Inside the temple of Ramses ll at Abu Simbel
The ancient Egyptians are still of great interest to many and a lot of rh negatives are asking me if there is a connection between ancient Egypt and rh negative blood:
Yes and no.
First off, we need to break down “ancient Egyptians” into the right sub-categories and realize just how different even the dynasties were from each others.
Ramses II’s DNA test reveals y-DNA e1b1a. This shows sub-Saharan ancestry. The Berbers are mainly e1b1b and the e1b1a people are their southern neighbors.
King Tut was y-DNA R1b with blood type A2. This indicates Yamnaya ancestry. Likely there was a migration from the Yamnaya to the east and then a migration of the offspring towards the area of Egypt. He also had red hair which is yet another indicator that his ancestry was Yamnayan.

Many Berbers today consider themselves to be the offspring of the ancient Egyptians, some of them going as far as to considering themselves to be from a sunken kingdom called “Atlantis”.
Debates over how the ancient Egyptians looked dominate discussions about ancient Egypt and we need to look at genetic ancestries to determine such.
Ancient Egypt was a mix of populations, sub-Saharan, Sumerian and a few others. There could have been high-rh-negative pockets here and there. Ancient Egypt fascinates many, but looking at the former society as a whole doesn’t help. It needs to be broken down into pieces. And when we break it down, we are being led further back towards where the ancient Egyptians actually came from rather than being stuck in a legacy that has never been properly researched to begin with.
See also: