thus perceiving it as foreign and a threat to the mother, then this innate response should not be overridden by a substance designed to disarm the Rh negative woman’s normal and necessary protective immune response.
Internationally, doctors and medical science admit they know next to nothing about the Rh negative blood group, and science has refused to do any in-depth research regarding Rh negative, settling instead for stating “we just don’t know much about it” as their response. In what other area of medicine is an intervention taken such as overriding the protective human immune response regarding something as critical as blood type incompatibility, about which it is admitted, virtually nothing is truly known, and about which there has not been any effort in medical science to thoroughly investigate and research to understand why there exists this severe life threatening incompatibility — it exists for a reason — why does science refuse to investigate? There also can be serious possible side effects related to this intervention, and for some, life long problems, which are rarely if ever discussed or explained to the Rh negative woman prior to its administration — all of which is unconscionable.
I think this natural blood incompatibility is possibly why there are so few Rh negatives in the world. Over centuries and millennia, countless women impregnated by an Rh positive man probably died during pregnancy or child birth, long before blood groups and their incompatibilities were discovered. A good starter solution to growing our numbers, and protecting future Rh negative women through pregnancy, is dating by blood type.
As an RH Neg and with an RH neg daughter in law, who gave birth with the aid of Rhogam, I understand and am empathetic to these issues and concerns.
My POV (point of vew) is as follows:
Yes…science and the medical establishment are not only far from perfect, and have made some catastrophic errors on reproductive issues. I remember the horrors of thalidomide to this day.
At the same time, the mortality rates for both mothers and children without health care (especially pre-natal care) and the beneficial sides of science were and are horrendous.
In recent years, I have been looking at the science of RH neg more closely. It most certainly is there, even if it is often in almost incomprehensible journals. Work on immune systems is also intense, and informative.
AIDS (Auto-Immune-Disease-Syndrome) research was a major thrust, and was a major wake -up call that we need to be more focused on the active promotion of our health and less focused on a “disease treatment” industry.
There is a true beauty and harmony in our health that science cannot always explain. Some view that through religious eyes, some as atheists or agnostics, but it is most certainly there.
Yes I have always wondered how many women died in childbirth due to rh incompatibility with the fetus. I myself have two rh positive children and received the rhogam shot. I also had HELLP syndrome with both pregnancies and have always wondered if there was a connection to my rh negative status and their being rh positive. Being interested in history and kings and queens, I always wondered if Anne Boleyn could have been rh negative, hence a healthy first child but subsequent miscarriages. We will never know but it is interesting to ponder.
Catherine O, excellent, absolutely brilliantly explained for those new to our blood type. Only now in old age do l fully understand exactly what was happening to me in many of my NDEs, which, thanks to God’s miraculous intervention, have brought me to age 76 (God willing, on 2nd April) Being D Negative group A. I’ve survived myriad accidents, injuries, illnesses, but scarily came close to death in five of my six pregnancies and births on various occasions between 1962-69. Haemorrhages, a massive blood transfusion (baby four), which they said l can never have again on risk of death. These days, since 1981, l can never have general anaesthetic for same reason. I had Toxaemia once, where we both almost died, and septicemia, which became a repeat performance. My first five pregnancies were long before scans, before modern theatres. “You have an unusual blood type, one not often met with, one we don’t fully understand!” My gynaecologist told me, in 1962, (he who was knighted for being one of the authors of the British abortion act) as they gave me my first (new trial Guinea Pig) Anti-D shot, without telling me exactly what it was, or for. Because, in truth, they didn’t know themselves! But it wasn’t necessary then, as it turns out, his dad was my exact same blood type, we met up again in the street when he was on leave from his regiment in the Paratroops, and l immediately pulled his dog tag out from his shirt, turned it over, and on the back it read, ‘Rhesus D Neg’ Group A’. After 9 months of fear and dread, them all scaring me to death with words of a ‘blue baby’ at birth, with loadsa blood on standby, God had it sorted all along, so that jab wasn’t even needed. Nor was its follow up. But its affects were in his body. And l saw its affects as he grew up, l saw it in all six of mine, which was doubled in five of them, along with a faulty vaccine too, dished out in 1969 across the UK, causing autism in babies, and finally admitted to in court. The company was fined £250,000 highest award ever at the time, to an Irish couple But that wise couple kept lists of every child receiving that faulty vaccine, and shared the batch numbers with us all. I still have them. That company changed its name, and became our government’s ‘go to’ advisory drug manufacturing centre, to this very day. I have it all saved on disk since blank disks first came out. I’ve spent two decades chasing that faulty vaccine, and in the process found this site, years back Then in recent times, it gave me information leading to my final answer, on the banned Anti-D in the EU, for autistic reasons. You gave me in this site, information l’d never known existed, on a totally different jab, the ones they’d put in me, the mum who should protect those six babies. All those jabs in all my pregnancies, given automatically, as normal, by lively friendly nurses who were obeying new research, on Negatives like me. I had ten pregnancies in yotal. I lost seven babies. One set of twins aborted at 8 weeks, not known twins until one remained four more weeks and l haemorrhaged, got rushed to theatre, 12 week baby aborted. They hid my files, feared l’d sue, not my style. Nurse told me all, after she went by torchlight in the middle of the night for me, to find my files in Sister’s locked cabinet. Why? Did they know causation was the Anti-D back then? Anti-D was given by staff, with no idea what was in the syringe, or how it even worked. Back then, l never knew what jabs were for, l was just a young docile pregnant female obeying ‘he who was above the rest’, my gynaecologist, the very title of his job meant he was a god to all his staff! I knew my kids behaviours were not normal, and l knew they all, even my late child born in 1983, had varying shades of autism, called Asperger, named for the man who found it, Hans Asperger. I knew this way back. In 1989. It was my first out stop in research. Hans Asperger just didn’t know the cause of that mild autism while he lived. So I based all my research there for years, even ran the United Kingdoms first ever web site and discussion forum on it, before dot co for uk even existed. For three years people worldwide came to me online. Even a self diagnosed psychologist, who said he’d searched the www for truth about Asperger’s, “you’re the only site that has it, no holds barred!” I even spoke to Bill Gates, he gave me permission to open the site, he’d been recently diagnosed Asperger himself. Now, it’s never even mentioned, all trace has been removed from his data I was only halfway right, yes, the vaccine was bad, but now, finally, l understand, it didn’t CAUSE Asperger in my kids, it merely ‘exacerbated’ it! The real damage was already there, inside me, during their evolvement from conception to their births. I could not have stopped it, when medical scientists approved and lauded it, when specialists like mine began to trial it on us D-Negative young uneducated mum’s. It brings new meaning to the words, ‘Rebel Without A Cause’ for me! Words l wrote about Asperger were used by my GP, “You helped me help patients l had no answers for before Jeanette, about a condition l never even knew existed, write about it, if anyone can help the world understand it, you can!” My Doctor said when he phoned me in 2001, to tell me three psychologists in Cambridge University, agreed with my words, and diagnosis on one family member. But l knew it wasn’t over, l beat myself up for decades, there was something l was missing, l just knew that l should know. My psychic side could not let go. My kids grew nastier as they aged. Hating me and each other. Yet everyone said how loved they were, what a good mum l was, even those who’d never liked me. How shocked they were by their rejection of each other, and of me. And eventually they all got divorced except the youngest, who never married, says he never will. I had to know, was it all my fault, was it something l did, or had failed to do, had l failed them?
This happened every pregnancy to me, same two Anti-D shots. Add to this, my late sixth child reacted badly to his first baby vaccines, in 1983-4, which were not faulty ones released as in 1969. The doctor rushed straight out, gave him a penicillin shot. He got worse, neck like a Michellin tyre, swollen so he could hardly breathe. Doctor panicked, “l don’t know what to do!” I got three of my teenage daughter’s running back and forth for ice, and packed it round his beck in towels. Took ages to get swelling down, took days to get temperature right down. “You saved his life mother, l didn’t know what to do, l had an ambulance standing by. As a doctor, I’m supposed to tell you to carry on with vaccines, as a parent, l wouldn’t!” The only truly honest words l ever heard a doctor say! What caused this, was it damage in him from my Anti-D shots? He’s A Positive, like three other of my kids. What time-bomb are my children carrying because of it? He’s allergic to tetanus jabs, TB jabs, and almost died of pleurisy and pneumonia like me. How come? We Medicare too much. We fill babies with dangerous chemicals long before their brains are fully able to cope. We have by dint of this, “inherited an Asperger World” without empathy (words of Dr Tony Attwood).But we’ve also altered something in the mum’s like me, and we see it in our children. And it breaks our hearts. I’ll die soon without full answers, l have heart failure, rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, asthma, and l’m seriously slowing down physically these days, and l fall asleep a lot. l know my path. l die not of that, but of a broken heart, for my six lovely, much loved, babies. God will explain it to me when it’s my turn, then and only then, will l accept and understand.
This has no edit. Apol’s if it rambles. I’m in pain. I needed to respond to a well written piece, l’m late getting showered, to ease my pain. It’s 10.41am.
Hi Jeanette; Thank your so much for sharing your experience. I realize writing and reliving this issue, some of it still ongoing, cannot have been easy for you. Please know you have my heartfelt compassion, respect and gratitude for sharing what you and your children have had to endure. I believe however, by sharing these experiences it goes a long way toward informing other Rh negative women of the possible perils of intervening with a substance that shuts down their Rh negative immune response. It seems, at least until more research is done, there are no alternatives. However, by helping make more widely known the possible consequences of this intervention, more pressure may be placed on medical science to find another modality in the case of blood incompatability.
In the meantime, Rh negative women pregnant with an Rh positive fetus should all be informed regarding the possible side effects and consequences which can extend to the child, instead of simply injecting the pregnant Rh negative women as if it were just routine and always perfectly safe. Blood is the life force of the human body, it affects every cell and interaction, hormone production, gene expression, provides some protections and immunities and also vulnerabilities. And importantly, Rh negatives are very sensitive in a myriad of ways that are different from Rh positives. To assume there are no possible unknown consequences of introducing a foreign substance to suppress the immune response, is cavalier and disrespectful. I wonder if physicians always keep in mind their Hippocratic Oath that states emphatically: “First do no harm” (Primum non nocere).
I also understand that we cannot always control with whom we fall in love, nonetheless, it is the Rh negative woman who pays the price and often her child as well. However, if we are informed and forewarned early in life, then perhaps it will become natural to simply date by blood type.
I have th neg blood. My first child was born in 1963 she is Rh + my second had Rh neg blood. My third and last child has Rh +. He was born legally blind, profound to severe hearing loss ,his soft spot didn’t harden for two years. At thirteen his testicles strange later. He also had two sets of baby teeth with an arched palette. The upper part and the bridge of his nose didn’t form. His body shape was deformed. Also he had cataracts and was totally blind at thirteen. He also has brain damage. My doctor did tell me anything about the Rh factor.
If you have Rh: blood only have one child or none at all.