Where in the world does the Rh negative blood factor come from?

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Thank you, Ewa for your information.

The Dnieper or Dnipro is one of the major rivers of Europe, rising in the Valdai Hills near Smolensk, Russia, before flowing through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. It is the longest river of Ukraine and Belarus and the fourth-longest river in Europe, after the Volga, Danube, and Ural rivers. Wikipedia

Moonlit Night on the Dnieper by Arkhip Kuindzhi, 1882

The Dnieper River in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine

Samara culture is the archaeological term for an eneolithic culture that bloomed around the turn of the 5th millennium BCE, located in the Samara bend region of the upper Volga River. Wikipedia

And now this:

The Samara culture was an eneolithic culture of the early 5th millennium BCE[note 1] at the Samara bend region of the middle Volga, at the northern edge of the steppe zone.[2] It was discovered during archaeological excavations in 1973 near the village of Syezzheye (Съезжее) in Russia. Related sites are Varfolomievka on the Volga (5500 BCE), which was part of the North Caspian culture,[clarification needed] and Mykol’ske, on the Dnieper. The later stages of the Samara culture are contemporaneous[2] with its successor culture in the region, the early Khvalynsk culture (4700–3800 BCE),[3][note 1] while the archaeological findings seem related to those of the Dniepr-Donets II culture[2] (5200/5000–4400/4200 BCE).[4]

Map of the Dnieper–Donets culture, based on a map printed at page 167 in Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture, which was edited by J. P. Mallory and Douglas Q. Adams, and published by Taylor & Francis in 1997.

Dnieper-Donets culture

From present-day Ukraine, our study reports new genome-wide data from seven Mesolithic (~9500-6000 BCE) and 30 Neolithic (~6000-3500 BCE) individuals. On the cline from WHG- to EHG-related ancestry, the Mesolithic individuals fall towards the East, intermediate between EHG and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Scandinavia (Figure 1B).7 The Neolithic population has a significant difference in ancestry compared to the Mesolithic (Figures 1BFigure 2), with a shift towards WHG shown by the statistic D(Mbuti, WHG, Ukraine_Mesolithic, Ukraine_Neolithic); Z=8.5 (Supplementary Information Table 2). Unexpectedly, one Neolithic individual from Dereivka (I3719), which we directly date to 4949-4799 BCE, has entirely NW Anatolian Neolithic-related ancestry.

We report new Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic data from southern and western Europe.17 Sicilian (I2158) and Croatian (I1875) individuals dating to ~12,000 and 6100 BCE cluster with previously reported western hunter-gatherers (Figure 1B&D), including individuals from Loschbour23 (Luxembourg, 6100 BCE), Bichon19 (Switzerland, 11,700 BCE), and Villabruna17 (Italy 12,000 BCE). These results demonstrate that WHG populations23 were widely distributed from the Atlantic seaboard of Europe in the West, to Sicily in the South, to the Balkan Peninsula in the Southeast, for at least six thousand years.

Supervised ADMIXTURE analysis modeling each ancient individual (one per row), as a mixture of populations represented by clusters that are constrained to contain Anatolian Neolithic (grey), Yamnaya from Samara (yellow), EHG (pink) and WHG (green) populations. Dates in parentheses indicate approximate range of individuals in each population. This differs from Figure 1D in that it contains some previously published samples, and includes sample IDs.

A: Locations of newly reported individuals. B: Ancient individuals projected onto principal components defined by 777 present-day West Eurasians (shown in Extended Data Figure 1). Includes selected published individuals (faded circles, labeled) and newly reported individuals (other symbols, outliers enclosed in black circles). Colored polygons cover individuals that had cluster memberships fixed at 100% for supervised admixture analysis. C: Date (direct or contextual) for each sample and approximate chronology of southeastern Europe. D: Supervised ADMIXTURE analysis, modeling each ancient individual (one per row), as a mixture of population clusters constrained to contain Anatolian Neolithic (grey), Yamnaya from Samara (yellow), EHG (pink) and WHG (green) populations. Dates in parentheses indicate approximate range of individuals in each population. See Extended Data Figure 2 for individual sample IDs. Map data in A from the R package maps.

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