Blood Type Frequencies by Country including the Rh Factor was the first and remains the best list of blood type frequencies out there.
It takes into account both, ABO types and Rh factor.
In order to focus only on Rh factor, I have now started a thread here:
What is the real frequency of rh negatives worldwide?
I am still held back by missing data, but most of the larger countries I have data on, so at this point, more than 6 Billion people of the world population are accounted for.
The frequency of Rh negatives worldwide based on my data?
That is a major decrease from the 6.1% I have previously calculated and in large part, if not exclusively, due to populations with low Rh negative percentages increasing rapidly.
I’m multi tasking not good. So when I’ve read 15 percent of world population is RH negative, that’s innaccurate? If so, then my experience in Wilmington N.C. not normal. I’ve asked many people to figure a statistical number for me. Have not received one yet. Curious… I’m 2018 was hospitalized for a week. There were 9 rooms. We all suffered a death of a child or immediate family. I sparked my roommates interest about bloodtype. She was b neg also. We did agree how we all felt like fami!y. So we asked 9 rooms 4 b negatives 2 a b neg the rest 0 negative. All but two people were rhesus negative. My friend was a nurse. She thought odd. The more I think about your numbers, the more I wonder if this was random. So what is the statistical likelihood of 4 B RH neg. I’m same area. I’m fact that many . My Frie nd Beth and I noticed similarities like we spoke with our hands,, talked fast. Yes medical and research. Yet all talented artists. Competiative. I really felt like we were being tested. One day we all started talking about cognizant dissonance.. Like in length just not usual…Now I’m curious.