What many donors don’t know: Their blood is sold

A lawsuit between Oklahoma Blood Institute and a Minnesota blood broker reveals details of the valuable blood business. https://www.oklahoman.com/article/4985779/what-many-donors-dont-know-their-blood-is-sold β€œThe general public β€” 99 percent of Americans β€” don’t know that blood is sold,” he said. More here: See also: When you donate blood, you may get a bit dizzy, but it’s a great feeling to know you’ve helped someone in need for free. Well, maybe. The Oklahoma Blood Institute, supposedly a non-profit donation service, is currently in a legal battle with General Blood, a blood bank. OBI claims General Blood owes more than $420,000 for blood it delivered, revealing to many donors that their blood is sold. So while you’re just giving it away at the clinic, some companies are selling it off for profit. According to court documents, your precious fluid is … Continue reading What many donors don’t know: Their blood is sold