Anemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues. Having anemia can make you feel tired and weak. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe.
Before the introduction of prophylactic treatment in 1968, a positive frequency dependent selection systematically penalized the less abundant allele because lots of children of RhD-negative women in the mostly RhD-positive population as well as children of RhD- positive men in the mostly RhD-positive population were dying of hemolytic anemia.
RhD negative men more often reported certain mental health disorders including panic disorders, antisocial personality disorders and attention deficits, ticks, fasciculation, thyroiditis, immunity disorders, allergies, especially skin allergies, excessive bleedings, anemia, osteoporosis, liver disease, infectious diseases and acute diarrhea diseases, while they less often reported gall bladder attacks, coeliac disease, maldigestion, malabsobtion, warts, some types of cancers and prostate hypertrophy. RhD negative women reported more frequently psoriasis, constipation and diarrheas, ischemic diseases, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancers, lymphatic nodes swelling, vitamin B deficiency, thrombosis, tonsil stones, too high sex desire, precocious puberty, urinary tract infections, scoliosis and they less often reported hearing loss, weight loss, hypoglycemia, glaucoma, fasciculation and warts.
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Thank you!
Everything is making more sense now!! I a Relatively healthy 55 yr.old woman. Dont smoke. I drink water stay limited on alchohol consumption. My diet is fair…
The one problem I had all through my teens well into my late 30’s
Was my menstrual cycle..I always said , If I were a horse they would have shot me!!
Just hellacious bleeding , to the point that I wanted to give up on my life!
Doctors found no reasons why?
No answers at all for me.
I nearly died after my twins were born via C- Section. Post op recovery I bled out..they didnt know why or maybe they did and couldn’t say?,
Again no answers…for a week I struggled to stay coherent not wanting a transfusion. I was terrified it would give me Aids. I finally had one . I survived…
Went on to have two more beautiful boys . That’s a total of 5 boys one girl
After my last pregnancy my problem was even worse.., for two years ( no lie) every single day!!! I shouldn’t be alive! Trying to deal with a failing marriage,5 boys , a mother in law work and my daily chores, I got help !
Dr. Kerry Sweeting came on my news feed with a new procedure..
Urteriun Ablation.
It the single best thing I’ve ever done for myself! I never new my RH Negitive blood type could have been the cause?
Could you please put an article together for those girls out there that are suffering and going crazy trying to find the answers to their problem menstrual cycle?
No girl or woman should ever go through what I’ve been through!
Love reading your post!
We are a unique breed!!! 😁
These are important and significant topics for all Rh negs. I would prefer different and clearer wording in the second paragraph. The Rh negative condition is an inherited trait rooted in gene deletion. In that sense it is no more a disease than any other physical trait. Nobody would call hair color a disease ! Rh incompatibility is very real and an accurate term, but I think that “Rh disease” is misleading. It is also misleading to think that our RH condition is only medically significant for Rh negative mothers carrying RH positive children.
I see that the Red Cross of Philadelphia has a Molecular testing for RHD and RHCE. See
for details.
Testing requires physician approval. Does anybody have any experience with having this done?
I will be making the case to my physician at the the end of this month.
The info. from the Red Cross DOES give us lots of very helpful info. on RH Neg…notably variations by ethnicity.
They describe a commercially available genotype panel “for research use only”.
It would be helpful to find out who provides that and what their research is about.
It may be hard to get a test if one is not an Rh Neg mom or transfusion recipient.
I am making the case that I need to know ahead of any possible transfusion need.
I am Rh negative ,also have iron overload. My sister also Rh neg and iron overload.
My parents have both passed now. One or both must have carry the gene. My Dad had Rh negative blood . My younger sister does not have Rh neg blood or iron overload. My brother not willing to get tasted.
I find it all very interesting, the comments list . Maybe the talk about use, is true we are from outer space. I wish!!!!! This is how all the story’s starts the fact, that 17% of the world population has a different blood-type.