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I think between death shots, pure bloods and Tons of other reasons, it doesn’t seem wise. I have AB Neg. Blood
I probably should keep a supply for myself I don’t even want to needle going in my arm I don’t trust any of these people anymore no way no shape no form no how
O second every word you said. I’m the same.
I think.l know the answer to this question. About six months ago l read a feature, can’t recall which paper, mag’, or site, but, it was saying that Rhesus Negative blood is being sold on the black.market, at a very high price, and the people giving blood were kidnapped and held prisoners, tied to beds, by gangs in China, and quite literally being forced to donate on a regular cycle, causing them to become seriously emaciated, and ill. And researchers tracking these donations, had discovered this was frequent, that Rhesus Negative blood was like gold to illegal traders of our life force liquid. Especially Group O Neg’. My late father’s group. The ‘petfect’ blood that every type can have. The rarity of Neg’ all groups, makes it extremely highly priced. My first instinct was, ‘if l were a donar, that revelation would make me quit.’ l’m guessing many like me read it, and did quit.