My first video ever was about this subject matter. It didn’t take long for me to eliminate such theory. I don’t dismiss immediately. I look for the science behind the claims. When I do, I decide to research further or drop it knowing there is nothing to it.
I was almost certain these theories would die down as more knowledge is gained. Not so. This is why, after years in the field, I have decided to compile a list of reasons why despite scientific evidence that rhesus negative blood comes from earth, many believe to be interested in the notion that rhesus negatives are descendants from aliens.
1) We are missing the D gene present also in the Rhesus Monkey of Asia. Of course: This can be a mutation or a simple gene deletion. Similar to blue eyes popping up out of nowhere around the Black Sea around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.
2) We are different. I have gone into this subject matter many times. We are different on many levels. It is making the alien notion plausible to some who are not interested in real research. It is easier to believe something than gather evidence. Even though I have yet to meet an rh negative who actually truly believes that we come from aliens. Usually it is more like a goof or cry for help if you will.
3) When people want to feel special, they tend not to look inward and find what is special, but rather look outward for validation. Someone telling you who and what you are seems to resonate more than what you feel about yourself. And when enough people come together in a common belief or rather pretense to believe, it tends to be that followers gather. Not always followers in terms of filling out a membership form, but rather allowing their own minds to take a break and take on a belief system someone else has created as well.
4) Trauma leads to escapism. Different types and different levels. Not all extreme. The extremer one would be when those claiming to have been sexually probed by aliens eventually reveal real life experiences of sexual abuse by the hands of family members. The desire to speak about that experience never dies, but the shame and fear won’t allow actual details to be spoken or even allow the victim to truly face the brutal realities of what has happened. Masking real life experiences with fantasy can get the attention craved to speak about these things without actually having to speak of what truly occurred. The fabrications of alien abductions can become very powerful when published reaching those also in need of masking certain trauma in their lives. Not always extreme, but usually around that region.
5) The power of repetition. Ever wonder why so many lies are so commonly accepted as fact? If people hear the same lie again and again and by many different people, it can become credible in their unconscious mind. And then there is the lower self-esteem of the individual vs. the crowd as in “who am I to doubt all of these people”. This pattern has developed early in life. Maybe as early as in Kindergarten where rather than just being ourselves, we adapted in order to make it in the crowd. Society is full of examples where people repeat things their minds don’t agree with. It almost becomes a joke how we accept what isn’t so. Therefore the ability and eagerness to distinct has decreased. It means that critical thinking has become an act of intense courage and in some cases perceived insanity. And I believe that all of us have experienced at one point more or less the viciousness of a crowd when you successfully question and challenge a false belief system which they have all come together to agree upon at one given point.
6) Even when we agree on being different, feeling differently and come together to a degree with these non-spoken agreements as it isn’t necessary to do so formally (rhesus negatives do tend to recognize and resonate with each others), it still requires a point of reference in terms of which box in society we can now alternatively fit in rather than just being and allowing ourselves to be. One box always available and easy to reach is the “insanity box”. Many rhesus negatives love to identify themselves as “the crazy ones” and even refer to us as “the crazy ones” which is why I can still hardly believe why anybody would want to be part of an online group even having the admin add the “we are the crazy ones” into the description. Would you stay in a group called “Nazi Youth of America”? By being on the list of members in such groups, you further the impression that many rhesus negatives believe in the theory advertised by the group. This grows the effect of minimizing individual thoughts and instead growing the perception that rhesus negative people are supposed to believe in aliens. I would openly admit to this being an example of beating yet another dead horse if the belief in the alien theory wasn’t on the rise. People I have met years ago are starting to believe it as more and more time goes by and they read about these things more and more while the opposition tends to be silent. This is why I feel the need to speak once again and hopefully for the last time. Comments are appreciated and if good ones come in, this post will be updated with additional information. But what I am looking for is not people agreeing with me. I am looking for people courageous enough to stand up in an online community to state “I am out, because… “. While rhesus negatives often pride themselves in terms of being free thinkers, “awake”, individualists and intuitive, I have yet to see the evidence of such on a higher level. The courageous ones seem to be part of a group of “similar believers” ready to back them up. And whenever I have spoken out, I have yet to see someone back me in public. People tend to message me in private which in my opinion is worse. Say nothing anywhere or say everything everywhere.
7) Hate-speech and attacks tend to follow those who speak their minds and I have had rhesus negative people explaining to me that the reason they don’t stand up to be heard is the fear of being exiled from a community they consider their “last hope” to connect with people at least on some level. The fear of being alone is something I personally have rarely felt, yet it seems that many people have it, be it rhesus positives or rhesus negatives. It is because of that that often I cannot relate to many rhesus negatives, yet I consider that the part of us which has adapted to the way society fears and thinks in general. If we all gotten to know each others as us, we would likely immediately distance ourselves from anyone trying to censor how we think.
8) The enemy’s enemy is our friend. This is why many of the alien groups create enemies. Be it “the Jews”, “Reptilians”, “Satanic Illuminati” or whatever else is given a supernatural power making you feel completely helpless thinking that without the support of the group identifying them, you are less than nothing. Usually, you disagreeing will result in labeling you as “one of them”. Imagine a world or even just a group where you can be without any fear. Normally, we identify a small group of friends as such who know us, won’t judge us, give thought to what we have to say. If in fact rhesus negative people are accepting and open, then a real group of rhesus negatives would likely be what we feel comfortable in. I have realized that most real rhesus negatives (online you simply don’t know who is and who isn’t just by someone claiming unless you let your own intuition overshadow misleading voices and claims of and by others) do not judge. When asked how I recognize rhesus negatives the most is by me speaking. I don’t think whether or not they are rhesus negative and simply continue talking about things I myself am interested in. I continue to do so. Usually I am being stopped by a reaction showing me that this is pointless. But once in a while I talk to someone where I continue to speak and not only am not stopped, but actually the other person chimes in with thought of their own. All of a sudden it just comes out: “Are you rhesus negative?”. At least 100 incidents like these have taken place in my life. Every single time the answer was “yes”. Coincidence? Of course not. But guess what: You tell too many people, they either call you crazy or they agree with you, but then try to put you into a box and make up things around it which in turn make my statement appear insane. I know from enough rhesus negative people, that similar things are taking place all of the time. Few speak about them. Mostly, rhesus negatives who are highly intuitive tend to speak to me in private. It is time to extend these conversations and let true rhesus negatives see how other rhesus negatives think. So I encourage all of you who have experienced certain things not usually spoken about to reveal at least one for other rhesus negatives to read. Be it here or elsewhere. “The crazy ones” is not a label any of you would wear unless someone had encouraged you to and you had gotten into the habit of sitting back and letting it happen. Rhesus negatives are not crazy. And we don’t need a label created in a world that hasn’t given us the space to grow which all of us crave. So who exactly are you trying to please? Someone who uses you to make us look nuts and keep us from having our voice heard? Or someone out there sincerely looking for information and people of similar mindsets (their own)… which by the way includes yourself. Your true and unfiltered self.
9) I am currently writing another article about real research, what I have learned from my own mistakes when conducting it and where I have noticed others heading into the wrong direction. This isn’t limited to anything alien related, but rather all of the things I have seen rhesus negatives accused of being. For example: The idea that rhesus negative people come from Atlantis is of course a farce, as Atlantis has never existed in the first place. It was a fabrication by Plato. Yet there are people believing that high rhesus negative presence around many locations by the Atlantic Ocean would mean there having been an island nation towards the west having made us all refugees from there when that island sank. Of course, I have discussed many times how ancient migrations occurred from for example the Yamnaya people who were high in rhesus negative blood. Studying blood type frequencies on the Canary Islands yet ignoring their ancient Yamnaya ancestry is not doing research. It is looking at selective research and filling in the blanks with a belief system if you conclude that their high rhesus negative frequencies come from the west where you have been lead to believe an island nation had once existed rather than from the east as true research has proven.
10) Media-driven propaganda. The creation of a myth sells and drives attention. This has been the case before media. So let’s go back a bit further:
Imagine you had never heard of aliens. Imagine you have never heard about any type of myth. Imagine then you see a meteor not knowing what it is. Would you guess its identity correctly? What if someone told you it was a spaceship?
This is likely what happened when ancient “priests” created the Sumerian Tablets. A belief was created. Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history. Some were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that can be readily seen with the naked eye, planetary conjunctions, or atmospheric optical phenomena such as parhelia and lenticular clouds. An example is Halley’s Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or other religious omens. Some current-day UFO researchers have noticed similarities between some religious symbols in medieval paintings and UFO reports though the canonical and symbolic character of such images is documented by art historians placing more conventional religious interpretations on such images. Long before aviation was possible, the idea of flying has been on many people’s minds.
In 1959, Carl Jung published Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.
Between 1561 and 1878, a total of three “sightings” were reported.
But by the 1950s, reporting a sighting became fashionable. Not only was the media in full swing, individual reports and most of all images were submitted en masse.
Have you wondered why main stream media is reluctant to talk about real rhesus negative issues, but is always ready to use us to promote the myths of UFOs and Atlantis?
Guess what: Carl Jung experienced the same thing in the late 1950s.
With his essay Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (1959), Carl Gustav Jung can be seen as one of the founding fathers of the PSH. Some also say that because of his use of the concept of synchronicity in this book, he is also one of the founding fathers of paranormal explanations of the UFO phenomena. ETH advocates sometimes say that while Jung approached UFOs psychologically because he was a psychologist, he was also on record as stating that some might be true physical objects under intelligent control, citing in particular radar corroboration. They say Jung truly seriously considered the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. The Associated Press quoted him in 1958 saying, “a purely psychological explanation is ruled out.” The flying saucers were real and “show signs of intelligent guidance and quasi-human pilots. I can only say for certain that these things are not a mere rumor, something has been seen. …If the extraterrestrial origin of these phenomena should be confirmed, this would prove the existence of an intelligent interplanetary relationship. … That the construction of these machines proves a scientific technique immensely superior to ours cannot be disputed.” Disciples of Jung have offered thoughtful rebuttals.
Jung risibly complained about that 1958 newspaper piece for making him look like someone who believed ufos were physically real. “This report is altogether false.” Jung was completely uncommitted on the issue of whether they were real or unreal. He tried to set the record straight. “I was quoted as a saucer believer. I issued a statement to the United Press and gave a true version of my opinion, but this time the wire went dead: nobody, so far as I know, took any notice of it, except one German newspaper… one must draw the conclusion that news affirming the existence of Ufos is welcome, but that skepticism seems to be undesirable. To believe that Ufos are real suits the general opinion, whereas disbelief is to be discouraged… This remarkable fact in itself surely merits the psychologist’s interest.”
Nothing has changed. Jung was brave enough to write about synchronicity, so he was immediately labeled as a “UFO nut”. I have experienced similar things first hand. The last sentence I have bolded is also very important to me which is why I have decided to write about the “why” rather than to wonder or complain. And for the record: I wasn’t aware of Jung’s work or experiences regarding UFOs until I have started writing this. To this day, you will find plenty of articles and YouTube videos where people claim that Carl Jung was a UFOlogist. The same is done with William Cooper, though years later he has set the record straight stating what he once saw was what he was meant to see and report as a UFO rather than examples of advanced military technology as he concluded it to have been. Is that why NASA every now and then decides to promote the notion that astronauts saw something that could have been an alien-driven object?
A dumbed down and confused society is easy to control. It is just very disappointing to me when I see rhesus negatives fall into this trap, especially when it is people who describe themselves as intuitive. It keeps me from believing that anything we feel uncomfortable with in society will ever significantly change. I do however respect and believe in personal choices. Only the right choices by the right people can make things better. Just like I have made mine, you need to make yours. It would be easy for me to be a sellout like a few rhesus negatives who have used this subject matter to make a name for themselves. It would be easy to make a great living misleading others. Somehow, I still believe that things will get better. At least for the small percentage of the world claiming to be more intuitive. As many of us do tend to be.
I have never been a worshipper of people. For example: I think that Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the most overrated lunatics in history. But there are things that he has stated that were very true. And just because Jung was right on the money in this one doesn’t mean I see eye to eye with him on everything. If I believed my writings were any less valid than Jung’s, I wouldn’t write. I would find something else to do. Something that hasn’t been done yet or say something that hasn’t been said yet. Or limit myself to mindlessly quoting others if they’ve impressed me. Copying is easy. Repeating is easy. So is thinking for yourself, but you need to do it and stick with it. Not get lost in something that sounds clever or that appears to be popular at the time.
Do you still believe that rhesus negative come from aliens? I am not trying to change your mind. I also do not want you to depend on me to keep your mind your own. If you depend on anyone for information, you are likely to be convinced otherwise should I decide to give my voice a break. I want to help you understand who you are and then be just that: Yourself. Look inside of you and use your intuition. Speak your voice and attract those who are ready to be themselves as well.
Belief systems can help towards discoveries if they are leading somewhere. If they lead nowhere, living in belief is a choice. It is ok to believe something. But is it your belief? Or are you simply adapting, repeating, living and sharing someone else’s?
A appreciate everyone who has managed to read through all of this. Feel free to quote and even interpret me any way you like. But please make sure to also link this article when you do.
And most of all I appreciate the ones who let their own minds guide them. You are unique. Don’t take yourselves for granted.
– Mike Dammann
Continue here: Why do so many rhesus negatives still believe that we come from aliens? II
excellent, thank you. I never connected to this “alien” concept, seems to me that if there were real aliens they would be positives, because, well, just look at how they treat the planet ( our home) and look at how they treat each other (salem witch trials) and look at the differences. Yes, I’m a misanthrope, you bet, I’ve met some of them. Kind of like voting, after you meet the candidates, do you still vote?
but this article once again, is right on, esp. #7. Rather than worry what country someone might think they are from, it doesn’t matter, the coast was the highway, and most coastal people from Norway to Istanbul are connected, maybe their ancestors knew each other or something. So, to believe that someone is “from a certain country” in today’s geography, doesn’t reflect the real depth of their own DNA, and where they are really from, who are the ancestors. Who do you connect with, who do you share your world view with, I need some tangible pragmatic reality checks to work with.
I’ve been fortunate, I’ve met about 20 compatibles in my lifetime. So today, I’m “the hermit” on top of that mountain, where building inspectors disappear, and very few people venture any more because of the dreadful rumours. LOL. I’m not trying to change their world view, they are terrified of mine.
So, this is very deep, compared to blood type science from lab tests, I don’t think that material matters. It’s about your psychic processes, recognizing others, and taking positive action when you do.
I am responding to your article by putting it within your writing. This ended up being easier for me because your article is lengthy and I had a lot of remarks. I am Rh -, A-. I have no way of proving this to you but hopefully my words will give me some authenticity.
My first video ever was about this subject matter. It didn’t take long for me to eliminate such theory. I don’t dismiss immediately. I look for the science behind the claims. When I do, I decide to research further or drop it knowing there is nothing to it. The problem that I have with scientific research (of any kind) is that it is all controlled before it is let out to the general public. I would assume that as an Rh – person, you should know this without ever seeing proof of it. It’s a common sense type of thing that is just known, regardless of what so called specialist say. Have you never heard a used car salesman speak before?
I was almost certain these theories would die down as more knowledge (This word is use far to often as a golden stamp but in reality means absolutely nothing because true knowledge is hidden.) is gained. Not so. This is why, after years in the field, I have decided to compile a list of reasons why despite scientific evidence (Also used to debunk things but are equally false.) that rhesus negative blood comes from earth, many believe to be interested in the notion that rhesus negatives are descendants from aliens. We are all, positive and negative blood types, product of alien creation through genetic manipulation of genes of beings here long ago. This aliens were called God’s but the were nothing more than alien space men and women. Come on and get real, would a real GOD require anything from us at all. The correct response is NO.
1) We are missing the D gene present also in the Rhesus Monkey of Asia. Of course: This can be a mutation or a simple gene deletion. Similar to blue eyes popping up out of nowhere around the Black Sea around 30,000 years ago. This came from something because nothing really just pops up out of nowhere. How many things have you seen just pop out of nothing, right in front of your eyes.
2) We are different. I have gone into this subject matter many times. We are different on many levels. It is making the alien notion plausible to some who are not interested in real research (Again not a truthful defining point for anything). It is easier to believe something than gather evidence (Evidence are things gathered to support a desired outcome. Have you never watched the sparing of two lawyers in court. Experts of the same fields who prove the exact opposite of what the other lawyer is stating). Even though I have yet to meet an rh negative who actually truly believes that we come from aliens. Usually it is more like a goof or cry for help if you will. Well, aren’t you the expert on everything, proving there are no gray areas within anything, only black and white. You really shouldn’t define anyone as being bat shit crazy, until you have lived in all of their shoes, first.
3) When people want to feel special, they tend not to look inward and find what is special, but rather look outward for validation. Someone telling you who and what you are seems to resonate more than what you feel about yourself. And when enough people come together in a common belief or rather pretense to believe, it tends to be that followers gather. Not always followers in terms of filling out a membership form, but rather allowing their own minds to take a break and take on a belief system someone else has created as well. I do have to agree with you here BUT I believe that it is so for the sheepeople of the world. I hope that the Rh -s are above this but I have nothing to go because as far as I know, I don’t know any Rh -s personally. I’m sure that many Rh -s get wrapped up in societies social traps. I only hope that they see what’s wrong and are or will be working to find a better way for themselves.
4) Trauma leads to escapism. Different types and different levels. Not all extreme. The extremer one would be when those claiming to have been sexually probed by aliens eventually reveal real life experiences of sexual abuse by the hands of family members (There may be some truth to this BUT not as a total package. I bet that you have made no friends with this statement.). The desire to speak about that experience never dies, but the shame and fear won’t allow actual details to be spoken or even allow the victim to truly face the brutal realities of what has happened. Masking real life experiences with fantasy can get the attention craved to speak about these things without actually having to speak of what truly occurred. The fabrications of alien abductions can become very powerful when published reaching those also in need of masking certain trauma in their lives. Not always extreme, but usually around that region.
5) The power of repetition. Ever wonder why so many lies are so commonly accepted as fact? If people hear the same lie again and again and by many different people, it can become credible in their unconscious mind. (This is true on every level. Look at any TV news clip, commercials, and so called true documentary, continuous lies pushing false truths for their agendas.) And then there is the lower self-esteem of the individual vs. the crowd as in “who am I to doubt all of these people”. This pattern has developed early in life. Maybe as early as in Kindergarten where rather than just being ourselves, we adapted in order to make it in the crowd. Society is full of examples where people repeat things their minds don’t agree with. It almost becomes a joke how we accept what isn’t so. Therefore the ability and eagerness to distinct has decreased. It means that critical thinking has become an act of intense courage and in some cases perceived insanity. And I believe that all of us have experienced at one point more or less the viciousness of a crowd when you successfully question and challenge a false belief system which they have all come together to agree upon at one given point. Social mass control, a brain washing of the masses. I saw something that I couldn’t believe, a crowd that was being forced and lead to repeat what they were going to do while protesting a legislators office, during the supreme Court nominee hearings, over and over again. Sheepeople being herded in plain sight. Very sickening.
6) Even when we agree on being different, feeling differently and come together to a degree with these non-spoken agreements as it isn’t necessary to do so formally (rhesus negatives do tend to recognize and resonate with each others), it still requires a point of reference in terms of which box in society we can now alternatively fit in rather than just being and allowing ourselves to be. One box always available and easy to reach is the “insanity box”. Many rhesus negatives love to identify themselves as “the crazy ones” and even refer to us as “the crazy ones” which is why I can still hardly believe why anybody would want to be part of an online group even having the admin add the “we are the crazy ones” into the description (I don’t have any experience with other Rh -s but this sounds 100% wrong. I tell people that they are crazy, stupid, and straight up wrong and I thank god that I am not like them because they are TOTALLY WRONG, not me. They are the ones doing all of the wrong things that is allowing the powers to be to concrete their control over them). Would you stay in a group called “Nazi Youth of America”? By being on the list of members in such groups, you further the impression that many rhesus negatives believe in the theory advertised by the group. This grows the effect of minimizing individual thoughts and instead growing the perception that rhesus negative people are supposed to believe in aliens. I would openly admit to this being an example of beating yet another dead horse if the belief in the alien theory wasn’t on the rise. People I have met years ago are starting to believe it as more and more time goes by and they read about these things more and more while the opposition tends to be silent. This is why I feel the need to speak once again and hopefully for the last time (It won’t be for the last time because on this point, you are straight up wrong. I have no proof for you but true common sense is that there are alien space beings, like it or not. Another curve for you, there have been thousands of human and pre-human societies way before this one that we have right now. Proof, nothing that you would consider but truth just the same. The Hindu writings were not fable make believe writings but chronicles of actual things that happened.). Comments are appreciated and if good ones come in, this post will be updated with additional information. But what I am looking for is not people agreeing with me. I am looking for people courageous enough to stand up in an online community to state “I am out, because… “. While rhesus negatives often pride themselves in terms of being free thinkers, “awake”, individualists and intuitive, I have yet to see the evidence of such on a higher level. The courageous ones seem to be part of a group of “similar believers” ready to back them up. And whenever I have spoken out, I have yet to see someone back me in public. People tend to message me in private which in my opinion is worse. Say nothing anywhere or say everything everywhere. Remember, your audience are probably and mostly just normal people trying to find more information on what makes them so different from everyone else. They haven’t invested anywhere near the amount of time and energy and self as you have. They are looking in the dark hoping to not be seen but still learn. You would probably get less hate mail if you wouldn’t label them as crazy stupid wrong idiots, my language not yours but I hope that you got the point. They are asking you for help, don’t be the teacher who slaps them on the hand for speaking out.
7) Hate-speech and attacks tend to follow those who speak their minds and I have had rhesus negative people explaining to me that the reason they don’t stand up to be heard is the fear of being exiled from a community they consider their “last hope” to connect with people at least on some level. The fear of being alone is something I personally have rarely felt, yet it seems that many people have it, be it rhesus positives or rhesus negatives. It is because of that that often I cannot relate to many rhesus negatives, yet I consider that the part of us which has adapted to the way society fears and thinks in general. If we all gotten to know each others as us, we would likely immediately distance ourselves from anyone trying to censor how we think. As far as being alone, as I have mentioned, I know no other Rh -s. Because of that, I prefer to be alone because dealing with the sheepeople is VERY taxing on my soul and nerves. I have to deal with them in work and that gets to be too much. I hurt myself by not being sheepeople towards them but I can’t stand being or acting sheepeople. I’m pretty sure that it might be non-Rh – people that causes a lot of your irritation (no proof of any of them actually being Rh -).
8) The enemy’s enemy is our friend. This is why many of the alien groups create enemies. Be it “the Jews”, “Reptilians”, “Satanic Illuminati” or whatever else is given a supernatural power making you feel completely helpless thinking that without the support of the group identifying them, you are less than nothing. Usually, you disagreeing will result in labeling you as “one of them”. Imagine a world or even just a group where you can be without any fear. Normally, we identify a small group of friends as such who know us, won’t judge us, give thought to what we have to say. If in fact rhesus negative people are accepting and open, then a real group of rhesus negatives would likely be what we feel comfortable in. I have realized that most real rhesus negatives (online you simply don’t know who is and who isn’t just by someone claiming unless you let your own intuition overshadow misleading voices and claims of and by others) do not judge. When asked how I recognize rhesus negatives the most is by me speaking. I don’t think whether or not they are rhesus negative and simply continue talking about things I myself am interested in. I continue to do so. Usually I am being stopped by a reaction showing me that this is pointless. But once in a while I talk to someone where I continue to speak and not only am not stopped, but actually the other person chimes in with thought of their own. All of a sudden it just comes out: “Are you rhesus negative?”. At least 100 incidents like these have taken place in my life. Every single time the answer was “yes”. Coincidence? Of course not. But guess what: You tell too many people, they either call you crazy or they agree with you, but then try to put you into a box and make up things around it which in turn make my statement appear insane. I know from enough rhesus negative people, that similar things are taking place all of the time. Few speak about them. Mostly, rhesus negatives who are highly intuitive tend to speak to me in private. It is time to extend these conversations and let true rhesus negatives see how other rhesus negatives think. So I encourage all of you who have experienced certain things not usually spoken about to reveal at least one for other rhesus negatives to read. Be it here or elsewhere. “The crazy ones” is not a label any of you would wear unless someone had encouraged you to and you had gotten into the habit of sitting back and letting it happen. Rhesus negatives are not crazy. And we don’t need a label created in a world that hasn’t given us the space to grow which all of us crave. So who exactly are you trying to please? Someone who uses you to make us look nuts and keep us from having our voice heard? Or someone out there sincerely looking for information and people of similar mindsets (their own)… which by the way includes yourself. Your true and unfiltered self. I believe that real Rh -s are all Alfa in nature. I would imagine that this may actually keep us from being a strong social committee. There is usually only one Alfa in a group. To become the Alfa, one starts out as a Beta, in a field of Betas (usually younger people who are learning). This too can be a part of your frustration with others.
9) I am currently writing another article about real research, what I have learned from my own mistakes when conducting it and where I have noticed others heading into the wrong direction. This isn’t limited to anything alien related, but rather all of the things I have seen rhesus negatives accused of being. For example: The idea that rhesus negative people come from Atlantis is of course a farce, as Atlantis has never existed in the first place. It was a fabrication by Plato (Not all of the writings of ancient writers are 100% fabrications. Hindu and Sumerian writings and they are not fictional but did use different names of the same things and people.). Yet there are people believing that high rhesus negative presence around many locations by the Atlantic Ocean would mean there having been an island nation towards the west having made us all refugees from there when that island sank. Of course, I have discussed many times how ancient migrations (Humanity did not come out of Africa and I don’t care what the so called experts say. Their proof is only assumptions at best.) occurred from for example the Yamnaya people who were high in rhesus negative blood. Studying blood type frequencies on the Canary Islands yet ignoring their ancient Yamnaya ancestry is not doing research. It is looking at selective research and filling in the blanks with a belief system (Exactly what all of them have done and this has given a totally false history.) if you conclude that their high rhesus negative frequencies come from the west where you have been lead to believe an island nation had once existed rather than from the east as true research has proven.
10) Media-driven propaganda (Along with governments and that is exactly why our so called history is a total farce.). The creation of a myth sells and drives attention. This has been the case before media. So let’s go back a bit further:
Imagine you had never heard of aliens. Imagine you have never heard about any type of myth. Imagine then you see a meteor not knowing what it is. Would you guess its identity correctly? What if someone told you it was a spaceship? I would have to ask, what is a spaceship?
This is likely what happened when ancient “priests” created the Sumerian Tablets. A belief was created. Unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout history. Some were undoubtedly astronomical in nature: comets, bright meteors, one or more of the five planets that can be readily seen with the naked eye, planetary conjunctions, or atmospheric optical phenomena such as parhelia and lenticular clouds. An example is Halley’s Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or other religious omens. Some current-day UFO researchers have noticed similarities between some religious symbols in medieval paintings and UFO reports though the canonical and symbolic character of such images is documented by art historians placing more conventional religious interpretations on such images. Long before aviation was possible, the idea of flying has been on many people’s minds. Probably because they actually saw flying craft. I’m sure that they could tell the difference between a bird and something else. If you are going to be so close minded and believe that what you read is actually factual, that is your problem and that would make me think that you are not actually Rh -. Just a thought.
In 1959, Carl Jung published Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.
Between 1561 and 1878, a total of three “sightings” were reported. by the 1950s, reporting a sighting But became fashionable. Not only was the media in full swing, individual reports and most of all images were submitted en masse.
Have you wondered why main stream media is reluctant to talk about real rhesus negative issues, but is always ready to use us to promote the myths of UFOs and Atlantis?
Guess what: Carl Jung experienced the same thing in the late 1950s.
With his essay Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (1959), Carl Gustav Jung can be seen as one of the founding fathers of the PSH. Some also say that because of his use of the concept of synchronicity in this book, he is also one of the founding fathers of paranormal explanations of the UFO phenomena. ETH advocates sometimes say that while Jung approached UFOs psychologically because he was a psychologist, he was also on record as stating that some might be true physical objects under intelligent control, citing in particular radar corroboration. They say Jung truly seriously considered the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. The Associated Press quoted him in 1958 saying, “a purely psychological explanation is ruled out.” The flying saucers were real and “show signs of intelligent guidance and quasi-human pilots. I can only say for certain that these things are not a mere rumor, something has been seen. …If the extraterrestrial origin of these phenomena should be confirmed, this would prove the existence of an intelligent interplanetary relationship. … That the construction of these machines proves a scientific technique immensely superior to ours cannot be disputed.” Disciples of Jung have offered thoughtful rebuttals.
Jung risibly complained about that 1958 newspaper piece for making him look like someone who believed ufos were physically real. “This report is altogether false.” Jung was completely uncommitted on the issue of whether they were real or unreal. He tried to set the record straight. “I was quoted as a saucer believer. I issued a statement to the United Press and gave a true version of my opinion, but this time the wire went dead: nobody, so far as I know, took any notice of it, except one German newspaper… one must draw the conclusion that news affirming the existence of Ufos is welcome, but that skepticism seems to be undesirable. To believe that Ufos are real suits the general opinion, whereas disbelief is to be discouraged… This remarkable fact in itself surely merits the psychologist’s interest.”
Nothing has changed. Jung was brave enough to write about synchronicity, so he was immediately labeled as a “UFO nut”. I have experienced similar things first hand. The last sentence I have bolded is also very important to me which is why I have decided to write about the “why” rather than to wonder or complain. And for the record: I wasn’t aware of Jung’s work or experiences regarding UFOs until I have started writing this. To this day, you will find plenty of articles and YouTube videos where people claim that Carl Jung was a UFOlogist. The same is done with William Cooper, though years later he has set the record straight stating what he once saw was what he was meant to see and report as a UFO rather than examples of advanced military technology as he concluded it to have been. Is that why NASA every now and then decides to promote the notion that astronauts saw something that could have been an alien-driven object?
A dumbed down and confused society is easy to control (This is a very true statement that our government is strongly shooting for.). It is just very disappointing to me when I see rhesus negatives fall into this trap, especially when it is people who describe themselves as intuitive. It keeps me from believing that anything we feel uncomfortable with in society will ever significantly change. I do however respect and believe in personal choices. Only the right choices by the right people can make things better. Just like I have made mine, you need to make yours. It would be easy for me to be a sellout like a few rhesus negatives who have used this subject matter to make a name for themselves. It would be easy to make a great living misleading others. Somehow, I still believe that things will get better. At least for the small percentage of the world claiming to be more intuitive. As many of us do tend to be.
I have never been a worshipper of people. For example: I think that Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the most overrated lunatics in history. But there are things that he has stated that were very true. And just because Jung was right on the money in this one doesn’t mean I see eye to eye with him on everything. If I believed my writings were any less valid than Jung’s, I wouldn’t write. I would find something else to do. Something that hasn’t been done yet or say something that hasn’t been said yet. Or limit myself to mindlessly quoting others if they’ve impressed me. Copying is easy. Repeating is easy. So is thinking for yourself, but you need to do it and stick with it. Not get lost in something that sounds clever or that appears to be popular at the time.
Do you still believe that rhesus negative come from aliens? I am not trying to change your mind. I also do not want you to depend on me to keep your mind your own. If you depend on anyone for information, you are likely to be convinced otherwise should I decide to give my voice a break. I want to help you understand who you are and then be just that: Yourself. Look inside of you and use your intuition. Speak your voice and attract those who are ready to be themselves as well.
Belief systems can help towards discoveries if they are leading somewhere. If they lead nowhere, living in belief is a choice. It is ok to believe something. But is it your belief? Or are you simply adapting, repeating, living and sharing someone else’s?
A appreciate everyone who has managed to read through all of this. Feel free to quote and even interpret me any way you like. But please make sure to also link this article when you do.
And most of all I appreciate the ones who let their own minds guide them. You are unique. Don’t take yourselves for granted.
– Mike Dammann
My writings above are based on my belief of what sounds more true compared to what others say is true, just because of their credentials. The same masters control the licensing of credentials and I never believe anything the masters say. I look at things and judge what sounds like common sense to me, not to the common sheepeople of the world.
Take Care,
Mike…oh dear, you have missed the most important information to try and prove your arguement. That is genetics.
Our genome has been interfered so that we have ended up with just 46 chromosomes compared to that of 48 from primates.
If you’re not a gatekeeper or an ignoramous you will take your time to lisiten to the most important eight minutes of irrefutable genetic evidence concerning human origins.
Now what were you saying again…Rh negs are not stupid.
Hi Hilary. Not only am I not a “gatekeeper”, I also do not allow material from “gatekeepers” on this blog. This blog is science driven and while it might be the only one out there about rhesus negative people, let’s not forget that we do not allow the same attitude of misleading our readers that most rhesus negative groups which came after me seem to have adapted as the norm. I will leave you with a quick sentence from the bio of the person whose video you believe to have given you the best 8 minutes of your life:
He graduated in 1968 with a B.S. in psychology and joined the United States Army as a military intelligence specialist.
His “Starchild DNA” theory has been proven to be complete nonsense by every single scientist who has ever bothered to get into it. Read up on simple gene deletion. And mutations. Blue eyes have only been around a few thousand years and that mutation took place on earth around the Black Sea region. Do you believe blue eyed aliens came down and gotten brown eyed earth women pregnant? Have you bothered reading this article? If not please do so before you comment.
Actually … is irrefutable evidence that there has been alien presence on this planet. I see you have not shown the … video of genetic evidence showing we are irrefutably the result of genetic intervention.
I have got nothing to lose by being banned here because I already know the truth and I know what you are doing to suppress the evidence. Mainstream science…Wakkypedia etc…yeah they’re squeeky clean…nothing to worry about and learn to love your slavery and censorship. I wonder if you’re on the payroll yet.
Again, your accusations speak volumes. Not about me, but about you. I would like you to drop an actual study. Not another YouTube video. If you show real evidence, I will share it. If it’s just another attempt to get readers to pay attention to nonsense… this is not the place.
If you(plural also) really care to study this and use logic then it all makes sense. It takes time to go through it all, so take the time please.
It’s so much easier to discredit the man ‘s work when the system has done it already. Why be another copy and disregard the facts like everyone else!
It is thought by those who really knew … that he was killed by weaponised cancer.
I am using logic. You are asking me to buy into a belief. In order for me to discredit someone, this person first has to have been credited. This person has never once been credited even by individual scientists. Every scientist and reasonable non-scientist was able to see through the fabrications and inconsistencies. Would you accuse me of discrediting L. Ron Hubbard for expressing that Scientology is nonsense? Again: Are you being paid to go around and promote someone else’s fabrications? Bring me evidence and a real study. Then we talk.
Stupid is not the right term. Gullible is. Or… since you’ve brought it up: Are YOU a gatekeeper? Or are you simply easily impressed or intrigued?
And one more thing: You calling me a gatekeeper or ignoramus for rattling your belief is not that different from burning a “witch” for questioning the church.
… and genetic proof of intervention is science based and used forensic analysis. It’s not about BE-[ LIE ]-F.
Mike, you may think you know it all, but you I’m afraid you don’t…no one does. But there is a method of proving something is real or not.’s called the trivium. know the method that’s no longer mentioned and instead is replaced by a system which makes the rules up as it goes along. As for grabbing that preverbial medieval pitch-fork, you know this is a complete exaggeration.
Do you really care about the evidence, I mean really!
If I knew it all, I wouldn’t spend my time researching and finding research that has been overlooked or isn’t looked at as so many rhesus negatives with a mind are busy discussing belief systems. If anyone claims that his videos are science based then by all means, show me the study in I have actually had a study published in there. If you believe that someone is an actual scientists and everything he claims is science based, then you would expect for him to have at least one major study published, right? One that shows actual evidence. So where is it?
Ha, ha…do you think they would have allowed him to publish a study in there Mike?
You are referring to a failed science fiction writer who has created a belief system. Ring a bell? L. Ron Hubbard? And what is all this talk about payroll? Are you being paid to promote such theories? Everyone can get published if they are able to provide evidence. There are strict guidelines, but if properly followed, you get published. You are promoting someone who has zero evidence. Only PsyOp training. You are buying into a pointless theory and promote it as fact. That is exactly why in the past few years rhesus negatives have stopped talking about what matters. Yes, you may say those falling into the trap deserve to. But this blog is a safe haven for rhesus negatives who want real research. Be it mine or someone else’s. We don’t follow belief systems. There are plenty of places out there for it. So once again: You are welcome to present anything that has real evidence attached. Not only will I be happy to approve the comment, I will actually share it actively for others to look at. Do you have anything that fits these guidelines? Not videos, not words, not claims that there is something where nothing is. I think you are now getting my point.
Thank goodness, Mike……I am grateful to read common sense articles about this blood type. I am seeing that there are many common traits displayed by negatives, both physically and intellectually but have been surprised and even disheartened by the amount of people on the FB RH negative pages who seem to thrive on the irrational concepts of alien origin. This said I suppose all life on earth is “alien” as science surmises that evolution started with seeding from outer space…I think that’s as alien as we get…..
I don’t get your last part
Where did you get that from?
Mike, I see why you are hosting this site now…you are very good at attempting to debunk and discredit anyone that challenged the status quo on what is accepted as the knowledge on human origins. I know the patter which your training has given you…but I’m afraid you have someone here that’s seen all this long before.
Don’t you have a conscience when you restrict the knowledge people deserve to know about when it comes to our true origins!
I rest my case.
Media and governments actually encourage belief in aliens. Disagreement gets you censored. As happened to me yesterday. Isn’t it enough that almost every rhesus negative shill group promotes your beliefs or rather the beliefs you (are paid to?) advertise? Don’t you think rhesus negative people deserve at least one website where you can read about what is rather than having a bunch of shills and paid posters promote a theory? My search is real, which is why I my conscience is clean. You appear to accuse me of everything you are actually doing? I suggest you read up on real research once in a while. It may protect you from falling into the traps, unless of course you are a part of the system paid to create and promote beliefs. So yes, I am turning this right back where it comes from: Do you, Hilary, have no conscience misleading rhesus negative people? People come here for answers regarding pregnancies, miscarriages, autism, blood shortages and want to get answers on medical conditions. People desperate for answers wind up on Google and see top 10 results all about the type of nonsense you (are paid to?) promote. If indeed, as I suspect, you get paid for this knowing it’s nonsense, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you are so confused that you actually mean what you say, you should get centered and forget the things you mindlessly repeat. You would be surprised what good you can do with the time you are wasting right now and the people’s time you are wasting alongside with that.
You should be thankful towards me. Every time I make a post like this one, several of you are put to work to report my posts to Facebook, leaving meaningless and misleading comments, share videos promoting fantasies. Because of people like me, you have a job. So show enough respect and put some mind behind your message.
Mike, I don’t think the “aliens” faction is being paid. They are fanatics. Their “pay”-off comes from being noticed. They strongly remind me of religious fanatics (ufology is one of the new religions of our day).
You know how strongly religious people button-hole you and spout their beliefs at you, whether you want to hear them or not? It doesn’t even help to say politely “I’ve heard all this before and it’s not for me…” – they just talk over you. Beware of the person who pushes you into a corner at a party, saying “I want to SHARE something with you”. This sharing will consist of RAMMING their favourite idea down your throat.
They even all LOOK the same! They tilt their heads towards you slightly, and gaze at you fixedly and earnestly, with a faint and slightly sickly fake smile curves above their chin… look above you on this page, Mike – does my description fit?? These are the new proselytisers. Do you see the anxiety in their eyes?
I’ve been careful not to mention a specific (traditional) religion…