Several companies have been recommended which are far more expensive than others, so I would like for all of you who are interested in taking a DNA test to tell me what types of results are important to you.
To those who have already taken a DNA test:

I am interested in more feedback from those of you who have gotten a DNA test done?
What information did the company you choose provide you with and how much did it cost?
Was there a breakdown on autosomal results, were haplogroups listed, do you know your secretor status, what else did you find out through them?
How easy was it to plug your results into a different service to receive additional information on ancestry, ancestral relatives, family tree and living relatives?
Thank you in advance for sharing your information.
Hi Mike, i didn’t, haven’t used a DNA testing site yet, I knew I was rhesus negative by having 5 children & needing the special shots to stop my body rejetting my rhesus positive babys. I think I’m AB, my mother was also negative, I’m not sure about dad but he had the real red hair!…you were talking about diseases etc, just for your information Mike, I got hepatitis B in my 30,s and got rid of it completely, then in my late 40,s I contracted hepatitis C, I only knew of this by having a blood test for something else, they said I’d had it without even knowing it and my body had cleared it, completely gone, strange eh? I’m in my early 50,s now but don’t need any more shocks like that
just thought you’d like to know of this Mike for study purposes! Ive been very Luck with my health so far, my body seems to have Great ways of taking care of itself…Have a Great day Mike, ..Karen x
I was asking you for info about DNA testing sites, can you recommend any that are professional but not too expensive? Cheers Mike..Karen x
Hi Karen, in that case I recommend starting with You can later upload your raw data from them to Living DNA. Sorry about my late reply. I am now very interested in getting more feedback and details as to what all of the testing companies provide.
Welcome to my blog.
I have had my DNA done by at least 4 different companies. I started with Geno 2 ( National Geographic ( now defunct) Haplogroup V. Cost about $120 USD. The costs for the testing are all fairly close but it is the memberships and extra’s that are very expensive and payable yearly. I then tested with Living DNA and did the FTDNA family finder only. Both I did not find were very helpful. I then did Ancestry which and My Heritage which I found both to be more productive. However I have come against brick walls now.
I did a Y-STR37 test with FTDNA. Relatives did Y-STR67. I used YSEQ to establish my U106 subclade of L44. The Big Y at FTDNA is much more expensive, though more comprehensive. My spouse did an MTDNA with FTDNA. I did a family finder with FTDNA for myself and spouse for autosomal DNA, and was able to download the detailed files and analyse them with GEDMATCH. I was able to upload the files to MyHeritage and compare them with results from cousins. The secretor gene detail from FTDNA was ambiguous and they did not clarify it satisfactorily.
The detailed autosomal files (rsid values) did show how those values correspond to known data for ABO blood group. My cousins do not have similar values, but I infer that my B- (DCE) comes from my paternal grandmother.
I am “stuck” on the topic of the detail on recombination (inheritance) of autosomal DNA for ABO and the RH factor…but think that it is a solvable problem…with further analysis of the zygosity for autosomal DNA.
Will let you know when I’ve taken the test Mike..Karen
I have had DNA testing with Ancestry and recently with My Heritage. I have been a member of Ancestry and have worked on my tree for two years now. I pay for the full membership access to all records which can be found on their websites. As a 61 year old adoptee, I did not know my heritage as all records were sealed at birth in those days. By going to court in California, I had my records unsealed when I was 21. The records only told me the parents names and ethnicities were listed as Norwegian and Danish for the mother and Lithuanian for the father. At the age of 25, I finally met my birthmother. She had red hair and blue/green eyes. At the time I met her she asked me my bloodtype as hers was B+ which was the same as her mother. She was surprised that I told her I was O- bloodtype. My birthmother had met my father at Annapolis Naval base. After she passed in 1989, I traced the father down in New Zealand. After I met him, I realized he was not my father as he had blue eyes and A+ blood type. I have brown eyes and knew that it was impossible for him to be my father.
A few years ago, I did the DNA test at Ancestry in hopes of finding the identity of my father. After 1 1/2 years a 1st to 2nd cousin showed up and I found out his identity. My father passed in 1974 and I have met no one on my father’s side yet. To my surprise I found that I am 25% European Jewish and 25% Scottish. Also my ethnicity is Norwegian, Irish, Danish, and Welch. Due to chronic pain from injuries, I have become a geneology addict and have an extensive tree. I have also worked on my adopted father’s tree and have found many lines connected. My adopted father was A+. Both of my birthparents lines cross many places as well. Both of my parents have royal lines to Scotland, England, Welch, etc. I have spoken to one cousin on the Jewish side who is AB-. Obviously, I received the O- from my Norwegian/Danish grandfather. Ironically, both my adopted father and I are descended from the leader of the Dutch revolt. And both of us, and my blood parents are descended from James II of Scotland and Marie Edgmon. Numerous Edgmon descendants live near me now. In fact the Legion building in this little town is named the Edgmon/Campbell building. And I am a Campbell descendant as well.
When I started filling out my tree and following the hints I found it important to put the dates in correctly as suggested. Additionally I would put alternative spellings of names. Ancestry has become much better at eliminating hints. There were far too many hints at first. As I worked, I was obsessed with seeing how far back I could go as fast as I could. I worked so fast, I was asked if I was a computer bot several times. I was not as careful as I could have been, so I spend alot of time cleaning up my tree. I have sent many messages to distant cousins and have found about 20% will respond.
Because of the Rh incompatibility I have tried to documents births of all siblings and deceased infants. I wanted to see if I could determine the “break” in the bloodline. It is evident that many siblings did not have children. In one line I contacted a distant cousin regarding a 4th great uncle. I noticed that 3 infants of a doctor died shortly after birth. He mentioned that the grandmother was a “blue blood”.
In what time or year do you think the negatives knew they could not mate with the positives. When I hear people comment that the negatives only wanted to breed with each other on various alternative media sites I visit I refrain from comment. Is this the warning from Genesis 6?
I want to do a dna test now with 23 and Me, but have not done so. I have been working on my tree on My Heritage and have found a few more records. I mostly just continue to work on both trees. I have almost 40,000 people on my blood tree now. On my Dad’s adopted tree, I wanted to know the true identity of my grandfather who was born in 1856. Using my cousin’s DNA, which I paid for the test, I found my grandfather was an outlaw with the Jessie James’ gang. My adopted grandfather married an Edgmon. I have traced the paternal lineage to Germany on that side. On Ancestry they now have “thru lines” up through 5th generation. The lines are based on other member trees. I have found new cousins and information from those lines. There are also DNA circle matches which can help one determine correct lines as well. On My Heritage they make suggestions, then you can compare and add several people at once. I have become used to Ancestry and find it easier to do research. I have to be careful as I have merged both trees together. Merging can be tricky. The “edit relationship” function is much better to use. Typically, I merge the parents lines together, then it shows the closest relationship to me. I tried to keep them separate, but too difficult. One of my 13th great grandmothers from both my parents which made me cry to learn of her death was Lady Janet Douglas. She was burned at the stake for witchcraft at Glamis Castle in Edinburgh.
When I started this obsession after one geneology class at the library I found one of my 8th great grandfathers was a prisoner from the Battle of Dunbar. He was sent on the ship “Unity” as a slave to America by Oliver Cromwell. I noticed that he was born at Stirling Castle. With some research I found he descended from the Sinclairs. There are scores of Knights Templars in my lines. I don’t dare mention this to certain people or they might burn me at the stake also!
very interesting. obviously you got O- from your grandmother’s side as well. i’m also O-. there’s a Jewish influence in me from my mother’s mother & her family. they’re from Germany and came to NY State around 1900 or so. my grandmother’s mother and her sister were put into a orphanage when they were ~ 8-12 yrs old as i recall. although i haven’t studied my past too closely yet, i think the grandparent i’m descended from was either adopted by a wealthy family or married a wealthy man. also this side of my family tree gets muddled/lost somewhere around when they arrived here upstate NY. on my father’s side: my grandmother always liked to say/claim that my last name was Dutch and that the family came over to America as part of the Van Rensselaer patroonship (which appears to be true), but when one of my brother’s sons married the daughter of a high ranking Mormon from Nevada – my mother got involved and found from the Mormon’s genealogy data base that my father’s family name actually came from Scotland. the past is very interesting and so is the present.
Hi all. I’m O- and barely know my family tree as was brought up by the state in Southern Africa. I too have sought the answers and have some interesting info to add to the rhesus negative puzzle based on my own DNA ancestry results and own research into the bloodlines. . I noticed Caroline and Ken both mentiond a Dutch and Jewish connection to the the rhesus negative bloodline. My results were done with livingDNA, I sent off DNA samples for myself and my husband. My blood is O- and he is A+ what is interesting is that our most recent DNA results claim we both came from the southern and northern regions of Germany during the age of the Vikings and had settled in southern England close to Northern Ireland. My husband had a whole breakdown of both his mtDNA migration map and paternal migration results. For some reason mine was incomplete, with a message that stated We haven’t been able to load your DNA data” i shared the results with my 2 siblings and only just found out that they are also 0- and we received this blood type through my father. My father and both my siblings are very fair and have blonde hair and blue eyes, I take after my mother with brown to black hair and brown eyes, olive skin. South Africa was first occupied by several different African tribes and clans. It was believed that the first “white settling in S.A occured in 1652 when the first European Dutch settler JOHAN VAN RIEBEECK left Amsterdam on 14 December 1651 aboard the Dutch East India Company’s vessel, the Drommedaris and landed in the Cape of good hope where they set up camp. 9 months later there was an explosion of mixed race. Jan van riebeeck was born in the Netherlands and Ken mentioned Van Rensselaer was also a dutch settler whom went over to the USA. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer (ca. 1580-1643) was a Dutch merchant and colonizer in America. A director of the Dutch West India Company, he was first patroon of Rensselaerswyck Manor in the colony of New Netherland.. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer was born in Amsterdam, probably in 1580. Now to get to the point I am trying to show is the Jewish connection to the Netherlands. And to the askenazi bloodline. Around 1590 the first indications of a Marrano community are to be found in *Amsterdam, but its members did not openly declare themselves as Jews. The Beth Jaäcob community was founded in secret, apparently around 1600 (in the house of Jacob *Tirado). It was discovered in 1603 and the Ashkenazi rabbi Moses Uri b. Joseph *ha-Levi, who had come from Emden the previous year was arrested. Religious liberty was not granted in Amsterdam and therefore the Marranos which were the first Portuguese jewish families in the Netherlands, who had returned to Judaism, along with newly arrived Jews from Portugal, Italy, and Turkey [[Ottoman Empire]. The first Ashkenazim arrived in Amsterdam around 1620, establishing their first congregation in 1635. The first emigration was from Germany but in the second half of the 17th century many Jews also came from Poland and Lithuania: they founded a separate community (1660), but in 1673, after disputes between the two, the municipal authorities ordered it to amalgamate with the German one. The community grew rapidly, outnumbering the Portuguese in the 17th century though remaining in a subservient position until the end of the 18th century. During the 17th century, the most important communities outside Amsterdam were in Rotterdam and The Hague. At that time Jews also settled in several towns in the provinces bordering Germany: Groningen, Friesland, Overijssel, and Gelderland. In spite of restrictive measures, their number increased in the 18th century, and they extended to a large number of smaller towns. There were a few very rich Ashkenazi families, such as the *Boas (The Hague), the Gomperts (Nijmegen and Amersfoort), and the Cohens (Amersfoort), but the overwhelming majority earned a meager living as peddlers, butchers, and cattle dealers. It has been noted that there were Ashkenazi Jews living in the Celtic countries such as Ireland, Scotland and whales, the rhesus negative blood type is very strong in these places, especially Ireland that was ravaged, raped and pilleged by the vikings. If the rhesus negative trace back to the Jewish bloodline than perhaps the O blood type has a connection to the Dutch / Norwegian, and German bloodline which could be where my siblings gets their blonde and blue genetic traits from. For reference to Jews in netherlands, see this link.
interesting Jessie. in order to be O- you must have gotten O- genes from each parent. on my father’s side/his family/my surname/these people/these ancestors of mine came over w/ Van Rensselaer and were given land/a land grant. my grandfather’s sister’s family has the actual document as i recall. they lived and worked/farmed this land for generations. to the best of my knowledge, there is no Jewish influence to me from this side of my family. i suspect there’s much truth in what you posted also. anyone who had ancestors who were Jewish in Europe during WWII may have lost some connection to their past. which should be obvious when one studies what happened there. all purges likely severely screw-up the genealogy of many families wherever & whenever they occur. my mom’s mother’s family apparently has these issues and thus so do i, even though they came here to upstate New York decades before the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany. as for me: i’ve had no children. this world really doesn’t suit me well, but i deal w/ it as well as i can – while seeking to live a satisfying life daily.
Always Quite Correct and Kind With all you Interacts… It’s A Real Pleasure to Read All your Writings and Opinions!
Thanks so Much for Being As Good as you Are.
Gracias y Buenas Noches.
Jorge Garcia-Hildebrandt
Hi Ken thanks for the polite response to my previous comment. I understand that the rhesus negative o blood type and trait is the most recessive gene and in order to have this blood type and genetic trait both parents have to pass on the rhesus negative o blood type to their offspring. This is where it got interesting for me, when I began my own research into the origins of this blood type. I came across many website and videos which claimed that not only is this a rare blood type, with unknown origins but it’s also not human, you can see where people got the reptilian bloodline conspiracies from. Not being drawn into the alien conspiracy, never encountered any alien abductons and feeling too many empathic emotions towards people even strangers and not being materialistic, greedy for money power or fame, I knew that I did not fit into the reptilian take over the world conspiracy bloodline, so there must be a different link other than not of this world. That’s when I learnt the alternative connection. Most people whom research the rh-neg and especially rh-neg O blood type would come across the royal bloodline. For Prince William to have this blood type, both his mother Princess Diana of Wales and Father Charles would have the rh-neg o blood type. Likewise if Charles has it than therefore Queen Elizabeth and prince Philip too would have this blood type. And I would image so would their parents and grand parents etc, so for this reason the royals married into their own bloodline to keep this ” specific bloodline pure” looking further into the royals, they conquered and own most of the world and distributed it amongst their own family members. The Queen was corronated upon the “Jacob stone” and apaantly trace bloodline back to king David which is one of the tribes of Israel, a son of Jacob from which Jesus descended from. Now why would they follow such strong Jewish customs such as marrying into their own blood type and performing their coronation upon the Jacob stone, which is believed to be the very stone Jacob used as a pillow when he encountered angels descending and ascending on a staircase to heaven . if they are German descend? Perhaps the rhesus negative trait is of Jewish origin. There are 2 clues into this and both lies in scripture. The first is the 12 sons of Jacob and the second is one of those tribes that were set apart for a spiritual purpose, they would be born of this world and in this world but would not be off this world and never really belonging anywhere, only deving their whole life and their descendants lives to serve their God only. They were known as the tribe of Levi and from them were chosen The Levitical priests to serve the lord in the temple. They were divided into 2 clases, the first was the kohenim priests whom dealt merely with the sacrifices of atonement and the second was the Levites whom acted as guards, gate-keepers, and provided the music and instruments for the sacrifices and the preparations of the rituals for the priests. The reason for mentioning the tribe of Levi, is because they were forbidden to marry anyone outside of their tribe and bloodline, which means they could not even marry any other nationalities or even anyone of the other Jewish tribes if they weren’t born of the pure Levitical bloodline. Meaning both mother and father had to be same blood type and have the kohenim genetic traits. Most people trace this trait back to Moses and Aaron, as both their parents were of the pure Levitical blood type, which is why Moses was spared, a Jewish baby sent to live in Egypt being raised as an Egyptian prince to later discover as an adult he is truly a a Hebrew born to a Jewish mother and father within the Levitical priesthood bloodline. He was called for a purpose, set aside and his life was spared to fulfill a special mission in life, to lead his people out of bondage and release them from slavery to a land promised to them, during the exodus. During the time spent in the dessert the Israelites made a golden calf image and began worshipping it, one tribe was warning them against this and did not do as the rest, in other words did not follow the masses and were set apart to become the prophets and the priest of God, they received many spiritual powers and abilities such as communicating with God and the angels, spiritual healing abilities, understanding prophecies, leader qualities and above all, no territory was given to them to settle down, they will never be tied down and belong to one region, town, city or country for wherever God required their service He would sent them, which could explain why the rhesus negative trait and bloodline can be found all over the world.
Hi I’m b neg…I had read something correlating RH neg blood types and the Leviticus. Not quite sure if what I read is opinion or based on historical facts. The statement claimed that these priests carried the arc of the covenant. That to approach or touch this many died. That the bipolar imagine of the positive charge and negative blood allowed RH negative blood types to carry the arc. I did study the breast plates with specific gems the priests wore…that was interesting.. I believe its a taboo subject that our bloodline is associated with these holy people. The more I see facts on lineage to certain Jews with red hair and blue eyes…and historical art always depicting Christ, even Judas with light skin blue eyes and red hair..I become curious…what else have you researched of the levitate priests? Is there credibility that only certain people could approach,touch or carry arc without a devastating consequence? Do u think our blood type diffused or prevented such electrical shocks? ( that’s what it sounds like that it caused electrical shocks) but on this I’m uneducated and uninformed just curious…thanks
you seem to be very well informed & knowledgeable about the things you’ve been posting about here. Judaism is not my religion. in fact, during the last decade i created my own theory: my organic-way-of-Life theory/formula/belief system/worldview. i was not really brought-up religious. i did read the:: TANAKH – The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation according to the Traditional Hebrew Text during the late July/early August 1997 period as i recall. up to that point i had read most of the New Testament as well by reading parts of it some times going back to about 1980 or there about. because my interest in goodness/integrity/character has been so strong throughout my life, it has been one of the main reasons i’ve never fit-in well w/ this world or most of it’s people & their systems/creations. over the years i’ve been able to solve problems others couldn’t in many situations. i was not told of my Jewish background on my mother’s side until i was about 30. many Jews saw these traits in me as did others prior to this. from the late 1990’s ’til now – i’ve sometimes had messianic thoughts/ideas/insights. for the Jews this means ~ a leader of righteousness. that does seem to suit me well. over the last decade i’ve more-or-less w/drawn once again from just about all things social…but as i mentioned above, i have created my own worldview that i live by (it’s not fully complete yet and i think perhaps it never really should be…based on the fact that: even though i know & understand a lot and have original & deep insight into many things – i still don’t know or understand it all & i never will). one more thing for now: i do see Jewish influences in many people who live or are from Scotland. Scotland still has a high Rh(D)- population to my knowledge…so i see connections in reality about these things as well.
Hi Ken, and Mike apologies for the DBL post. Had some typing errors to correct and wouldn’t let me edit post so had to do it in new comment? Ken I am not Jewish either And though raised with a Christian faith I am no longer belonging to any church denomination, religion or secular faith. I only recently discovered the Jewish link in my DNA. And the link to the rhenus negative genetic trait, I found out with my first child. Before that I never even knew what my blood type was. It’s only after finding out I was rh -o that I began some research into it. You can imagine where I landed, somewhere between David ickes reptilian theories and nephilim fallen angel bloodline. I found out the royal family has the same blood type and though I have seen many disturbing links to the royal family, I knew that I was of no reptilian fallen angel, arian bloodline, so there must be another link. That’s when I came across the Jewish link into the royal family, with my darker genetic traits, nationality, and a few divine interventions in my life, my research delved deeper into ancient mythology, forbidden books from the canonical scriptures, history I was never taught at school and of course secret societies and the occult. It is than that I discovered the hidden occult meaning in the scriptures, things that freemasons are taught as they are traversing through different degrees of freemasonry, I can simply understand and find hidden in the Bible. It’s very deep and spiritual insight. I am not sure how well you would be versed in the old testament or alternative scriptures such as the dead sea Scrolls, but there is a book written by a man that explains many historical occurrences which are not found in the old or new testament. This man was said to be a righteous leader and prophet on the earth, so devoted to God that he was taken from the earth and transformed into the highest ranking angel. His name is Enoch the righteous scribe. Before he was taken, he was instructed to write, teach and transfer all the universal knowledge the creator had imparted to him to his sons. This was the first righteous bloodline on the earth, and outsiders if you will, as the rest of the world was very much in a ” do what though wilt” mind frame. This was a very selfish narcistic time and you can see that already happening in our timeline. The children of Enoch was trying to live a righteous, selfless, kind-loving life full of honesty integrity and good character as you put it, in a world filled with wickedness, selfishness, witchcraft, dark arts, immorallity and inhumane acts towards each other and animals. During the life of Enoch, a class of angels that were appointed as watchers and guardians began to observe the woman born on the earth, they began to notice their beauty and listed after them, being able to transform into humans, they seduced them in the form of beautiful god-like men and had sexual intercourse with them. Now as outrageous as it may sound, angels having sex with humans it’s not that impossible if you consider all the tales of the gods having sex with humans such as Zeus, Odin, the ANNUNAKI etch. The angels took wives from amongst the daughters of Cain and they gave birth to demi gods such as hercules, heroes of renown, this part is mentioned in genesis 6. You see while these watchers angels were living as gods on earth, they tought much of their secret wisdom to their wives and sons which were the nephilim giants and first architects and freemasons. magic, rituals and forbidden occult knowledge was also taught and through this the people began acting more wicked. They began not just sleeping g around, sleeping with animals but even began mixing incompatible species DNA with one another which created the beasts, monsters and chimaeras from mythology. This of course lead to much violence war and murder, and everything the creator created that was once good was now genetically altered and corrupted. Therefore a cleansing was needed to start over, which lead to the great global flood. Only one man was born during these wicked days and it was Noah, he was born resembling one of the angels, hair white as snow, red fiery eyes and cou!d speak from birth . He was to be the beginning of a new righteous bloodline, one that is genetically pure and not of the fallen angel bloodline which was destroyed in the flood. The new pure bloodline of the righteous sons of Noah and their wives, the rhesus negative line. The one from which the righteous priesthood would come from having divine supernatural gifts and abilities to follow in their forefathers footsteps and lead the world back to the divine and righteousness during the end times.
Well Done (Twice), Mike Dammann !!! That’s The Key!!!
Apologies for my delayed Greetings, Dear Friend : Recovering From a Domestic Accident That Was Sufficiently Painful To End In Clinical ER and Hospitalization… Your Excellent “Letter” (Resumes Your Beautiful Research) is a matter of Complementary Analysis For That One of 23andme on Race and COVID-19! Very Proud and Honored to Be Your Peruvian Friend, Really!
As A Fact, I’m Trying to Get Contact With Mrs Mazzetti Soler (Our Minister of Health) and, As You Know, She Decided to Walk Aside Because The Political Situation (Strike In Peru: Congress Vs President Vizcarra–> Strike for 6 Days–> Incredibly, Population From All Citizens From Peruvian Regions (Without Any Doubt or Fear from COVID-19) Protests–> 2 Young Persons Died (One of them, Student From The University I’m Teaching) –> Rendition of the Imposed President and Elected Transition Guys… A Soup of Different Emotional Elements That You May Be Aware (Informated by International Press, Maybe)… Fffiu !!!
Even Though, I’m sure that you’ll Understand My Affection for This Country as Well: Mrs Mazzetti Soler Returned to Ministry of Health a Week Ago and is now a possibility for The Research Objective With Two or 3 Published Research Work, including Your’s.
If you Want to Review the numbers That Richard Youatt for Rh Factor Negatives in Peru Are Quite Accurate and True: We Have Had to Lockdown All The Country to Save Lives… or I’m Wrong, Viewing what Happened in Mexico and USA?…
So Much Pain For All The People that have Died Because their Exposure and Secondary Illnesses (Here we have too Much Diabetics, Overweight and Hypertension).
In The Other Hand, There’s 2 Ideas That I’ve Traduced from my Intuition More Than anything we can call A Real “scientific Intellectual Reasoning” :
1) If We Come From Genetic Ancestors and Having Negative Blood but we are Rhesus Positive … Can we be Carriers/Spreaders of COVID-19 Without Doing Symptoms, More if we are Secretor Type?
2) Are There any form to Probe It (The Fact of being Secretor Spreader)? Maybe Only By PCR Positive Test With Nasal Oropharyngeal Measures? And If It’s Positive, See a manner to consider a Laboratory Specialized in Genetics (IDK, 23andme) That can Help Us To Probe The Ancestry of The Candidates?
Raw Ideas and Fulfilled of impressions More Than Facts…
A Pleasure to contact One more time with you, Dear Friend(s).
Here’s 07:10 PM and Hope You’re All Well and Thank You Very Much!
Buenas Noches
I would be interested, but I’m actually afraid for any database to have my DNA…I’m definitely paranoid…so many people want to find groups that possess some traits we have…If things were private not in a governmental database, or if I could find out my DNA anonymously I would…if anyone knows a discrete way to obtain DNA identification I would be interested. Although people may think we are not identified…I believe I was and marked in a hospital that was run by military….When strange things occur..that’s true….I believe its done so the honest look nuts…I know what I experienced, I know who I met, I know who was in charge…And I believe I was selected to have my blood or organs reserved for more important folk…I know these elite red head freckled piercing blue eyes new me and I was told as such…oh yes robin your b negative we all know your the royal bloodline…that’s .f.c..d..p! That is not normal conversation!!!!I was petrified…still am!
I am with you on this one Robin. Most would have seen Tarantino’s film Hostel.
Being O neg, I wouldn’t want to wind up chained in some Duke Dorian Gray’s cellar as some kind of blood milkling either. The mysteries of rh neg far outweigh the known expressed facts.
Currently though I feel Klaus Schwab’s production of Bill Gates’ ‘The Great Reset’ during the staged propagandademic Covert19, and our pending carrot dangle into cashless digital identity social credit slavery a far more prescient matter.