My interest in Myers Briggs Test Indicators is growing as I consider the system the best we have to deal with at this time. What personality traits are most common among Rh negatives? To determine that, I would love for all of you to list not just the indicator that applies to you the best, but also the other indicators in order of which you relate to the most.
Here is my personal example:
- ENTJ – that is me
- INTJ – that is me sometimes
- ENTP – that was me before I learned that evaluation can be crucial and that perception has failed me in the past.
- ENFJ – the feeling part is strong in me, but just as with perception, I have learned to think as a protective mechanism, though I may often test as a “feeler” if in the right situation.
- INTP – that was me sometimes before I learned that evaluation can be crucial and that perception has failed me in the past.
- INFJ – during intuitive phases, the feeler part allows self-exploration
- INFP – the FP combination surfaces also more within privacy
I will leave it at 7 alongside the following clarification:
All of the above indicators have the following in common:
I cannot relate to Seneor types AT ALL.
This leaves one iNtuitive marker which is ENFP.
Which would be number 8.
But I will keep it at 7.
What are your 7?
See also:
i sort of do what you did here w/ the Enneagram: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions … about 12 or 13 yrs ago i looked into this other system and decided that i am basically these four in the order shown and i may tend to cycle through them sometimes: 5-1-8-9. i and my life are more stable now, and i’m far less often trying to change things than in the past. regarding MBTI: i think it’s the best personality type description tool/system – none are perfect. INTJ fits me well/best, but i like to state that i have a high T-count, am left-handed biased ambi and that i prefer to think in words than in mathematical formulas. creativity is an important subject/factor that is not well used by these systems. i personally don’t consider people geniuses unless they are very bright, insightful and bring new/original things into this world. having offspring is creative as well. i like to be well-balanced and so i’ve learned to do many things like auto-mechanics over the past 30-40 yrs. learning these things has allowed me to not be screwed/taken by those who work in these fields and to actually be able to do much more for myself.
*** to Robin – read your 2 recent un-pubbed-posts – that link sent me to a wiki page ***
Yes, I identify with Sensors. I’m O Neg.
Hi ken, awaiting your response to video analysis…I identify most with #1,2,4,6,5…was not able to magnify the chart…so where ever this fits in I’m a little bit of everything as I can change moods depending on situation.
i’m not sure i’ve seen a link to the video. some things, like your other questioning post to mine (which i’ll comment on next) are reasons why talking on a phone is needed. since we are very far apart on some things…and this isn’t the place to chat/discuss everything. for me, typing is slow. i’m much better at explaining things through speaking. if we’re too different about deep things – this can be known quickly (this is likely — the quickness & the differences). still, it’s the very different perspectives that can allow each to help the other – friend-wise. just gotta accept the differences & let each do their own thing. hopefully the daughter you’ve been mentioning lately can help you w/ your tech issues. it’s becoming tedious communicating about off-topic things here. i recently posted a link to my profile from Mike’s Rh- dating site. i suggest you create a profile there, say you’re just looking for friends or make your profile private (uploading a pic would be quite helpful) and contact me through that site by sending me a friend request. i will assume your new bf will continue to read this site. that doesn’t matter to me. if you want to chat or discuss some things – i think what i just typed here is the way to go. maybe we can be friends, maybe…but we are very different imo and you should know this too by now. also, another insight from my past: i think INTJ males have the hardest time finding someone compatible (especially one’s like me)…INFP women also have a very hard time find compatibility. that’s just the way it is.
Cheers, Mike;
As an ENFP, the Myers-Briggs tester said I am only 3% extrovert, 66% intuitive, 16% feeling, and 9% perception – I’m not sure where the remaining 9 percent went – I would add it to preception. I do think, however, that I have some modified aspects of ENTP.
I’ve expressed the ENTP in winning many a debate in school and life. I’ll stand my ground if someone strongly challenges me if it is not a trivial challenge. I am not interested in arguing or debating with a closed mind – nor do I respond to being “bated” – often frustrating the person who is trying to frustrate me. However, just for the intellectual stimulation and keeping my mind open, I like to take the other side in a debate to see if I can better understand different perspectives. Respect is also an important component when debating. I think sparring with someone where respect is mutual is an excellent exercise. However, as an ENFP, I use persuasion more often, and well, it is less confrontational, allowing others to stay open. After all, debating in whatever manner, for me at least, is not just about winning or persuasion – it is about communicating – and better understanding. Sometimes by losing, you learn something.
I’ve read that ENTP’s can be sarcastic – I certainly can be, perhaps more than I realize, done reflexively to make a point, a stinging rebuke, or critically pointing out the cognitive dissonance of someone’s actions or a common belief. More often than not, I will use sarcasm to add some needed humor, such as trying to get an overly serious person or real ‘sourpuss’ to lighten up. I can also direct my sarcasm at myself – I seem to laugh hardest and best when I laugh at myself!
P.S. Quite interesting Mike, your decision to leave ENFP off your list of strongly intuitive Myers-Briggs types. Is there some magic in listing only 7, when there was only one more remaining – taking the list to 8! Possibly, an antipathy toward ENFPs, as I have also sensed with your take on B negatives? No judgment, just curious.
Since I have already stated that I don’t relate to the Sensors at all, ENFP is number 8.
It’s called minimalism.
No need to waste time on the obvious.
What about B-?
High in ENFP?
News to me.
As is me having some sort of bias.
Mike; Actually you wrote: “I cannot relate to Seneor types AT ALL.” (All Caps). The word “Seneor” was not a familiar word to me — could not find it referenced anywhere. Now I see it correctly spelled, “Sensors” — this is not a term I’ve ever used, so I did not recognize it when misspelled. As to my implying there is a correlation between ENFP’s and B negative’s, I would have no way of knowing, no implication intended. I simply meant I “sensed” a similar antipathy toward B negatives from your videos, as I apparently correctly sensed about your feeling toward ENFP’s, as your “AT ALL” emphases does express very strong feelings — as I said in my comment “just curious.” I don’t take such things personally, I find it interesting. We’re all human and humans have biases, it’s normal and natural, whether we recognize it, or choose to admit it, or not. I suppose “bias” is a charged word in the field of research, though none was implied. I’m here for the research findings, looking to learn as much as I can about my Rh negative blood group — it’s not a popularity contest to me. Cheers, Catherine O
That was about Sensors and not B negatives and it relates to a recent empath test I have conducted (N vs. S). It explained a lot. What did I say about B negatives that you consider antipathetic?
I don’t want to show the results here as it wasn’t an official study, but will say this:
What I already suspected has been indicated in huge proportions
Mike doesn’t have problems w/ B negatives here in general, nor any other Rh(D) neg blood types that i’ve noticed. i’m aware of about 3 other B negs besides yourself who’ve posted here many times since i started posting here back ~ June 2020. we all make mistakes. i do too. i check my posts before posting, but still tend to find some errors afterwards – especially w/ my long post.
Thank you, Ken. I will correct the mistakes from the traits post as soon as I get back to my pc. When I am “in the flow”, I tend to make many mistakes as my thoughts tend to overlap
I’d highly suggest learning about and typing yourself based on Jungian cognitive functions (the system that MBTI is based off of)