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I think between death shots, pure bloods and Tons of other reasons, it doesn’t seem wise. I have AB Neg. Blood
I probably should keep a supply for myself I don’t even want to needle going in my arm I don’t trust any of these people anymore no way no shape no form no how
O second every word you said. I’m the same.
I totally agree.
I think.l know the answer to this question. About six months ago l read a feature, can’t recall which paper, mag’, or site, but, it was saying that Rhesus Negative blood is being sold on the black.market, at a very high price, and the people giving blood were kidnapped and held prisoners, tied to beds, by gangs in China, and quite literally being forced to donate on a regular cycle, causing them to become seriously emaciated, and ill. And researchers tracking these donations, had discovered this was frequent, that Rhesus Negative blood was like gold to illegal traders of our life force liquid. Especially Group O Neg’. My late father’s group. The ‘petfect’ blood that every type can have. The rarity of Neg’ all groups, makes it extremely highly priced. My first instinct was, ‘if l were a donar, that revelation would make me quit.’ l’m guessing many like me read it, and did quit.
From what I was told a couple of years ago that the blood was not separated from the jabbed blood and the ones of us not jabbed. I pray I won’t need a transfusion for any reason.
In my life, most people I have known, that when the discussion came up in, donate. I have mostly maintained the opinion, since the discussion was first had when getting my driver license, that ticking that box, or donating should be considered at length before comitting.
The process is pierce the skin with needle, remove blood, file away correct? So, at the point of puncture, nothing goes in after the skin in broken? Nothing contaminates if you will? I have been told no.
When compared to a cut, say you get a papercut or something. Well, one needs to clean said thing, wrap it in some way, protect it from getting debri ect.. and let heal right?
How does that not also apply in the above example? I have yet to recocile the practice as stated vs the practice as is I know it in real life. So, I have abstained from donation.
As per Vaccination.
These were my questions years ago (late 1990’s-early 20’s)………….
Did you make this product?
Were you present when this product was made?
Do you personally know where this comes from?
Do you personally know what is in this vial?
What are the ingredients in this vaccine? All of them. I will need a list as I will need to verify these statements. Later on it was…Please include the Patent #s.
Are you giving me your personal gaurantee that what you say about this vaccine is authentic?
If so, I will need you to provide me with your references and I will need a signature to this effect.
Will you confirm, if there is harm that can arise from this vaccine, that you personally will be advancing financial assistance to offset this harm, as you yourself is recommending it, not Merck? If not, then please reconcile. If there is no chance of liability from a vaccine, then you have no reason to fear any financial liability from recommending it.
I await your answers, and then we can proceed……
–I am still waiting.
What if it is because of taking the COVID vaccine, health issues are preventing people from donating? I feel unwell most days now (stomach issues) and they want you to be healthy when you give blood.
I asked these same questions of family and friends whenever the thrid degree arose. Turns out…they dont know either…and never thought to ask.
Whatever, it shuts down the whole thing pretty fast. Usually with a huff and “well, they’re the experts”. Ya. Ok. Expert of what?. Please explain what expert in this case is defined as.
I dont expand any further with these types. It is a waste of time. And I don’t need to explain to anyone, that which themselves, cannot readily define nor answer.
People who question, explain to those why they question. What they should consider, is rather than explaining their viewpoint, just skip streight to asking the questions needed to shut down the conversation entirely. So, they can then move on in their lives. Until which time a satisfactory answer is provided, and can be referenced in entierty, there is no more conversation that can take place on the matter.
If we have to sign a consent form to get them, then it is well within our rights to have them also sign a statement attesting to the “facts” that they attest and represent as true fact. It would be labeled under contract law. And more people should consider that when they sign the form, and do not request a signature in return. It then becomes one sided. The burden of proof now rests on the patient. I doubt any authority would ever sign such a thing. And therein, is the tell.
What if it is because of taking the COVID vaccine, health issues are preventing people from donating? I feel unwell most days now (stomach issues) and they want you to be healthy when you give blood.