According to WebMD:
Synesthesia is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. … It translates to “perceive together.” People who have this ability are called synesthetes.
My thoughts:
While first experiencing a certain smell, a certain taste, seeing a specific shape or shade, something else took place where as a child you picked up on wind blowing, feeling something, hearing a certain song or what have you where two or more senses simultaneously morphed into a combination of sensations leaving an imprint where triggers bring back the essence of that experience with the trigger being related to just one of the senses.
Many times in my lifetime I have experienced hearing beautiful music, unusual smelling and hearing ability. Also, I have been in different places and can hear conversations and their physical presence is not there. Is hearing conversations an ability of Synesthesia too?
Synesthesia or Telesthesia come to mind. It depends: Are those conversations you have heard in the past, remind you of what you may have heard in the past and/or are those voices that sound familiar? If yes, Synesthesia comes to mind. If no, Telesthesia could apply.
Just recently I was walking into my bedroom and I heard two people talking in the room and yet no physical people were there. They were engrossed in a conversation as they were walking thru my bedroom thru the wall to the outside of my home. This has happened many times in my life. In the past I have visited historical places and have heard conversations of people that weren’t in the physical. Their voices were not familiar. It’s like they were carrying on a conversation as I was walking into hearing range.
That’s interesting I never knew there was a title for this. My brother and me always saw letters and numbers in color. Nothing to do with hearing but it was sight. We had almost all the same color assignments to the same numbers also and until we disagreed on one we didn’t realize that all people didn’t see them this way. We asked our father to settle our difference in this matter and he was very confused. This is how we realized it wasn’t everyone that saw this. It’s interesting how the color is always there though.
I have a type of synesthesia where I “see” speech. My son sees colors when he hears music. We are both Rh negative blood type.